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10/20 live at vegas - AK OOP 10/20 live at vegas - AK OOP

06-25-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by MA11192003
AK is awkward OOP but if you felt that way then why not flat with AK. You don't absolutely have to raise. Generally it's more profitable, understood. However, table dynamics, stacks, & table flow matter tremendously. Especially if your 300bb deep. Yes you let one guy (probably) in but he will never put you on AK & you can make tweak your decision making from street to street.
This +1
06-28-2014 , 09:40 PM
Maybe someone else already pointed it out, but
At this point I put him on premium hands (TT+ , Ak,AQ) ...

(730) Ah Qc 4d
I lead out for 450
makes no sense. What are you getting value from?
06-29-2014 , 02:23 AM
Nit old man will only 4bet you KK+,flat JJ,QQ,And AKs. I will fold this flop vs this nit reg. This is not the "fish" for you always.
07-07-2014 , 02:23 AM
I would've raised bigger PF, being that you were OOP against 2 players.

As played, I'm leaning slightly more toward folding than calling. Of course, every now and then, the TAG, who opened from late position, will show up with a funky hand like a gutshot + backdoor flush draw or something, but it would cost you too much to find out. If you were to just call his raise on the flop and see what develops on the turn, you would have to have a better read on him.
07-21-2014 , 02:03 AM
i would fold the flop. alternatively, call the raise and fold the turn. villain will probably slow down with Ax and his bluffs, because he will put you on AK. that's what you have but that's okay because he probably thinks you're not going to fold once you call the flop, with the board being so dry. i think the better play is to fold the flop though.

i feel the error in the hand was putting in a raise to set yourself up for a bad SPR situation. your SPR on the flop is 8, which is too high to put your money in with TPTK. the raise to villain was $250 which is only 4% of effective stack size, meaning he can set mine you all day. being OOP in this situation, i would smooth call the raise pre. with 100BB it's a fist-pump 3bet but with 300BB AKs is really not that great in a 3-bet pot. the SPR is too low for your flush value and too high for pair value. the best case scenario is win a small pot.
07-21-2014 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by georgelAA
I am recreational east coast player visiting vegas and played this hand last weekend. I found this hand interesting only because of the stack sizes. Would be interested to know what you guys think.

I have no prior history with anybody else in the table and been playing for around 2 hrs when this happened. Villain is older Asian TAG who seems to be extra tight in EP and slightly looser in LP. He plays pretty much straight forward and has shown down only strong hands though he did try one big bluff on the river and mucked the hand when called. My image is semi-LAG and somebody who likes to play his draws fast

I have 6k. Villain covers. For the hand in question I am in BB and villain is on the CO.

I have AsKs in BB. UTG (loose fish) limps in. every body folds to the Villain who makes it 100. I raise to 350. Didn't want to raise too much to keep the fish in. fish folds and villain thinks for 5 secs and flats.

At this point I put him on premium hands (TT+ , Ak,AQ) and think he folds all SC, random Broadway cards except maybe KQ since I have seen him generally respect re-raise from UTG/BB. There is very small chance he flats with AA/KK but don't want to completely rule it out

(730) Ah Qc 4d

I lead out for 450. Villain snap raises me to 1300

If I had 100 BBs or so I snap shove but I dont want to shove for 300BB in this spot against a TAG on this very dry board. He seems like a solid player who is capable of doing this with KK/AJ or complete air but his re-raise on this dry board seems to scream strength to me. Also with my stack size any re-raise from me commits my whole stack.

Call or shove ? Is it too exploitable to even consider a fold here
07-21-2014 , 07:41 PM
I know not as played but just wondering if checking on the flop is reasonable? Maybe he bets worse aces, bluffs or maybe you get more info on the turn after you call a bet the same amount you'd bet?

On the other side I guess you give up the flow of the hand or something.

Don't click my posts I have game of thrones spoilers. But if you truly like the show you should read the books they're better.
07-26-2014 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by wordtwk
im jamming all day
assuming you had the money to do so
07-30-2014 , 03:28 AM
I think with diamonds you have enough decent turn/river outcomes that you need to flat a small raise on the flop.

As an aside I don't understand the purpose of the reraise (or later, the flop bet) if you believe he would fold all but premium hands to it. AdKd is barely a favorite vs the calling range you described, if it is at all, and is probably an ex showdown dog to his range given how well represented AK is in your own range, he will be unlikely to make large mistakes on boards that hit AK.
08-20-2014 , 12:29 AM
As played bet more on the flop 600 or 650
08-26-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by justcool54
three betting AK off preflop to bet fold on a AQ4dd board is super exploitable and you shouldn't 3bet AK if you're going to fold on this flop. Realistically you loose to AA, QQ, and AQ (assuming he doesn't have 44 in his range.) You block AA and AQ, and he could have a straight and flush draw

There is no flush draw. It is a rainbow board. There are only gutshot possibilities KJ,JT.
