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10 20 Line Check 10 20 Line Check

12-17-2012 , 07:52 PM
Villain looks around mid 20's, Asian, haven't seen him before which is rare as generally there's a small player group in this game. Potentially an online player. (no gaudy jewellery, wearing jeans and a button up shirt, quiet)

Hero is young caucasian who is acknowledged by regs/dealer when I sit so if villain is paying attention he will know I am a reg.

I've been at the table about 45 minutes and haven't seen villain do anything out of line, just open a couple of pots, and call a few raises, won 1 without showdown. I've played one noteworthy pot where I 3b pre bet 3 streets on a dry board with top top and got paid by a recreational player.

Eff stacks
Hero 4.5k
Villain 4k

Hero opens 89s to 70 in MP, villain calls in SB, another player calls in BB.

FLOP 589r (Pot 210)

Both players check to hero, hero cbets 150, villain check raises to 400 reasonably quickly. Other player folds, hero calls.

TURN 589Kr (Pot 810)

Villain thinks for about 30 seconds and bets 550. Hero thinks for around 20 seconds and calls.

RIVER 589K2 (Pot 1910)

Villain thinks for around 45 seconds bets 2k in $1000 chips by tossing them high in the air, leaving around 1k in assorted chips behind. Hero ? (fwiw I have 2k in 1k chips and 1500 in assorted)

12-18-2012 , 10:53 PM
I only play 2/5 NL and 5/10 sometimes, so don't be mad at me for responding, but I'm assuming you think this is way ahead way behind and you'll call down unless a Q, 7, and maybe a 6 falls?

I can't see why he wouldn't lead into you or cc/lead or cc/cr or cc/cc/lead with the straight or a flopped set. The exaggerated motion with the 2K overbet especially if the chips were aimed at you looks really bluffy.

Wouldn't he instead opt to let you barrel/value own yourself? He only fears JTs.

Do you think he would at all slow play KK in the SB the way the action went preflop? It would explain why he gets stuck a little on the turn and has to think.
12-19-2012 , 05:25 AM
Tough spot because this is probably a pretty good board in villains eyes to barrel off if hes c/ring as a bluff/semi, but on the other hand since hes an unknown 10/20 player his entire value range has you pretty well crushed except for like KQ/KJ hands that decided to c/r flop which is possible (except 2k into 1910 prolly isnt the sizing that those hands use OTR anyways.)

Dunno really what to do here, fairly interested in what other people have to say. I'd probably lean towards sigh/folding river unless i picked up something throughout the hand.
12-19-2012 , 05:33 AM
since you two have no real history and this is a live setting i think you played the hand fine and i would prob fold the river. your hand just looks like an overpair so much on the flop and he prob wouldnt expect you to fold a hand like TT/JJ/QQ here to his riverbet so i think he almost always has 55 or the straight.
12-19-2012 , 09:40 AM
gut says fold
12-19-2012 , 02:03 PM
You beat 66, 77, JT, and random air. You lose to 55 and 67 getting 2-1. Why call turn if folding river on a brick? Why does villain go from betting 60 percent of pot to betting full pot on the river? You are at the peak of your range ... You can never fold here.

12-19-2012 , 02:22 PM

It's hard to flop straights or top set with remaining two 9s and he's repping pretty much exactly that. I think with bottom set he raises bigger on the flop and bets smaller on the river, and with KJ or KQ he bets smaller on river as well.
12-20-2012 , 02:52 PM
nit in me says fold turn.

but, really, sizing doesnt seem super value oriented reg vs reg on river, does it? You've repped a very medium strength hand and he is repping the nuts, seems like he wouldnt try to blow you out with a (slight) overbet if he really had it?
12-20-2012 , 03:27 PM
[QUOTE=DjSkyy;36294666]nit in me says fold turn.

