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07-26-2011 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
its ALOT easier for an otherwise totally straightforward guy to be inclined to straight up lie with a speech to a guy like blitz than to a normal person
How has nobody else +1'd this? I'm not necessarily sure it's a call but assuming they have history I feel like JK is many times more likely to be bluffing here vs Blitz than a random and many, many, many times more likely to be bluffing after flipping the 3 and giving the speech vs Blitz than vs a random. Again this is all assuming they've played together a bunch, bantered, have history, etc, which seems to be true
07-26-2011 , 10:13 AM
i would believe him cuz hes a billionaire you should know if he lies about his hands or not if youve played with him before but showing a 3 i would think he has pocket 3s and you said hes tight so i duno what else he could have besides pocket 3s. i would have folded pre btw
07-29-2011 , 08:49 AM
He showed Ace 3 after i mucked like a ****ing moron. Its just not easy to get in 500 big blinds in a limped pot with pretty much the nut low trips in a 5 way pot. Plus he knows i hate folding more than I hate cockblocking fat chicks, so it seems like such a bad spot to bluff considering he has a 3(making it more likely I have a 2) and Im calling big bets and raises... Plus in the past i've played with him and he played pretty nitty. I was under the firm belief that rich guys who have a chance of bluffing must be callled at all times. This however cost me 400k in a 25 50 game with goldstien(guy i did drag race with), so maybe I need to watch some poker videos haha.
07-30-2011 , 06:49 PM
Well, I for one am truly shocked. I've prob been getting bamboozled by the older generation for a good while now. BAMBOOZLED I SAY!

I shake my fist.
07-30-2011 , 06:52 PM
I'm pretty shocked as well
07-30-2011 , 06:54 PM
The nerve of these billionaires.
07-31-2011 , 04:54 PM
sure A3s
08-01-2011 , 03:45 PM
Not sure why nobody else has said this yet BUT there's 2 ways you can play this hand.

You either fold to the flop 3bet (because he's only repping 33 or 32 for value) or you call both turn and river. He's not 3balling the flop with a bare 3 to then decide to give up on the turn/river.
08-01-2011 , 04:12 PM
I know you said not to respond since I don't play the high stizakes.

My friend told me to read this thread b/c he said it would be "sik" and he was right.

Lots of great advice and tips ITT. Well worth the hour I spent studying the posts. I will try to take this knowledge and hone my skills at the 1-2 tables.

I'm on the up and up. See you soon my friends. Boom!
