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10/20 45s oesd 10/20 45s oesd

04-28-2008 , 12:49 PM
Party Poker
No Limit Holdem Ring game
Blinds: $10/$20
6 players

Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is UTG+1 with 4 5
[color:#cc0000]UTG raises to $60[/color], [color:#cc0000]Hero raises to $200[/color], 4 folds, UTG calls.

Flop: 3 8 6 ($430, 2 players)
UTG checks, Hero checks.

Turn: 6 ($430, 2 players)
[color:#cc0000]UTG bets $260[/color], Hero calls.

River: 8 ($950, 2 players)
UTG checks, Hero

villain runs 20/15, no history, first time I 3bet him. I think hes just new to the table, dont know much about him, he seems to be folding to 3bets fairly often but i don know how his perception of me is. i can 3bet pretty lightly sometimes..

so i think he has a range of AQ, sometimes AK 99+, JTs and maybe some other suited cons.

so i check behind the flop because i have really good implieds and im getting check/raised way too often. turnbet is kinda small and i still have huge implieds, so i call.

after checking the river, i doubt he has KK,AA. he'd vbet. QQ probably as well. with JJ, im not too sure anymore ... TT he probably checks. 99 as well.

so can I fold out 99, TT repping the with hands like 78s, 98s, T8s, 68s ?

I'd probably bet aces all day on this board but there may be times i just decide to cb, so sometimes i could have aces. i d probably most often not check jacks but he cant really know so i could be repping jacks as well.

im pretty sure he folds out AQ or a suited con that he decided to bet on the turn. doesnt really matter though, AQ = AA in this as long as im not holding aces or jacks and i agree, i would not most of the time.

good spot to bluff? if yes, how much? i thought about ~700 - 800
04-28-2008 , 12:55 PM
Really hard to say. I would only bet enough to fold out his ace high hands. Sometimes you may be lucky enough to fold out small pps as well with a small bet.
04-28-2008 , 12:56 PM
i mean this basically comes down to whether hes lookin you up with an ace or not... if hes not bet, if he is check. its worth noting this is directly correlated to how good a hand reader he is, because he probably should be snapping you off with an ace here since youre repping pretty much only an 8.
04-28-2008 , 01:04 PM
yep that whats i thought, so i bet $660 to fold out his ace high hands and suited cons that took a shot at the pot on the turn.

i dont really know much about him but i think he was multitabling and, no offense to 20/15 players in general they are more on autopilot than other players, so i bluffed and donkt really think about AQ being AA here or just fold since saying to themselves that they "dont have a good enough read".

plus i thought that he must think that hes not reallying beating anything. obv, lol. but i mean, i dont think hes reading me on a oesd, maybe flushdraw that i picked up on the turn . but why would i call the turn with AK/AQ and the bet the river, doesnt make much sense.
04-28-2008 , 01:21 PM
check yo'self befo' you riggedy wreck yo'self
04-28-2008 , 01:23 PM
check, betting this river is not good against any descent opponent
04-29-2008 , 10:23 AM
I dont get the flop chk behind if you rr pre. Hes not going to CR you THAT often and if he is then just shove over the top and either take it down or get it in with a decent draw.

On the river if you bet hes snapping you off with 77+ all day long, maybe even Ace high some of the time. Bad spot to try get him to fold a pair. That being said, theres definetely merit in betting to get him to fold worse high card hands, K high etc.
04-29-2008 , 10:27 AM
definitely check behind flop. his pf CCRR range OOP is weighted towards 99+ that will c/r this flop all day.

i was thinking of different betsizes on river to see if i liked anything. i dislike 75%+ including overbets like 2-300% on the river. if i bluffed itd probably be like $300 just to get him to fold some random hand that can pretty much never put you on a bluff. i think its good to bet SOMEthing though, since by the time hes at river, he pretty much never has 77+.
04-29-2008 , 10:40 AM
what are stack sizes here?

I would bet this flop 100% of the time and shove on his c/r to try and fold out 99-QQ (if he is decent -- you said u hadnt 3-bet at all).

As played, i check behind river because his line looks like 77,99-JJ and is planning to c/c.
04-29-2008 , 10:59 AM
I snap call your bluff with Ace high, line is too weak to bother trying, in fact, if you're not going to bluff the flop, just fold the turn.
04-29-2008 , 11:06 AM
I don't see what's wrong with c-bet/shoving the flop. I also don't think you have the huge implied odds you think you have on turn, so I'd just fold turn as played.
04-29-2008 , 12:33 PM
I dont understand your play here... U got the flop u were hoping for and then u go into c/c mode. On the turn u have 8 tainted outs and u need to win avg $545 on the river just for the turn call to break even. Bet/shove flop and fold turn... Bluffing the river makes no sense, he folds T9-type hands but thats about it. If u think those hands are a significant part of his range, i guess u can fire a small bluff to fold out the hands that have no showdown value.
04-29-2008 , 01:11 PM
If we get c/raised on the flop it`ll be a shove alot assuming 100BB stacks. If it isnt lol@ us having FE vs. overpairs
04-29-2008 , 01:56 PM
dont do it mang
04-29-2008 , 02:26 PM
Great flop to bet
04-29-2008 , 04:22 PM
its 100 BB.

i dont like bet/shove flop because:

1) hes gonna cr this flop very very often if he just calls my raise utg.

2) he's not gonna cr JJ or something like that and fold to a shove, wtf? thats like turning a good made hand into a pure bluff. why would you ever do that?

3) he's gonna check/shove some amount of the time and i'd have to throw a nice hand away.

4) even if hes just check/raising small, im not really seeing do him that with a bluff. just wouldnt make much sense without history.

