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5/10 foxwoods, are we ever good here 5/10 foxwoods, are we ever good here

05-15-2015 , 10:15 AM
Hero is 28, white, wearing a tom brady jersey and bose headphones. Mainly a 2/5 player but recently turned the occaisional shot taking at 5/10 into my main game. Hero has been at the table 4 hrs. bought in max 2k. ran it up to 5500. Game is very splashy, Hero has been playing loos preflop but betting hard when he hits the flop and the table has been paying him off.

Villain in question is John The Lawyer. One of the best players ive played with. Not afraid to call down light in big pots. I would classify him as LAG but not spewy at all. just seems to know when everyones week and likes to put the pressure on hard on scared money. V stack is about 7k. We tangled in one pot where HERO held K10, several limpers including villain, i raise to 65 OTB, folds to villan who calls. Flop AJ4. villain leads for 125, hero raises to 500, villain snap calls. turn Q, villain checks, HERO leads 800, villain C/r to 1800, Hero shoves, villain mucks after a minute. This was very early on and i got the sense he developed a grudge against me early on

Hand in question HERO 5500 Villain 7000. Villain opens to 35, Hero 3b to 150 with AKxx, villain calls.

FLOP 852 (315)

villain checks, hero leads 200, villain calls

Turn K (715)

Villain checks, Hero Checks

River 2 (715)

Hero leads 550, Villain rasies to 2300

05-15-2015 , 10:31 AM
So confused are you guys playing some new variant of hold em where you alternate who's in position?
05-15-2015 , 10:35 AM
no i changed seats to be on his left
05-15-2015 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by FloatingOOP
no i changed seats to be on his left
on flop and turn you have him acting first. on river you say you lead which would mean it's on you first. did you mean that he checked and you bet and he raised?
05-15-2015 , 11:06 AM
my bad, yes he c/r me
05-15-2015 , 08:13 PM
Looks like a bluff to me
05-15-2015 , 09:30 PM
05-18-2015 , 04:43 PM
05-19-2015 , 02:05 AM
uhh these hands are so dumb and basic wtf.

that K10ss is an easy call vs his turn raise in position; especially with the description you provided.

Hand 2 with the AK is an easy call as played but turn is a bet.
05-19-2015 , 07:02 AM
Bet turn, call river zzzzzzzzzzzzz
05-19-2015 , 07:38 PM
Yeah bet turn...
Call now.

And agree with above about the turn with KTss. Don't ship it. Just flat.
05-20-2015 , 11:58 PM
checking this turn against aggro players >> second barreling
05-29-2015 , 10:32 PM
after checking the turn this is basically a snap
06-09-2015 , 02:19 AM
I like checking back flop betting turn better than betting flop checking turn.
06-09-2015 , 05:15 AM

I really hope you did not fold - that would be atrocious vs. said villain and given the line you took.
06-09-2015 , 10:36 PM
If he's one of the best players you've played with.. then no.. you are never good there.
06-10-2015 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
If he's one of the best players you've played with.. then no.. you are never good there.
Really? Here are the reasons why we might be good here:

1) This is a 5/10 hand vs. non-ABC villain, who is definitely capable.
2) After we check behind on the turn, our range is capped at one pair. While I completely understand your check-behind for the combination of pot control, deception and protecting your check-behind range - I doubt you would ever check behind KK or 88 on that turn.
3) In addition to our range being capped, we are also heavily underrepped with our most likely value posessions after 3-betting pre, checking behind K turn and betting river being 99-QQ.
4) While the V is laying us 2.1:1, he knows its a hard bet to call in terms of absolute $$$ amount for somebody taking a shot/not been a high stakes reg.

I call and expect to see a small pair turned into a bluff or 88/55/22.
06-14-2015 , 07:16 PM
06-15-2015 , 06:52 PM
Lol at 3b jamming the turn in that KTss hand. As played in the AKxx hand, you have to call the river c/r.
06-16-2015 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Bet turn, call river zzzzzzzzzzzzz
06-25-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by FloatingOOP
Hero is 28, white, wearing a tom brady jersey and bose headphones. Mainly a 2/5 player but recently turned the occaisional shot taking at 5/10 into my main game. Hero has been at the table 4 hrs. bought in max 2k. ran it up to 5500. Game is very splashy, Hero has been playing loos preflop but betting hard when he hits the flop and the table has been paying him off.

Villain in question is John The Lawyer. One of the best players ive played with. Not afraid to call down light in big pots. I would classify him as LAG but not spewy at all. just seems to know when everyones week and likes to put the pressure on hard on scared money. V stack is about 7k. We tangled in one pot where HERO held K10, several limpers including villain, i raise to 65 OTB, folds to villan who calls. Flop AJ4. villain leads for 125, hero raises to 500, villain snap calls. turn Q, villain checks, HERO leads 800, villain C/r to 1800, Hero shoves, villain mucks after a minute. This was very early on and i got the sense he developed a grudge against me early on

Hand in question HERO 5500 Villain 7000. Villain opens to 35, Hero 3b to 150 with AKxx, villain calls.

FLOP 852 (315)

villain checks, hero leads 200, villain calls

Turn K (715)

Villain checks, Hero Checks

River 2 (715)

Hero leads 550, Villain rasies to 2300

If villain is capable of hand reading and bluffing here with hands that have value and does that instead of c/c, then I'd call.

Our range is capped and AK is at the top of our range. We sometimes have hands like A2ss but for the most part.. AK is at the top of our range and even that is only a few combos since he probably thinks we bet some combos of AK on the turn.

I think the problem is that given board texture and runout, villain's range is mostly hands that have value and can beat bluffs. So he'd have to CR that bluff-catching range and not c-c with them. It'd be nice of villain had more non-value hands on the river like busted SD, but the flop texture doesn't lend well to that.

Another thing to think about is does the villain tend to bluff when his river CR reps really narrow? Some people never bluff in spots where they can't rep much and can't really rep the card that you checked behind. Like... if you checked behind a turn flush card instead of a turn King (which villain can't really rep that much) and villain CR, some people tend to bluff rivers a lot more.

Either way, I think calling is fine vs said villain.

06-30-2015 , 05:28 PM
Hey OP, if villain plays in flow (checks to you after you (re)raised him pre) your bet is not a "lead". Leading is when you bet into somebody that raised you.
07-05-2015 , 11:20 AM
how is the villan not a button clicker after he makes some terrible bluff in hand 1 on that broadway runout? Given that hand I don't think we can fold here.....also not sure why you check the turn when you hit your king - scared money :0
07-09-2015 , 04:17 PM
On the KsTs hand on the turn, V range seems like he has a lot of combo draws and possibly 2pr. I assume v stacks off with sets but I don't know. I feel like you have 1 goal in this hand. Hope V has a hand like 8s9s and let him catch up. He called flop raise so he should have more spade flush draws than heart flush draws in his range. You need to let him catch up even though there are some bad rivers for you ( paired board, heart ).

On the second hand, I think if V is really good he should be more capable of bluff raising rivers esp your range is capped at 1 pair hands and rarely not as strong as AK. I don't mind checking the turn against a very good villain who may make your life miserable but bet calling river seems standard to me.
07-09-2015 , 07:35 PM
lol OP never came back

but fold as played.
