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Flop Set - Bloat Pot early vs River 10/25 Deep Flop Set - Bloat Pot early vs River 10/25 Deep

06-08-2008 , 03:10 PM
Game is 7 handed, live, 10/25.

Villain is a very young thinking player, says he plays online professionally and doesnt seem to be bothered by stacking off (unlike most live dudes in thsi game). He is somewhat tight but aggressive and has shown goods in most showdowns. He seems to practice pot control on most hands rather than always CB if he is the aggro preflop.

Hero around $10k, Villain covers easily.

I have been playing quite loose aggressive and have been caught twice bluffing on the river by same villain in smaller pots...

My question pertains more to my definite weaknesses on strong hands of maxing value in these situations versus getting too aggro on flop / turn (scaring away the customer) and missing stack chances on river...

Villain is CO folds to him and he makes it $100, SB folds

I am BB with 5 5. I have not reraised bet b4 out of the blinds (this in the 4 hours we have been playing) and pop it to $400, he thinks for a while and calls (He showed down AA once b4 on the night where he just called a pf reraise in position)

Flop is K 2 5

I check, he bets $500, I call (put him on AK, KQs, maybe AA, he would repop preflop with QQ and lower is feeling I had)

Turn is 10 I check, he thinks and checks..

River [$1800] is 7 I check he bets $1300, I raise to $3500 (does a shove against Villain look more bluffy)

In these std situations against a thinking player are we better off trying to bloat the pot by c/r flop (he prolly calls with TPTK and AA etc here) or waiting for the river here and bet near pot........
06-08-2008 , 03:32 PM
bet the flop, bet the turn, bet the river sounds about right to me. why are you checking if you are trying to get max value? ever since NL25, I've just assumed that every reraiser who check/calls the flop has a set and have proceeded accordingly.
06-08-2008 , 03:32 PM
i would just bet bet bet, i think taking this line id prob make it a bit more on the river, like 4kish, but shoving would be terrible.
06-09-2008 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheWorstPlayer
ever since NL25, I've just assumed that every reraiser who check/calls the flop has a set and have proceeded accordingly.
wait what++
06-09-2008 , 02:34 AM
what the fk are you doing on the flop
06-09-2008 , 02:36 AM
ps i think this hand is played great (prob slightly more on the river) and i think autoputting a 3bettor/checkcaller who isnt 45/5/0.3 on a set is absolutely baffling.
06-09-2008 , 02:39 AM
I like your line preflop and on the flop, but I definitely think betting the turn is correct. Also, as played, I think a bigger river raise (not necessarily a shove, though a shove isn't bad) isn't as transparent. So, c/c flop, Bet turn, c/r river. I'm guessing he just called and you're wondering how you could've gotten more value.
06-09-2008 , 07:40 AM
if you c/r a little more you might even get him to fold a rivered set of sevens here. Since this is a good board for a 3barrel bluff Id allways bet the goods all streets here aswell.
06-09-2008 , 08:30 AM
bet flop, bet turn, bet river, and it's really not even close given the strength of your hand (you need almost 3x full pot bets to get all in, which is what you want).
06-09-2008 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by TheWorstPlayer
bet the flop, bet the turn, bet the river sounds about right to me. why are you checking if you are trying to get max value? ever since NL25, I've just assumed that every reraiser who check/calls the flop has a set and have proceeded accordingly.
I too would bet bet bet, but I don't think I've ever c/c WITH a set as the pfrr, and I c/c more than my fair share of pots as the pfrr.
06-09-2008 , 09:07 AM
Say I had played two other big hands against Villain where I

Bet flop, Bet turn (both 2/3 pot approx) and he folded turn (I flopped nuts and 2nd nuts in both) then does the dynamic change..

Villain is one of best live stakes guys I have played against cause he thinks more on a 25/50 online level than say a normal live guy

As played does my hand look like 77 or 55 to a good high stakes reg
06-09-2008 , 10:09 AM
argh this hand is played bad in so many ways, its crucial to lead the flop here not doing so is completely backwards and the easiest street to convince your opponent your bluffing and charge him for draws and build a pot etc. On the river it looks like what you have and villian is probably going to fold because he probably thinks your a huge fish who couldnt take a river check raise like this as a bluff, uve over repped ur hand to 777 when ur trying to bet for value lol
06-09-2008 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by DogsBrekky
Say I had played two other big hands against Villain where I

Bet flop, Bet turn (both 2/3 pot approx) and he folded turn (I flopped nuts and 2nd nuts in both) then does the dynamic change..

