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a hand vs PA, 200/400 HU a hand vs PA, 200/400 HU

11-15-2007 , 09:36 PM
would you mind elaborating on why you think a flop 3 bet is such a big mistake? why does it make such a difference that stacks are 200bb instead of 100 or 150? and if he is often checkraising the flop w/ air, wont the 3 bet sometimes get him to fold air that is better than 8 high?
11-15-2007 , 10:37 PM
How do you know he defends his blinds 'way more than he should'? If he's really one of the best NL players in the world, perhaps there is a reason for this high defense %, and maybe it is correct?
yah baby high five

anyway, i called the turn planning on betting if he checked and calling most rivers. but then i changed my mind, partly due to bet size, and folded.

in looking more closely at this hand, i should have called - not because my hand was certainly good (like a bunch of you said, flip a coin), but because it would turn out to be a longgggg match...
11-16-2007 , 01:30 AM
meh does he ever play a 4 like that on the turn?
11-16-2007 , 09:00 AM
11-16-2007 , 09:17 AM
hope this helps 3p3
11-16-2007 , 11:50 AM
hope this helps 3p3
ok ok ok I figured Krantz would post the results so skimmed his posts after page 8.

Thanks for the sarcasm anyway
11-16-2007 , 11:56 AM
LOL, wish iRock played 50/100+ like he used to.
11-16-2007 , 01:18 PM
hope this helps 3p3
ok ok ok I figured Krantz would post the results so skimmed his posts after page 8.

Thanks for the sarcasm anyway
having a really bad day
11-16-2007 , 01:47 PM
LOL, wish iRock played 50/100+ like he used to.
is this a compliment or not? im not sure what that means haha.
11-16-2007 , 01:57 PM
LOL, wish iRock played 50/100+ like he used to.
is this a compliment or not? im not sure what that means haha.
Well I def wouldn't want u in my 400NL games.
Totally agree on the call for metagame.
Hopefully it gets legal again and more peeps have a reason to play/move up.
11-16-2007 , 02:17 PM
It wasnt really the legislation that made me stop playing high stakes. It was the 40-50k daily swings i was experiencing. This was fine during the summer, but when i went back to school for senior year of college, it became evident that going out 4 or 5 nights a week and class did not mix with beating high stakes online poker. I cashed out most of my money before the legislation even hit.
11-18-2007 , 04:27 AM
will krantz ever post results?
11-18-2007 , 04:59 AM
will krantz ever post results?
11-18-2007 , 05:16 AM
11-18-2007 , 02:24 PM
i called the turn planning on betting if he checked and calling most rivers. but then i changed my mind, partly due to bet size, and folded.

in looking more closely at this hand, i should have called - not because my hand was certainly good (like a bunch of you said, flip a coin), but because it would turn out to be a longgggg match...
11-18-2007 , 08:54 PM
i called the turn planning on betting if he checked and calling most rivers. but then i changed my mind, partly due to bet size, and folded.

in looking more closely at this hand, i should have called - not because my hand was certainly good (like a bunch of you said, flip a coin), but because it would turn out to be a longgggg match...
but what did PA have? why wont Krantz post results???
11-18-2007 , 10:26 PM

little late in here. What you say about PA C/R the flop all the time is consistent with my view of how he plays. also he continues with almost his entire range on turn. I have never played anyone who has such high frequency in this. its pretty amazing that he will contiune to do this pot after pot after pot....

One thing tho: He tends overplays hands when stacks get deep. From what ive played and seen of him he doesnt adjust when the stacks get deep. That said he will bet any flush, 6, 4, and bluff.

I dont know what to do here... probably fold but i would be very curious...
11-19-2007 , 05:46 AM
Also if we are folding an 8 high flush here, isnt this an insanely profitable spot for PA to bluff his entire range. Based on the action isnt it kinda hard for Krantz to have a boat any decent percentage of the time.

Whats the minimum we call him with?

It just feels that if PA controls these pots we are a dog in the match. This is most definitely not a comment about krantz's play but just a comment how these spots play into the overall match. Or is this spot so unique that it doesnt really affect our profitability in this match? Or am I way off here?

