Originally Posted by Daliman
Ok, instead of just trying to be funny, how about pointing out why I might be wrong? I don't ever play this deep, and most of what I see about doing so tells me overraise your big hands to kill odds. Your post did no analysis other than to say "fold, he has AA usually", and didn;t address any other streets at all. Others said he needs to raise more earlier, yet you choose my post to bash?
a. bet/raising bigger to make a guy fold 2 outs doesn't make any sense
b. doing it because you are deep and want to avoid "difficult" decisions is dumb
c. bet/raising bigger in this particular hand would not have made the guy fold AA/KK so you would be in the exact same situation except his bet would be allin instead of 3/4 pot
d. i hope i'm being leveled, i thought you were good at this game