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25/50NL+ bankroll questions 25/50NL+ bankroll questions

07-31-2008 , 12:38 PM
I know this is player dependend but here goes.

I started playing 25/50 for the first time when my bankroll was around 180K. In hindsight this was waay too optimistic. I run it up to 245K and got a bad downswing all the way back to a little over 90K. Went back to grinding 10/20 and moved up again when I hit 250. The past 4 months were very good to me (with two days where I tilted off a lot). I took a shot at the 50/100 games on Betfair and Boss when I thought they were good. Made a small profit but felt still uncomfortable. My online roll right now is close to 460K (spread over 4 sites) and I'm itching to play 50/100+ but don't think I can handle a -100K day.

What do you think is a safe roll to play 50/100 on a more regular basis? Games are 90% of the time 4 or 5 handed and very swingy. Is it better to take the occasional shot or keep grinding 25/50 till I have enough for the full step to higher limits? All advice is welcome.
07-31-2008 , 12:43 PM
you have enough to play in a juicy game taking a few shots, be sensible and just play in the games you feel comfortable playing, whether it be 10/20 or 50/100.
07-31-2008 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Stranger123
I'm itching to play 50/100+ but don't think I can handle a -100K day.
set a stop loss of something you can handle seems to be an easy solution.
07-31-2008 , 02:43 PM
if you can't handle dropping 100K in a day it seems like a pretty bad idea to take shots at 50/100 i wouldn't recommend it. i think setting a 2-3 BI stop loss is kinda silly since that doesn't account for variance at all.

what kind of emotional toll would losing that kind of money have on you. what about have on your play?
07-31-2008 , 03:09 PM
If you can move down, you are properly rolled imo.

I usually do the 'only loosing x BIs' stoplosses and just don't care about them when I hit my limit. So 8 out of 10 I manage to get back and 2 out of 10 I go and blow off 10 bi's.
07-31-2008 , 03:54 PM

Setting a stop loss seems like a very good option for you. Personaly I have a stop loss of 3 BIs whenever I try to move up in stakes. Sure, you might sucked out on 3 times and therefore have to move down in limits, but so what? Grind your way back up and give it another shot!

Good luck man
07-31-2008 , 04:47 PM
Given your bankroll theres no good reason not to play 50/100 when the games are good. Emotional/tilt considerations aside you'd probably be making a mistake not to play in a juicy 100/200 game. You can afford to lose 20BI at 50/100 and still have a 50BI bankroll for your main game of 25/50.
07-31-2008 , 06:38 PM
Is a juicy 100/200 game an oxymoron?
07-31-2008 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
Is a juicy 100/200 game an oxymoron?
07-31-2008 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by ike
Given your bankroll theres no good reason not to play 50/100 when the games are good. Emotional/tilt considerations aside you'd probably be making a mistake not to play in a juicy 100/200 game. You can afford to lose 20BI at 50/100 and still have a 50BI bankroll for your main game of 25/50.


It's not like you have to be risking 100k in a day just because you're playing 50/100. Discipline.
08-02-2008 , 12:04 AM
Shouldnt be harder than to just sit in good games either it is 10/20 or 50/100, and if you drop more than you are comfortable with , just step down and grind it back.
Since you mentioned a 100k drop as som sort of worst case scenario, I would say a 100k drop on 50 100 in one day is something you dont see to often unless you play a sick lag style, or just dont have the skill. I feel like this is especially true since there are not to many 50 100 games running on any of the mentioned sites on a regular basis, so effective playing time on a given day isnt to high in general.
Are you "Wooper" by the way?
08-02-2008 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by dsfeeer
08-02-2008 , 11:47 AM
No I'm not Woooper. Can't remember ever playing against a woooper btw so what site are you referring to?
08-02-2008 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Stranger123
No I'm not Woooper. Can't remember ever playing against a woooper btw so what site are you referring to?
08-02-2008 , 01:10 PM
So far the toughest players (I think) I played on Betfair so far are:

Iluvchris, BVLGARI, PkstpAAm.

I think MrDawwe is waaaay to LAG but I'm down the most to him over in july.
08-02-2008 , 01:49 PM
I would say Flavorflav(aka snake8282 or something like that) and len69 are the toughest to beat in those games. On Boss i would say mr.chill and Cmenomore.
08-02-2008 , 01:59 PM
Yeah Flav and Len are very very good but they play higher (50/100 - 250/500NL) so haven't played against either of them. Gambooooool also seems to be a good player (he also runs hot as hell).

On Boss Mr. Chill is the n1 around right now. Very very agressive but he doesn't play as much as hellblood or Cmenomore. I've seen TheMole play 50/100 but this morning he was back to 5/10 again so havent got enough hands against him.
08-02-2008 , 05:39 PM
Interested in your opinion on themole plz?
08-02-2008 , 06:10 PM
He beats 10/20 with a good rate easily. I know he played (and stilll plays higher) but I think he's outmatched by most of the regs (Mr. Chill, Hellblood, Cmenomore, Domcee, etc). I like his style but sometimes he wants to be a bit too fancy for my taste but further... very good regular.
08-02-2008 , 10:17 PM
im actually kinda curious what some reputable posters have to say as to what they think the minimum br requirement for 25/50+ is.

40 buyins 50? 100? 25? thoughts anyone
08-02-2008 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by tcorbin16
im actually kinda curious what some reputable posters have to say as to what they think the minimum br requirement for 25/50+ is.

40 buyins 50? 100? 25? thoughts anyone
08-03-2008 , 12:04 AM
Hehe "The Mole" is a hero and a good friend of mine:
08-03-2008 , 12:13 AM
i dont think u should make 25/50 your REGULAR game unless you have 250k+ liquid. I don't think taking the occasional shot in a v good game is wrong w/ as little as 150k.
08-03-2008 , 04:20 AM
08-03-2008 , 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by delegator
Hehe "The Mole" is a hero and a good friend of mine:
lol i was at his table at this event, i think he actually busted me, but yeah def a funny guy :P
