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25/50 HU, facing river jamm 25/50 HU, facing river jamm

03-31-2008 , 10:14 AM
Effective Stacks 4,500.

I open button to 170 with Qs10s, villian calls.

Flop 9d 8x 7d, villian checks, I bet 240, villian calls.

Turn 6d, check/check

River Jx, villian checks, I bet 550, villian pushes.

no reads on villian, only a few hands into session.

03-31-2008 , 12:02 PM
don't bet if you don't want to call a raise. call obv
03-31-2008 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Mercutio
don't bet if you don't want to call a raise
100% wrong.

op you have to know if villain is spewy or bluffy enough to be doing this with worse/a bluff/just a T. he probably isn't, so it's probably a fold.
03-31-2008 , 02:27 PM
I don't mind leading the river, you're getting called by weaker straights, sets, two pair, a fair amount here, but the push is very read dependent. Against an unknown, I'd lay down.
03-31-2008 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Mercutio
don't bet if you don't want to call a raise. call obv
wow not even close. you absolutely have to bet this river. I'd really want to call the river, and I probably would. It might be a fold though. Checking the river is throw up you shouldn't be playing poker please quit now and go back to knitting bad.
03-31-2008 , 03:16 PM
is betting the turn bad?
03-31-2008 , 03:17 PM
I'd rather bet the turn. Once you check the turn, I think you should call the river. You played your hand too tricky to be folding on this board.
03-31-2008 , 03:25 PM
when you check the turn youre no longer repping a flush with your river bet so you open yourself up to more bluffcheckraises which is not what you want to happen when you have a nonpolarized hand. this likely makes betting the turn the much stronger play because flushes are very often in your range and therefore when your opponent checkraises you hes trying to bluff an often polarized, yet powerful range. this makes the likelihood of him cr bluffing you on the turn far less than on the river.
03-31-2008 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by TStoneMBD
when you check the turn youre no longer repping a flush with your river bet so you open yourself up to more bluffcheckraises which is not what you want to happen when you have a nonpolarized hand. this likely makes betting the turn the much stronger play because flushes are very often in your range and therefore when your opponent checkraises you hes trying to bluff an often polarized, yet powerful range. this makes the likelihood of him cr bluffing you on the turn far less than on the river.
He also is unlikely to fold a T that you're free-rolling or a set that is drawing live.
03-31-2008 , 05:26 PM
I am not a HS player but i feel i have a decent grip on heads up..

If im villain, this is how i play a flush 100%. just my .02.

With a flush, he's only getting serious money from you if you have the straight or a lower flush...He figures you will bet both those hands on the river...*Cue mysterious checkraise*
03-31-2008 , 08:29 PM
lead river and fold to shove obv
04-01-2008 , 02:45 AM
Absolutely have to bet the river. Don't play poker if you're not betting there. The shove is totally read dependent. Against unknown I think it's a fold, but there are tons of players that i'd snap call this with.
04-01-2008 , 06:44 AM
thanks for the replies.
04-01-2008 , 10:01 AM
id snap call vs any player online, live is much easier to read
04-01-2008 , 04:14 PM
That's a pretty big overbet, isn't it? Sticking in 3500, 7 times your bet size, to win 1400? If I were villain and I wanted to get some value for my flush, I think I would probably bet smaller, like 1700, because it's obvious you don't have a flush and I don't expect non-flush hands to call. So, if he expects you to fold, that means you should call? I dunno, I can't play these leveling games.
04-01-2008 , 04:25 PM
I think this is really player dependent, who's leveling who. Is this guy compitent? This is 25-50 NL, so im going to assume hes a really good player, but if hes not, then he can show up here with just a 10 or even a set or something (we never see this type of fish anymore, so i wouldn't count on it.). Most players are gonna have the nuts and nothing here. This does look like a pretty decent bluffing spot, but why the shove. I like his play. But I think your the only one who can make this decision, being at the table and seeing whats happened in the past.
04-01-2008 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by TStoneMBD
when you check the turn youre no longer repping a flush with your river bet so you open yourself up to more bluffcheckraises which is not what you want to happen when you have a nonpolarized hand. this likely makes betting the turn the much stronger play because flushes are very often in your range and therefore when your opponent checkraises you hes trying to bluff an often polarized, yet powerful range. this makes the likelihood of him cr bluffing you on the turn far less than on the river.
Good post sir, but I still dont think its profitable to call here vs a random who hasnt shown any crazy tendencies up to this point. Def close though
04-02-2008 , 01:19 PM
Bet river/fold to shove is perfectly sensible.

If he is making that play on a bluff then it won't be long until the rest of his money is yours anyway, as he's obv spewey as all ballz.
04-03-2008 , 12:46 PM
villian had 4d 5d
04-03-2008 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Kadabra
This is 25-50 NL, so im going to assume hes a really good player... Most players are gonna have the nuts and nothing here. This does look like a pretty decent bluffing spot, but why the shove.
seems like answer,question but wtf do i know?
04-03-2008 , 04:09 PM
ps, i just realized that i advocated betting the turn but if your intent was to fold to a cr it looks like youre playing a fundamentally flawed strategy. what i mean is, if you bet the turn with straights, flushes and air, and fold to a cr with all but your flushes, your opponent can bluff cr with extreme profitability. anyone have a way of rectifying this problem? is the only balance method to call the turn cr with straights a certain % of time and fold to most river bets (while balancing your play so that you flatcall turn crs with flushes as well), or is it really just better to go ck/ck on the turn and play the polarized range as flushes/air? if you bet this turn with a straight, do you also go as far as to bet your sets as well?
04-04-2008 , 12:19 AM
i fold to c/r
04-04-2008 , 07:55 AM
gotta bet river here ... folding to shove is fine, ur not beating much considering the raise
