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25/50 v traheho standard no? 25/50 v traheho standard no?

11-27-2007 , 12:56 AM
its pretty ridiculous to put AJ or AQ in trahehos range after he calls your turn bet.
why though? is trahehos range here really only top two pair, set, or float?

btw, i hate shoving here and dont really understand why c/c is worse than b/f. i really think b/f is something that is so easily exploitable and that a lot of you do it too much. that isnt an insult (most of you are better than me after all) just an observation
11-27-2007 , 08:34 AM
its pretty ridiculous to put AJ or AQ in trahehos range after he calls your turn bet.
why though? is trahehos range here really only top two pair, set, or float?

btw, i hate shoving here and dont really understand why c/c is worse than b/f. i really think b/f is something that is so easily exploitable and that a lot of you do it too much. that isnt an insult (most of you are better than me after all) just an observation
How is bet/folding this river easily exploitable or even exploitable at all? Like irock pointed out his flop play is 2 pair+ the vast majority of the time. Combine that with his turn play and throw in a river lead and Traheho would have to be insane to try to bluff shove hoping for a fold here.

There just arent many 2nd best hands Traheho can show up with on the river, and of those, there are very few that he'd want to turn into a bluff to try and move hero off a hand. Realistically the only thing he could ever hope to fold out is something like QJ, AQ/AJ because no one ever folds a boat with the odds he'd be getting.

In some situations bet/folding is exploitable, but I just don't see how this is one of them.
11-27-2007 , 12:50 PM
id prob just call the flop. hardly ever do does someone check raise here as a bluff or semi bluff against the preflop raiser after just flatting out of the blinds, so by check raising youre pretty much saying i have 2 pair+.
i like this as long as you lead the turn. In this hand probably have to bet, eventhough the evidence for c/f seems nice
11-27-2007 , 01:12 PM
i cant see how he ever gets to this river with worse than a straight or a boat...

i really dont think c/f is that bad unless he's absolutely insane. i'd maybe call a smallish bet
11-27-2007 , 01:16 PM
lol c/f this river please
11-27-2007 , 05:38 PM
I hate these hands and this same scenario occured to me in wild variations in the past.
From my expierence Traheho1 won't have a weaker hand than QJ in this spot and I doubt he would play it that way all too often.
He plays very tight lately and by raising the flop you basically say you have a very strong hand (I don't see you having anything worse than KTs or ATs)..
I think in this specific spot I stay passiv because I barely see us getting paid by worse hands and I want the pot to stay as small as possible.
So c/c flop, c/c turn and due to the fact that our hand is so underrep. and the pot is smaller I would c/c the river as well.
Whoever said c/f river, I don't think this is a bad line against Villain.
I doubt he will ever show up with a worse hand in that spot and I also doubt he would value bet QJs there too frequently.
11-27-2007 , 06:21 PM
ezzzzzzzzzzz checkfold
11-28-2007 , 01:38 AM
I think I like a check/call. QJ makes up a huge part of his range, maybe more than half. So basically I think he'll value-bet thin there with it more often than he calls with it since its pretty rare people check a boat on that river.
11-28-2007 , 01:44 AM
lol yeah no [censored] I almost left results in there to begin with. I wasn't happy about it, but figured shoving had to be better than c/c or c/f.

What do you think about my slightly small turn bet - 2k into 3.5k? What do you do in his spot if you have AQ? Is folding too weak?
I'm almost always dumping AQ on that flop or turn without a lot of history. I think its very rare a good 25/50 player is calling flop, turn, and river with just AQ. I'm really not a fan of a shove. Even AK and AT I think get folded about half the time.
