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07-19-2010 , 09:40 AM
here is the cure to ur problem: let me play on ur accts and since ppl think its deldar playing, they will play me incorrectly and end up dumping.

i win back ur 25%, depression over, i take a small cut.
07-19-2010 , 09:26 PM
As a 19 year old who plays a lot of poker, my advice:

Go to college, even if you have no intention of graduating or applying your knowledge. Take a class or two that you WANT to take. If you don't like it, stop going to class - its that simple.

An idea: Put 10k in a new bank account. Make a propbet/freeroll with some high stakes players that you can't spend any money on personal expenses within 25 miles of your university. Force yourself to live like a normal college student. Obviously you have your poker bankroll/poker travel expenses separate(not sure if you play live tournies or not??). Only play poker when you really have the urge/really want to.

Force yourself to live like a college student. If you go to an American Uni, join a frat or club sports team. Get really into working out/fitness. You feel a lot better about yourself, trust me. Make non-poker friends who are your age. Don't discuss poker or your net worth. Live on or near campus. Hit on normal college girls.

Just myself as a poker player I'd go days in front of a computer screen only taking breaks to go to the gym, practice my sport, and eat. Even a few hundred dollar downswing made me feel sick, and I knew 99% of the kids around me had no idea what it felt like to lose a months rent in a few days playing cards on the internet, and couldn't relate to me at all.

Whenever that happened though, I just took a really long break and went out and socialized, worked on my health/fitness, and I actually enjoyed a few of the classes I was taking. I was so much happier living a normal college life than I was trying to make a lot of money playing online poker.

Maybe you're a lot different person than I am, but that's just my 2c. Hope it works out no matter what you decide to do. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
07-20-2010 , 10:18 AM
I would try and do something that helps out other people in your spare time and not worry about what you get out of it at all. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, tutor some kids, coach a team. Take some of the money from poker and spread it around on some worthy causes, sponsor some kids through World Vision, maybe commit to a percentage of winnings going forward (assuming you continue to play) to go to charities of your choice. I realize you will have to jump over the lazy hurdle here so just take a small step and see where it goes. Maybe you can find a little motivation in a movie I watched recently called No Impact Man (also book by same name.) If you see the changes the family in this movie chose to deal with it may help illustrate that you can structure your life in ways that make you more content. GL
07-20-2010 , 11:19 AM
Haven't read further than 1st post, so my input might be irrelevant, but if you're still looking for something cool and a away from standard education, check out (it's in English)

I played pro for 2 years but moved onto this. Very cool study, primarily focused on business design, project leading and process consultancy. It therefore touches on a lot of your interests. It's much more practical than theoretical and you basically get thrown into different challenging settings. I've just finished 4th semester, where my whole team flew to Shanghai for 3 months, trying to apply what we'd learned in a different cultural context.

Drop me a mail if you want to know more, since i'm basically never on 2p2. It's thijs at
07-20-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by hammer_time
God if one more person posts 'hey deldar I'm just like you I've never had a job and am lazy but naturally excel at everything' I will punch a hole through my monitor.
07-20-2010 , 04:58 PM
how many buy ins is this downswing, cuz I remember you went from like 25/50 to 500/1000 suddenly... you might actually realize it was not much at all... or not 8D
07-21-2010 , 05:29 PM
i have a feeling most posting in this thread don't fully appreciate what it means to be feeling depressed or anywhere close to it. if you genuinely are anywhere close to feeling bad, ESPECIALLY since you are plenty rich, playing poker is probably a horrible thing to do from how you describe it. i know people get this attitude that they are supposed to put their heads down and grind and make more and more and more no matter what but it doesn't lead to some utopia.

if you have a good amount of money (and you have more than that), your happiness should come 10,000x before poker and so like the post a few above, i'd take a lot of time off and focus on finding interesting things to do in your life away from poker. it doesn't have to be academic but i would be surprised if a smart guy at your age can't find something he in genuinely interested in learning more about.
08-14-2010 , 01:10 AM
i'm interested to hear an update on this. have you quit poker? if so, has it made you happier and what are you doing with your time? if not, how is it going and has it felt like the right move to keep playing?
08-14-2010 , 01:35 AM
Hey man, I hope you are doing okay. Real life issues are always first and foremost, especially when it comes to your personal happiness and well being.
08-14-2010 , 08:53 PM
the bird is the word
08-16-2010 , 02:31 AM
my buddy told me he is now shortstacking. depressing in itself. say it aint so! we used to look up to you!
10-13-2010 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by GhostRideIt
Hey man, I hope you are doing okay. Real life issues are always first and foremost, especially when it comes to your personal happiness and well being.
definitely agree with this, but losing the majority of what you made can be pretty brutal on the head. some walk away altogether but what makes people happy is different for everyone. why can't deldar come back and give an update! his situation, while extreme, is similar to many poker players and his experience could help many of us when coping with losing so much and not being very happy playing.
10-13-2010 , 05:29 AM
Originally Posted by pdweezer
definitely agree with this, but losing the majority of what you made can be pretty brutal on the head.
10-13-2010 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by nutsinho
dont you think losing the majority of your profits can make already depressed people even more depressed?

