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HSNL FF league sign ups (.5ks+) HSNL FF league sign ups (.5ks+)

08-24-2015 , 03:39 AM
gonna pm people for escrows in the 2.5k looks like thats filled hopefully we can get the 5k filled too. im in bacelona until the 31st will have more time to organize by then, is everyone ok with draft being sometime first week of september?
08-24-2015 , 03:43 AM
i think we are going to allow trades and me/kyle will veto ones that are unfair? we have done it like that in the past with no issues unless someone objects
08-24-2015 , 05:00 PM
I'm cool with that on the trades...

PM sent back with dates / times that work for me.
08-24-2015 , 10:40 PM
Im down for the 5k, depending when draft is.
08-25-2015 , 12:32 PM
Would prefer 5k. Any way we can do the draft next week?
08-25-2015 , 12:53 PM
If a 5k auction runs I could potentially be interested
08-25-2015 , 02:23 PM
Actually, probably not this year
08-25-2015 , 03:38 PM
If 5k auction is all that has a chance of running I guess I'll be in.
08-26-2015 , 11:12 PM
Any update on 5k snake? could probably get 1 or 2 others if needed
08-27-2015 , 09:57 PM
I would do a 2.5k snake or auction, lmk if someone backs out of snake or maybe we could do 14

also if anyone wants a 1k snake or auction message me
08-28-2015 , 04:16 AM
hey been busy playing in barcelona, ill have some free time today but i think a few pulled out of the 2.5k snake so bron you prob have a spot
08-28-2015 , 08:43 AM
If the 5k isn't going to run and you need another for 2.5 snake count me in
08-28-2015 , 03:18 PM
I'll do 2.5 snake if no auctions run.
08-29-2015 , 03:50 PM
I would be in for any snake draft if there's any spots open. I've been in a couple leagues here each of the last few years.
08-30-2015 , 09:37 AM
I let Jason know that the guy I was going to do the league with bailed so probably one extra spot in the 2.5k snake. If for any reason it can't be filled I'll play.
08-30-2015 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by jfitzpatrick23
Would prefer 5k. Any way we can do the draft next week?
Works for me. Let's do this!
08-31-2015 , 06:58 AM
Alright what day this week we going to do this?
08-31-2015 , 02:55 PM
Can we summarize what is running and what spots are free?
08-31-2015 , 04:35 PM
hey on my way back from barcelona ill try to get some stuff sorted tonight when i get home
09-01-2015 , 10:01 PM
think i will try to have the draft for the 2.5k at tuesday night, lmk what the best time is everyone. think there are spots open so anyone that can make a draft at that time lmk
09-01-2015 , 10:11 PM
actually thursday night
09-01-2015 , 11:47 PM
Thursday like in two days or next thursday?
09-02-2015 , 03:43 AM
actually talked to a few people, season starts already on thursday so wed the 9th 9pm est, lmk if that works
09-02-2015 , 08:17 AM
Wed night (9/9) is good for me.

How many spots are open for the 2.5K snake? We think we can fill it?
09-02-2015 , 11:44 AM
So is this 2.5k or 5k? Either way count me in for next Wednesday
