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Anybody? Anybody?

11-14-2007 , 06:23 AM

I play on full tilt and am looking for a possible loan, will pay juice if wanted can discuss over aim/yahoo. If anyone will possibly do that for me id appreciate it, let me know THANKS! S/n on yahoo messanger is sirswishdt. S/n on aim is Tilt2469. Im only looking for $200-$1k, would pay back this weekend. Also new to vegas area, looking for poker friends to play cards with.
11-14-2007 , 04:42 PM
sounds legit
11-14-2007 , 04:44 PM
hahaha. heres some advice: if you are trying to scam others, don't make it so obvious so then you have a .01% chance of it working rather then a 0% chance.
11-14-2007 , 04:45 PM
11-14-2007 , 08:14 PM
11-14-2007 , 08:25 PM
$300 sent
11-14-2007 , 08:29 PM
[ ] will be your poker friend
11-14-2007 , 08:40 PM
No really its not a scam,how do u want me to prove its not? I honestly am trying to build my bankroll again, went broke : *(. S/n on full tilt is tilt2469, honestly not trying to scam or anything new to vegas looking for poker buds and help to get money on full tilt thats all.
11-14-2007 , 08:41 PM
Noseeds99, where u live vegas too?
11-14-2007 , 08:44 PM
$300 sent

Gimli, if u really can to tilt2469 id appreciate, IM me if ud like.
11-14-2007 , 09:08 PM
I've already sent the money
11-14-2007 , 09:09 PM

plz ban
11-14-2007 , 09:13 PM
Im not looking for free money, looking for a reason to be rude
11-15-2007 , 02:10 AM
I dont mind paying back juice if someone will?
11-15-2007 , 02:32 AM
so if i send you 1k youll send me back more than 1k by the weekend?
11-15-2007 , 02:32 AM
ok i ll send you 2k if you send me back 2250 in 3 years time? sounds good?

[censored] YOU
11-15-2007 , 08:06 AM
Yeah cosimaninja. I dont even need as much as 1k even as low as 200 would be fine. Ill pay u interest(juice) w.e. u want to agree on, if u would like to negotiate this i have aim and yahoo messanger? : ) I prove to you however u want, that im not trying to scam thanks.
11-15-2007 , 08:49 AM
guys lets all pitch in and send .50 each?
11-15-2007 , 12:21 PM
lets all pitch in and send him a hooker with aids
11-15-2007 , 12:23 PM
Is this 100% risk free?
11-15-2007 , 12:42 PM
Is this 100% risk free?
Bringin' back the oldies.

Well played.
11-15-2007 , 12:55 PM
have to ask, why do you need money from us when you could pay us back this weekend? seems rather odd that you could pay us back with money at the weekend, but not now 2 days before weekend mmmmmm...also stop sayin juice, you obviously have just watched Rounders and think it makes you sound like you are a real poker players STFU
11-15-2007 , 05:29 PM
Get a job .........
11-15-2007 , 09:45 PM
Yeah cosimaninja. I dont even need as much as 1k even as low as 200 would be fine. Ill pay u interest(juice) w.e. u want to agree on, if u would like to negotiate this i have aim and yahoo messanger? : ) I prove to you however u want, that im not trying to scam thanks.
this seems too good to be true. i send you 1k and you send me more than 1k in 2 days. i cant lose. its win win. cant believe none of you supposed "high stakes wizzkids" havnt locked up this nugget of gold. ill need some collateral though. pm me nude pictures of yourself in comprimising positions so if you dont pay ill release them to the interwebz as an insurance policy. thats the only stipulation.

im watching rounders now. i cant believe i havnt spotted it before but matt damon is gay in this film.
11-16-2007 , 04:54 AM
Wow didnt know i was going to get scolded for asking to borrow........ cant pay back till weekend because broke until i get check thats why....... nude pics hahaha......w.e forget it
