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High Stakes High Stakes

04-22-2012 , 11:17 AM
Wow i use to be inspired by the high stakes actions of poker.Just the thrill of being at the table was enough for me.But in reality poker isnt never reality i always wondered if i had what it took to become a pro.I showed alot of promise to myself on that dream but never had discilplen.Imagine going from 100 dollars to 30,000 in a 2 weeks this is how much promise i had to take it to that next level.But to gain somethin u lose alot also.Picture this ur going to school and smokin weed while readin a book.U losing what u gain sure u gain cash in the midst of poker>but have u thought about what u have lost?Have u lost urself who u are as a person?Has the money changed u?For better or good?Poker life is a mirage its never what it really seems unless u love it for the sport it is.Cause if u have passion u make poker a sport.Only a few know what im talkin about here from poker u gain angles on life.U can apply poker to life to relationships to decisions.Its 2 scales good and bad this poker its all what u take from it<but in reality when will u come back to reality?
04-22-2012 , 11:52 AM
Agree, but what's the point of this topic exactly?
04-22-2012 , 11:56 AM
Inspiration comes and goes in the world of poker. I have some similar experiences. Picture this- Picture me rollin in my 500 Benz. Just playing poker on the weekends. Swings happen, passion can help you get through them. A sport you say? Have you read a lot of books on sports? Your passion comes through in your post, and you're one of the finest writers I've ever come across on this website, but your talent could be lost or even worse misplaced. Have you considered dentistry?
04-22-2012 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Assani Fisher
Inspiration comes and goes in the world of poker. I have some similar experiences. Picture this- Picture me rollin in my 500 Benz. Just playing poker on the weekends. Swings happen, passion can help you get through them. A sport you say? Have you read a lot of books on sports? Your passion comes through in your post, and you're one of the finest writers I've ever come across on this website, but your talent could be lost or even worse misplaced. Have you considered dentistry?
Hey i appreciate that complement as me being a fine writer thanks im workin on writing and thanks for the back slap also only two plus two that what makes this site unique is the people never lose urselves Good Bye
04-22-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by IMshort1
Picture this ur going to school and smokin weed while readin a book.
Deep bro
04-24-2012 , 03:20 AM
this is one of the worst posts i've ever seen.