Anyway great post krantz, also nice to see some decent discussion for a change.
11-19-2007 , 06:03 AM

little late in here. What you say about PA C/R the flop all the time is consistent with my view of how he plays. also he continues with almost his entire range on turn. I have never played anyone who has such high frequency in this. its pretty amazing that he will contiune to do this pot after pot after pot....

One thing tho: He tends overplays hands when stacks get deep. From what ive played and seen of him he doesnt adjust when the stacks get deep. That said he will bet any flush, 6, 4, and bluff.

I dont know what to do here... probably fold but i would be very curious...
Nezzar, if PA is routinely overplaying some hands when stacks get deeper, couldnt this tactic make him much tougher to play (even though it should be a leak). Especially at HU nosebleed stakes online, because most players are never going to be comfortable with the stakes in the first place.

And by being know as somewhat of an over-player isnt it going to force ppl to play much bigger pots in many more marginal spots often OOP. At stakes where they are not entirely comfortable in the first place.

If they adjust by looking up multiple streets too light PA is obviously going to profit but on the other hand if they allow him to run the game over and take down a majority of small pots then PA crushes anyway. Maybe Im stating the obvious but it seems something you mention as a hole in his game just makes him infinitely more difficult to play HU or extreme shorthanded.

It just seems whatever you do PA is forcing you to play his match, by making you adjust to him and by controlling most hands.
11-20-2007 , 12:14 AM

little late in here. What you say about PA C/R the flop all the time is consistent with my view of how he plays. also he continues with almost his entire range on turn. I have never played anyone who has such high frequency in this. its pretty amazing that he will contiune to do this pot after pot after pot....

One thing tho: He tends overplays hands when stacks get deep. From what ive played and seen of him he doesnt adjust when the stacks get deep. That said he will bet any flush, 6, 4, and bluff.

I dont know what to do here... probably fold but i would be very curious...
Nezzar, if PA is routinely overplaying some hands when stacks get deeper, couldnt this tactic make him much tougher to play (even though it should be a leak). Especially at HU nosebleed stakes online, because most players are never going to be comfortable with the stakes in the first place.

And by being know as somewhat of an over-player isnt it going to force ppl to play much bigger pots in many more marginal spots often OOP. At stakes where they are not entirely comfortable in the first place.

If they adjust by looking up multiple streets too light PA is obviously going to profit but on the other hand if they allow him to run the game over and take down a majority of small pots then PA crushes anyway. Maybe Im stating the obvious but it seems something you mention as a hole in his game just makes him infinitely more difficult to play HU or extreme shorthanded.

It just seems whatever you do PA is forcing you to play his match, by making you adjust to him and by controlling most hands.
it makes him very tough to play. But its def a leak as i see it:

disgusting play by PA
11-20-2007 , 12:43 AM
thats quite the 800bb pot w/ 1 pair.
11-20-2007 , 04:19 AM
he c/r a lot but he has different modes and sometimes will check call much much more often than he c/r, and mixes it up pretty well.... i think you guys are generalizing too much
11-20-2007 , 11:23 AM
he c/r a lot but he has different modes and sometimes will check call much much more often than he c/r, and mixes it up pretty well.... i think you guys are generalizing too much
Agree. he has alot of diffrent modes. One is that he starts betting in to u when u are the pf agressor...
but once he has begun his c/r... he keeps doing them... relentlessly...
11-20-2007 , 04:59 PM
Hmm Nezzar can you elaborate what's so bad about the hand?
I mean I can only see it in a vacuum but there could be a story behind it or specific reads/pace etc. I am in no position to judge that hand alone without history.
Villain could have had various hands that would fold 400bb deep.. 2 Pair combination, Overpairs, draws etc.
PA has a lot foldequity and 8 Outs against a set..
I am not in love with his play but there are much worse hands played on highstakes in the history of poker.
11-24-2007 , 03:46 PM
hand is ridic on like 1000 levals...nice thread... sorry fanboy post
