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10/25 FR vs. Trambop 10/25 FR vs. Trambop

07-01-2008 , 05:40 AM
This was on UB and I forgot to save the hh, but I'm fairly sure I remember the hand accurately. FR high stakes doesn't get off frequently on there, so this game is a fluke. I am obv huge fish and don't play these stakes normally so don't think too many of the regulars recognize me. I have been playing TAG but have made a few moves all which have been unsuccessful, I don't think I've won a pot since I sat down. Villain is trambopoline who I know is very good but I dunno much about his fr game/style.

Villain limps for 25 in EP (started the hand with 2100 I think), I raise to 115 in m/lp, solid player on my immed left cold calls 115, folds back to villain who calls.

Flop is T54r checks around.

Turn is a Q completing rb. Check to me I bet 275 into 380, cold caller folds and villain c/r to 750, Hero?

EDIT: I have KQo

Last edited by AGame18; 07-01-2008 at 05:57 AM.
07-01-2008 , 05:44 AM
What do you have?
07-01-2008 , 06:22 AM
i'd prob fold, even though he realizes the top of ur range is 1pr given your image and the nittyness of fr i think i give it up
07-01-2008 , 07:13 AM
I'd just give it up here. You're not really repping a strong range and it's a very good spot for trambo to bluff at you, but given the action it's just too easy for trambo to have a good hand here. With money behind I'd fold and not feel too badly about it.
07-01-2008 , 11:24 AM
i know nothing about trambo (aside that he's probably very good) but folding this seems incredibly weak given his perception of your hand. if he is at all good and creative he does this with every pair he limps with (including the ones that aren't sets). That's pretty much all he's repping here ( maybe AA), and you know the old saying about when someone is repping an extremely narrow range..

(never believe them)

On the other hand, he is pretty short. I've never played UB but doesn't a game like that run 200bb deep usually? seems strange tramb would be even shorter than 100BB unless he just lost a pot?

You're probably going to face a shove a lot, which sucks because obviously we only have a bluff catcher. Given that I would have a tough time calling a river bet (and I believe he will bet/shove the riv here a very high %) I would fold and keep an eye on him.
07-01-2008 , 03:36 PM
just bet the flop

and as played I agree with Cameron