table ratings shows he is on about a 1.7 mil downswing on full tilt and stars and i imagine someone already sick of poker would struggle with that thought...that being said, it also shows that he is playing every single day of his life so it seems like he hasn't really 'let it go' yet.

but the guy is still rich, no doubt about it. that is why i am curious if he has found a happier way to live or if he is hung up on his losses. it can be too easy to forget you are rich in the eye of a big downswing..
10-13-2010 , 08:32 AM
his TRs are hilariously inaccurate
10-13-2010 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by nutsinho
his TRs are hilariously inaccurate
maybe, but they don't totally make up hands and he has lost a lot in real, tracked hands, even if not as bad as it looks. but for me, that isnt really the point, if he is your friend, get him to update this thread he started! i am more interested in how he is dealing with poker in light of the OP and what he has learned from the way he has dealt with his happiness and poker. i was a bit shocked to see his TR saying he is playing sessions every single day when i would have guessed that would lead to even worse depression.

but i know everyone is different and think an update by him could give some of us insight
10-13-2010 , 12:32 PM
There's no magic cure for inertia, listlessness, or existential angst; meaning shouldn't be imposed externally.

I don't know how well-read you are, but read classic literature, and make your own mind up about your life. Try to avoid anything modern and anything that's being bought by dead-eyed sheep. Don't read anything which tries to tell you how to live, what to think, and what to do. Stay away from nihilistic Eastern Philosophy, ignore superficial self-help garbage, and for pity's sake please stay away from the Bible, the last refuge of the slavish sufferer.

Read Henry Miller, Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, Hermann Hesse, Kazantzakis, Sarte; whatever makes you think. Above all else read Nietzsche. Impart your own meaning onto existence. Good luck.
10-13-2010 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Ansky
Yeah I don't really see why you need poker, I'd pack all my stuff into a backpack and go wandering around the world if I were you.
10-13-2010 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
school requires much more discipline than poker, at least in terms of work ethic (not so much emotionally)

also, go out and get a PARTYBUS. PARTYBUS=WIN
10-14-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by The Logic of Sense
There's no magic cure for inertia, listlessness, or existential angst; meaning shouldn't be imposed externally.

I don't know how well-read you are, but read classic literature, and make your own mind up about your life. Try to avoid anything modern and anything that's being bought by dead-eyed sheep. Don't read anything which tries to tell you how to live, what to think, and what to do. Stay away from nihilistic Eastern Philosophy, ignore superficial self-help garbage, and for pity's sake please stay away from the Bible, the last refuge of the slavish sufferer.

Read Henry Miller, Dostoyevsky, Hemingway, Hermann Hesse, Kazantzakis, Sarte; whatever makes you think. Above all else read Nietzsche. Impart your own meaning onto existence. Good luck.
Yes, for the love of god make up your own mind!

Now; only read Nietzsche.
10-14-2010 , 12:04 PM
Just take a step back and try to appreciate the freedom and opportunities your immense accomplishments have left you with, enjoy your superiority
10-16-2010 , 04:16 AM
this guy used to crush HSNL and was my favorite player. now he shortstacks and bumhunts omaha and he wonders why he is sad?

i think he still has a HSNL crush in him though, so i am betting on DELDAR!
10-16-2010 , 04:47 AM
Hi guys, I'm only going to update this thread when I feel the time is right, as gay as that may sound (probably soon). This whole thread is very emotionally based and such, so I'm not going to sit down and force a post out of myself, when I'm not in the mood to write one. I'd rather write something long overdue than some halfhearted BS. Apologies to all the people I've slowrolled- I tried my best to respond to everyone. I can't help it sometimes sadly, it's the way i am.
10-16-2010 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
Hi guys, I'm only going to update this thread when I feel the time is right, as gay as that may sound (probably soon). This whole thread is very emotionally based and such, so I'm not going to sit down and force a post out of myself, when I'm not in the mood to write one. I'd rather write something long overdue than some halfhearted BS. Apologies to all the people I've slowrolled- I tried my best to respond to everyone. I can't help it sometimes sadly, it's the way i am.
that sounds fair. hope to see you on top of HSNL again some time and looking forward to the update
10-16-2010 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by Deldar182
Hi guys, I'm only going to update this thread when I feel the time is right, as gay as that may sound (probably soon). This whole thread is very emotionally based and such, so I'm not going to sit down and force a post out of myself, when I'm not in the mood to write one. I'd rather write something long overdue than some halfhearted BS. Apologies to all the people I've slowrolled- I tried my best to respond to everyone. I can't help it sometimes sadly, it's the way i am.
f u you have a responsibility to the railbirds who work a week for one of your BBs to report back consistently