Villain is one of best live stakes guys I have played against cause he thinks more on a 25/50 online level than say a normal live guy

As played does my hand look like 77 or 55 to a good high stakes reg
no it doesn't change anything, unless you showed both of those hands.

your hand looks like KKK to me.

checking or c/cing this flop is so gross. you could say it's balancing, because you would play QQ this way, until you C/R at which point it becomes apparent you were not potcontrolling but that you were trapping.

i would take your line as a very elaborate bluff against a "25 50 thinking level" player but i would bet bet bet all in for value.
06-09-2008 , 02:44 PM
Yea, this seems like a really easy flop bet.

With stack sizes i think a turn C/R would be ok, but in real time I am just betting flop turn and river.
06-09-2008 , 03:20 PM
You get much more value out of your hand by betting all 3 streets, and you also give him more room to bluff a stack to you.
06-09-2008 , 03:38 PM
He shoves river............. does he have KK type hand or is he putting me on air or KQ etc
06-09-2008 , 09:14 PM
your hand still looks like top set to me. i cannot see him checking any set on the turn, and i can't see him shoving river anything less than midset for value here so wtf.

he can't play 22 this way, because if he was potcontrolling it on earlier streets he's not now shoving it 500bb deep given your line. i'm really really baffled by this which tells me he must have KK. you say he has showdown a flatted AA so he could definitely show up with KK here, but why the turn check...

it's an insanely tough decision for me being outside the flow of the game, but i don't see why you would think he's giving you KQ or air here. typically when the preflop RRer is checking and checkraising it is a signal of a monstrous hand.
06-09-2008 , 10:30 PM
^^^ Yes this exactly, It fricked with my head for 2 minutes and 4 me this is a ridiculously long time to tank, you know what I concluded

He has either Q J and is turning that into a bluff given our 4 hour history

He has KK and he is a lil typical smart ass millionaire 20 yr old online ass

He has 22, prolly never

he has AK

He has AA which I leaned towards and he is putting me on AK, KQs etc

so I called

WHAT did he HAVE
06-09-2008 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by DogsBrekky
^^^ Yes this exactly, It fricked with my head for 2 minutes and 4 me this is a ridiculously long time to tank, you know what I concluded

He has either Q J and is turning that into a bluff given our 4 hour history

He has KK and he is a lil typical smart ass millionaire 20 yr old online ass

He has 22, prolly never

he has AK

He has AA which I leaned towards and he is putting me on AK, KQs etc

so I called

WHAT did he HAVE
He never, ever, ever has AK, AA, or 22, unless he's just ****ing terrible, that would be the worst play of all time, unless there is some sick dynamic that he coudl do this for value (which implies that you think you could c/r AK or KQ for value, which means he would bet-call like AT, which just isnt happening). In my opinion he either has KK, 77, or air, but its just so weirdly played that I probably end up calling and not being too happpy about it.
06-09-2008 , 10:53 PM
where did this hand take place?

I think you should have bet out on the turn with intention of 3 betting.
06-09-2008 , 10:56 PM
When, Friday, the Belmont Stakes, Smarty Jones/Big Brown special poker day
06-10-2008 , 01:23 PM
gosh this is like a good drama slowly unfolding.. but then just at the climax of the story.. hero decides to give us blueballs n cut it off

so.. what'd he have?? i think villain has a busted FD or KK/77.. but i think a call is in order here.. at least for curiosity's sake lol
06-10-2008 , 01:40 PM
I hate putting in more $ on this river. If the last time he just flatcalled a reraise pf he had a big hand, then why not act accordingly and lead the flop. I'd bet 500 on the flop myself. By the river the stacksizes are very awkward to be getting it in with 2nd set.
06-10-2008 , 02:11 PM
ssnl'r here.

please interpret my post as a question and if there are any flaws in my reasoning, could somone please correct them, ty.

hero rr pre and c/c the flop. That is never some kind of tptk kind of hand (i.e. mediocre hand), hero's range polarizes quite a bit there to float/second pair type hands or the nuts i.e. sets. I dont even think that fds are in heros range cus it very common to cbet as the pfrr with those.

I really think that there is much more value in villains shoes vs such a line to check any hand he has except total air on the turn to induce bluffs/not get sucked into traps.

But when hero cr river I relly dont see why villain would ever bluff reshove because heros range is hugely poarized to sets and nothing. (unless villain cant even beat a bluff.... i dont now what the likely hood of that is but i guess if its significant then this turns into a call)
06-10-2008 , 02:38 PM
Your line's great, especially if he would have checked behind on the river