but, really, sizing doesnt seem super value oriented reg vs reg on river, does it? You've repped a very medium strength hand and he is repping the nuts, seems like he wouldnt try to blow you out with a (slight) overbet if he really had it?[/QUOTE]

to me it seems unlikely that it's a bluff considering OP is a total unknown and you dont really beat anything in his value range. i fold river
12-21-2012 , 02:05 AM
yeah,since you two have no real history and this is a live setting i think you played the hand fine and i would prob fold the river.[img]http://www.**********/xinjiechi/images/8.gif[/img]
12-27-2012 , 01:51 AM
Its interesting my original gut reaction was that it was probably a fold, but the more I think about his likely hand distribution I think its an easy call. If we assume he could play 55, 88, 99, 76s, 98s, JTo, QTo+, 77, 66 like this his hand range is going to weighted heavily toward bluffs even if rarely chooses the line with JTo, QTo+, 77, 66 because they comprise far more hands than the nut hands. He has roughly 7 combos of nuthands and 60 combos of possible bluffs. If we assume he bluffs roughly 10% of the time with those hands we we end with 6 combos of bluffs to 7 combos of nuthands, making it an easy call. He'd have to bluff right under 5% of the time with his bluffing hands to make this a fold. Its very clearly a call.

Note: if he only plays suited connectors, suited broadways and pocket pairs this is probably fold. My experience in live play is that people tend to get to loose pre so my evaluation is based on that assumption.

Last edited by UtahGambler1971; 12-27-2012 at 02:09 AM.
12-29-2012 , 03:06 AM
Easy call but I'd shove instead.

Yes it's possible V flopped a monster but the CR on the flop removes 67 from his range IMO. The CR on the flop followed by a donk on the turn tells me JT/T7. The river is a simple cbet regardless of what card fell.

As Utah states, it possible V to have nut/monster but his range is slanted heavily toward air or single pair. The shove is for FE and value as the V might put Hero on a busted draw trying to buy the pot.
12-29-2012 , 03:25 AM
I'd call on the river getting 2 to 1. There's just too many hands like JT, T7, 7s, 6s, A9, etc in a random's range to fold IMO.
12-29-2012 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by SublimePoker
Easy call but I'd shove instead.

Yes it's possible V flopped a monster but the CR on the flop removes 67 from his range IMO. The CR on the flop followed by a donk on the turn tells me JT/T7. The river is a simple cbet regardless of what card fell.

As Utah states, it possible V to have nut/monster but his range is slanted heavily toward air or single pair. The shove is for FE and value as the V might put Hero on a busted draw trying to buy the pot.
01-01-2013 , 05:44 AM
i'd fold , you rep a medium strength hand or OP
if he has a set hes trying to get max value from
I doubt villain puts you on a sd ever as
he prolly assumes that you know that he knows that
hes unlikely to pay you if you do hit your str8 otr.
So with the addition of very little history vs villain who
appears reggish/competent and who probably views u as competent as well
i think this is a close fold.
01-01-2013 , 09:41 AM
lol @ those putting 66/77/67/JT/QT etc in villain's range.. HSNL has become a joke not because top players don't post anymore, but because there's too many micro players pretending to be HS.

OP you hold blockers to sets, he could've easily flatted AA/KK in SB and valuebetting the whole way, can't see how you can fold this.
01-01-2013 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by sevenpoker
lol @ those putting 66/77/67/JT/QT etc in villain's range.. HSNL has become a joke not because top players don't post anymore, but because there's too many micro players pretending to be HS.

OP you hold blockers to sets, he could've easily flatted AA/KK in SB and valuebetting the whole way, can't see how you can fold this.
So if you put no bluffs in villains range and he can "easily" have AA or KK (KK would be top set), how on God's earth is this a call?

Also, villains sizing doesn't even make sense for AA. Not to even mention his play on the flop.
01-01-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by wahoozlecoach
So if you put no bluffs in villains range and he can "easily" have AA or KK (KK would be top set), how on God's earth is this a call?

Also, villains sizing doesn't even make sense for AA. Not to even mention his play on the flop.
did I say there were no bluffs in villain's range?

reading comprehension is fundamental.
01-01-2013 , 12:28 PM
Lol, k. So his range is just arbitrary bluffs that make 0 sense I suppose. High quality post.
01-01-2013 , 12:38 PM
so what else are you going to make up that I didn't say? I'm quite curious now...
01-02-2013 , 03:25 AM
Wp, now fold.
01-02-2013 , 05:27 AM
I would check raise in this spot.
01-17-2013 , 03:39 AM
Results: I called and we had the same hand.
01-18-2013 , 05:50 PM
Based on everything I read and before the results I was leaning towards call. He reps a bluff much more than a small combo of hands that have you beat. With no info it's tough to call but still I think calling>folding>raising