5) my draw is pretty hidden and i think i have good impluieds with my line.


bet/calling or bet/shoving the flop sucks imo. it really does.

8/46 * (950 + x) - 260 = 0

165 + 8/46*x - 260 = 0

8/46 * x = 95

x= 545 = implied odds.

thats like 1/2 pot. i really do think that i m winning 545 on average if i hit. i mean if you think hes def not folding out TT,99 etc in this spot, why would he fold it out if i hit. he s not gonna read me on 45s most of the time ... and thats only the cases he checks and is just not gonna bet like 3/4 pot and maybe then even call a shove with AA or KK i.e., who knows.

i hate life if he has T9 though but that shoudlnt be too often.

btw, if i 3bet 45s, i am not "hoping" for flops, im not 3betting for value obv. i dont have a problem with showing down my hand. thats maybe another point to consider. just check the river and let him see that i 3bet with 45s... i mean, thats the whole intention of the preflop play, to show him that im not only 3betting KK+ or sth from mp3 vs mp2.
04-29-2008 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sleyde
its 100 BB.

btw, if i 3bet 45s, i am not "hoping" for flops, im not 3betting for value obv. i dont have a problem with showing down my hand. thats maybe another point to consider. just check the river and let him see that i 3bet with 45s... i mean, thats the whole intention of the preflop play, to show him that im not only 3betting KK+ or sth from mp3 vs mp2.
First off, dont criticize responses when you dont provide full information. We had no idea stacksizes and that is obviously critical to this hand. Second I think your rationale here is completely flawed. Especially with 100BB, I am definitely getting this in on the flop if necessary when you committ 10bb pf and hit the flop. If it gets in, and you lose, then rebuy and use that as meta going forward.

I like 3-betting and pot controlling -- checking behind here on the flop-- much better with deeper stacks. Here you are kind of in no man's land and should just continue ur aggression.
04-29-2008 , 06:29 PM
alot of these responses are just wrong.
04-29-2008 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by ttgirl
alot of these responses are just wrong.
jfish got it right.
04-29-2008 , 08:42 PM
I like preflop + flop + turn. I would bet the river about ~ 500 to fold him out his trash and some Ahighs.
04-30-2008 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by GreatKerblini
First off, dont criticize responses when you dont provide full information. We had no idea stacksizes and that is obviously critical to this hand. Second I think your rationale here is completely flawed. Especially with 100BB, I am definitely getting this in on the flop if necessary when you committ 10bb pf and hit the flop. If it gets in, and you lose, then rebuy and use that as meta going forward.

I like 3-betting and pot controlling -- checking behind here on the flop-- much better with deeper stacks. Here you are kind of in no man's land and should just continue ur aggression.
Sorry for not posting the full information but my post was no offense. I am just trying to contribute to answer the question how I should play the hand correctly.

and i still dont the logic behind bet/calling the flop.

if i bet and we give him a range of QQ-99,AQs,AQo, JTs or something (very optimistic that he will never have KK,AA btw!) which means that hes gonna continue to play with QQ-99 and that makes out about 55% of his range. lets suppose we contibet and he shoves.

if i contibet 300 and he shoves, i gotta call 1500 for 2500, that's 1 to 5/3. so i need about 37,5% equity.

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

164,381,184 games 0.005 secs 32,876,236,800 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 77.731% 77.46% 00.27% 127336068 439836.00 { QQ-99 }
Hand 1: 22.269% 22.00% 00.27% 36165444 439836.00 { 54s }

am I overlooking something or what?

i am in a hurry so i hope i did the math correctly but if i did bet/calling would be such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge mistake.
04-30-2008 , 03:29 PM
Yes, bet/calling looks terrible to me. I like your line, now check. Or maybe fold the turn, but I think a turn call is reasonable or at worst a small mistake. The only way I'd like a bet/call on the flop is if he'll c/r ace high quite often and/or have hands worse than ace high and fold them often. Neither of which seems too likely here.
04-30-2008 , 11:44 PM
jack the flop allin with less than 150bbs.
05-01-2008 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Sleyde
Sorry for not posting the full information but my post was no offense. I am just trying to contribute to answer the question how I should play the hand correctly.

and i still dont the logic behind bet/calling the flop.

if i bet and we give him a range of QQ-99,AQs,AQo, JTs or something (very optimistic that he will never have KK,AA btw!) which means that hes gonna continue to play with QQ-99 and that makes out about 55% of his range. lets suppose we contibet and he shoves.

if i contibet 300 and he shoves, i gotta call 1500 for 2500, that's 1 to 5/3. so i need about 37,5% equity.

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

164,381,184 games 0.005 secs 32,876,236,800 games/sec


equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 77.731% 77.46% 00.27% 127336068 439836.00 { QQ-99 }
Hand 1: 22.269% 22.00% 00.27% 36165444 439836.00 { 54s }

am I overlooking something or what?

i am in a hurry so i hope i did the math correctly but if i did bet/calling would be such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge mistake.
You forgot to include the Flop.

Hi sleyde

Board: 3c 8h 6s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 35.556% 35.56% 00.00% 8448 0.00 { 5s4s }
Hand 1: 64.444% 64.44% 00.00% 15312 0.00 { QQ-99 }

I think, _IF_ you cbet, you pretty much have to go with it, because he might sometimes put it in with AK type hands (as you said yourself), and then we have enough equity to call.
05-01-2008 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by MATT111
jfish got it right.
yeah, 1st reaction was to just bet the flop, which i think i prob do too much in similar spots, and this seems like a good spot to check. as for river, i even think 300 is too big
