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10/20 NL Live/Deep, Squeeze play? 10/20 NL Live/Deep, Squeeze play?

04-23-2008 , 05:08 AM
I decided to play 10/20 NL at Commerce after a night of drinking at a club. Didn't want to drive home drunk so decided to play for a while and sober up.

Description of Villains

Villain 1 is a limit player who I think plays the bigger limit games 100-200 or bigger. He's been playing very loose pf , but he's only been there 30min. so I don't know what to think of his post flop game. This is his first pot where he's put more than a 100 in pf though.

Villain 2 is a laggy pf tourney player who seemed to be on tilt and not playing very well just playing really poorly. He's been raising and reraising and calling 3 bets oop then folding to the raiser's cbets.

My image was TAG. I was drunk but I don't think anyone really thought that I was crazy drunk guy. The hand before I raised with AA and flopped a set on a A J T board . Villain 2 bet into me and I raised and he mucked. He said he mucked two pair, and I told him he was drawing dead, and he looked a little flustered.

This is the very next hand

9 handed 10/20 nl live game
Hero - 6k
Villain 1 - 3.5k
Villain 2 - 8k

Hero - UTG
Villain 1 - CO
Villain 2 - BB

Hero AQs raises to 70, Villain 1 calls, Villain 2 rr 340.
Villain 1 insta calls out of turn and said he didn't see my cards. Hero thinks about it and calls.

Flop (pot - 1060) A J 3 rainbow

Villain 2 bets 700. Hero calls 700. Villain 1 stares at me for a while and then raises to 3k. Villain 2 mucks. Hero?

You think it's a squeeze play?

No physical reads cuz I beez drunk.
04-23-2008 , 05:57 AM
They don't sound very good/ capable of bluffraising on a dry board like this. You are likely way behind or chopping, folding can't be too bad. Even if hes tilting i Don't see how he can raise A10 for value ever
04-23-2008 , 06:42 AM
this is a fold and it isnt even close imo
04-23-2008 , 08:09 AM
3333333333333 all day long
04-23-2008 , 06:17 PM
Why would villain 1 raise so big with Ak, set, or two pair? That would just be retarted in my opinion. And it's hard to put this guy on 33 since he instacalled a guy who wasnt really giving him set odds. Remember he pf called before I put any money in.

I think that Villain 1 was at the table longer than I had stated at least 3 rounds and he was seeing the flop about half the hands up to that point. That is really really loose in a full ring game. Villain 1 has also been there long enough to know that Villain 2 has been spewing and acting up, so you guys got to factor that in. This situation can't be as simple as "since he raised big he must have a monster."

Also, after seeing the previous hand, Villain 1 could be thinking that Villain 2 has started a war with me and wants to outplay me and I know this so my call on the flop could be a lot lighter than normal.

I think this would be a decent squeeze spot if I were in villain's shoes.
04-23-2008 , 09:53 PM
04-24-2008 , 06:14 AM
I agree that this is a fold. Given your description of Villian 2 and your there is no way I would believe he had 2 pair on that hand you were in against him earlier. i doubt that has any relevence but i wanted to call out a lie for some reason
04-24-2008 , 06:25 AM
I think this is a pretty clear fold. Better question is how did you manage to remember the hand while under the influence?
04-25-2008 , 05:48 PM
I had played for at least a couple hours, so I was sobering up by then. I decided to fold grudgingly cuz it would be spewy to get it all in there. I just wanted to see if anyone thought that a squeeze here is a good play or a possible play by villain. Maybe I was just in a drunken, distrusting mood. The guy sitting next to me said he thought the villain was making a move as well.

BTW Villain 1 later on in the night was playing so spewy!!! He made 2 big hopeless bluffs and got caught both times. That also led me to believe he was squeezing after the fact, but I did not have that info. at the time of the hand.

Also what do you guys do with A3 in this spot? or what's the worst hand you commit with?
04-25-2008 , 07:52 PM
Looks like a clear fold without any specific and spot on reads on this guy. Unless is super good player, or has major FPS then i doubt this is bluff. He may have AQ also but other than that your way behind imo
04-27-2008 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by bamboo6386
I decided to play 10/20 NL at Commerce after a night of drinking at a club. Didn't want to drive home drunk so decided to play for a while and sober up.
brilliant idea
