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50/100nl - HU Against play2kill 50/100nl - HU Against play2kill

03-25-2008 , 03:38 PM
Yo g-p xorbie's just tryin to live man

Last edited by Apathy; 03-25-2008 at 03:39 PM. Reason: Im not on the list either and i posted anyways muahahahahahha
03-25-2008 , 04:02 PM
Well we hustle out of a sense of, hopelessness
Sort of a desperation
Through that desperation, we 'come addicted
Sorta like the fiends we accustomed to servin
But we feel we have nothin to lose
so we offer you, well, we offer our lives, right
What do you bring to the table?
03-25-2008 , 04:33 PM
I actually think the list of non-welcome contributors is a pretty damn good idea for this forum.
03-25-2008 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by xorbie
Well we hustle out of a sense of, hopelessness
Sort of a desperation
Through that desperation, we 'come addicted
Sorta like the fiends we accustomed to servin
But we feel we have nothin to lose
so we offer you, well, we offer our lives, right
What do you bring to the table?
One of Jay-Z's finest from his best album hands down.
03-25-2008 , 04:36 PM
apologies to xorbie and thanks to apathy.... totally livin
03-25-2008 , 09:28 PM
I'm totally lost here... did he actually have 99 and how do you know? AND if he did how the hell do you fold it? also, who gives a f about a list some donk makes? lol jk
03-31-2008 , 04:32 PM
i fold playtokill normally wouldnt check turn if he reraises flop he unless he has a big hand and wants dani to comitte himself with a hand like jj qj 99 etc. in my option
03-31-2008 , 09:17 PM
that list might be the biggest pole smoke move ive seen in awhile
03-31-2008 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Christophers
I actually think the list of non-welcome contributors is a pretty damn good idea for this forum.
04-08-2008 , 09:51 PM
I guess everyone is waiting for my response so here it is:
Call cause hes repping a narrow range (rane merging in this spot is contigent on a decent amount of unlikely assumptions), good board to bluff-raise and ansky looks hella weak. The fact that ansky looks so weak is two-fold in providing reasons to call:
1) Makes a bluff more likely obv
2) Makes an overbet value bet less likely and vice versa
04-08-2008 , 11:34 PM
Omg, the secret to bluffing and poker itself lies in the post above mine...
04-09-2008 , 03:09 AM
wow hiraldo thanks for posting your response, i was waiting for it
04-09-2008 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by hiraldo
I guess everyone is waiting for my response so here it is:
Call cause hes repping a narrow range (rane merging in this spot is contigent on a decent amount of unlikely assumptions), good board to bluff-raise and ansky looks hella weak. The fact that ansky looks so weak is two-fold in providing reasons to call:
1) Makes a bluff more likely obv
2) Makes an overbet value bet less likely and vice versa
Ironic that you are not on your own list. You can't respond either.
04-09-2008 , 12:38 PM
you guys are welcome, at first I was worried that posting here would reveal things about my game and not be appreciated, but it appears neither of those is true. Im very pleased to be such an important part of the community and I plan on making another strat post soon so look out!

edit: irock be careful who u say isnt on the list, cause pretty soon you'll find urself off it urself.
04-09-2008 , 02:03 PM
I dont post very often, I have come to the conclusion that posting and helping other players out will generate less profit in the long run for my own part. And I don't understand why good players would either. Do they have to prove themselves somehow? There has come so many good players because of this forum, sure do it for the love of the game, But when you have enough information STOP helping players out.

And I guess hiraldo wrote the list because he realized that only the better players, altough im sure he didn't get all of you in there, would have the best answer what to do about the overbet, since it's a pretty rare aspect of the game in todays poker, and i've probably done it most versus theese guys.
04-09-2008 , 05:26 PM
I think u are way overestimating what this board gives away. You can't just read this board for years and be able to beat 10/20+. But you can read this board for years and convince people to pay u $500 an hour for something u don't do urself.

Alot of players though feel that they got better by reading this board and want to give back but at the same time feel like nothing they give away will let anyone be able to beat them. This board is great for poker, it gives alot of players something to aspire to and gives them a real sense that they can do it even though they have no chance. And these are alot of the people that feed pool at high stakes.

I'm a big believer in that you either just have it or u don't when it comes to being successful at high stakes. You can read every post on this board and every book and u should be able to beat 3/6-5/10 but once u go above that u gotta have that something extra that no amount of reading can teach you
04-10-2008 , 12:22 AM
you have a point. I just dont like the idea of giving away good information
04-10-2008 , 12:45 AM
4 stars
04-10-2008 , 01:07 AM
are you mark teltscher?
04-10-2008 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by play2kill
I dont post very often, I have come to the conclusion that posting and helping other players out will generate less profit in the long run for my own part. And I don't understand why good players would either. Do they have to prove themselves somehow? There has come so many good players because of this forum, sure do it for the love of the game, But when you have enough information STOP helping players out.

And I guess hiraldo wrote the list because he realized that only the better players, altough im sure he didn't get all of you in there, would have the best answer what to do about the overbet, since it's a pretty rare aspect of the game in todays poker, and i've probably done it most versus theese guys.
i think everyone has thought about this, and I wouldn't fault anyone for not posting anything for the reasons you give. For me, I think it's just that I'm not nearly satisfied with my game and want some help, and you have to give something back if you want quality help. Also, when I comment on others' hands I don't really think of it as helping them, just helps me get it straight in my own head. then people that comment on your analysis helps to refine the idea in your mind.

i'm mostly interested in the money but i also am simply interested in getting better, and discussion with a wide range of others is a good way to do this, along with just playing and thinking about it on your own. i don't really have an easy or efficient way of doing this other than here.

as far as giving a specific strategy against a specific opponent, i would agree that it kind of sucks in ways but since a lot of stuff is so opponent dependent at these stakes it kinda just takes that path.
04-10-2008 , 01:22 AM
i cant comment, not on the list
04-10-2008 , 02:36 AM
Creating a private forum for invited only would be a great idea then. Im not Mark Teltscher but I have the same initials
04-10-2008 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by hiraldo
you guys are welcome, at first I was worried that posting here would reveal things about my game and not be appreciated, but it appears neither of those is true. Im very pleased to be such an important part of the community and I plan on making another strat post soon so look out!

edit: irock be careful who u say isnt on the list, cause pretty soon you'll find urself off it urself.
You are breaking the rules. Read the list.
04-10-2008 , 03:21 AM
Play2Nit, how do you think you got good? I think there are quite a few people that remember when you got curbstomped at the tables day in and day out, and you had to copy those that had you bent over a barrell all day. And I like how you criticize the forum; when in fact, you've gotta be a mega-lurker.. aka a little sponge trying to suck up some decent information, but have nothing to offer yourself. Cause the second your name shows up, here you come.
04-10-2008 , 03:40 AM
yeah because he must know no 2p2ers that might have pointed this thread out to him in the 2 weeks this thread originated
