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The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post --

11-25-2011 , 11:47 PM
my post sounds hella rude and douchey; cause it is. doesn't matter who it is; when people I know who are under the age of 27 seriously mention having kids I really get onto them about it, because most people simply are not ready. and when that happens, I feel like the children suffer, which is terrible, because it is completely out of their control.

in b4 dhcg86 has issues from childhood

primo- my apologies for insulting your character; twas not my intention
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-25-2011 , 11:59 PM
The same is true with young marriages, but there are loads of those that do just fine. It has to be an individual decision between two people who have thought deliberately about the realities that you mention, but it's not like it's wrong for everybody.
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Borg7
Oh ok, fair enough.

But who do you want to have kids with?
I think his wife, but maybe not...

Originally Posted by dhcg86
because you are likely not mature enough to have them. Just based on your age/job .

Not an insult.

Too many people have kids way too young. Also, your reasoning for having kids is very selfish; because you are bored, and because you dont want to be old when youre kids are 20 are not good reasons to have kids.
Primo can afford kids, his job is very flexible(so he can take care of his kids), he is very responsible, and most importantly he wants kids. Lol what more do you want? It's not like he is having a kid so he can see how far he can punt it. Oh, and Primo is a genius, so yea, Primo plz have kids.

It is insulting that you think he hasn't thought this through. It just sounds like you don't want kids. But remember, everyone's situation is different, and tbh it seems like the next logical step in his life.

And nobody wants to be a grandpa when their kid is graduating high school, you want to be that young dad that macs on the underaged chicks(im sure that is Primo's reasoning too )

Gl to you Primo, whatever you decide!!
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 12:07 AM
well i belive kids can make you mature, cant they? ive heard that the best age for women to have kids is about 18-20y, so, yeah i think its not as crazy as it sounds
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 06:04 AM
is that a joke regarding the womenz age?
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 06:14 AM
since we´re all giving primo life advice.
Texas is the wrong state to raise kids, because all texans are republican racist cowboys with way too many guns.
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 07:50 AM
Having kids was the coolest thing I ever did, I wholly recommend it. It'll be fantastic.
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 08:06 AM
yeah kids are a great excuse to do silly stuff you´d never get away with on your own as an adult.
My sister getting 2 kids is the coolest thing that ever happened to me.
I can visit and play with them and when they get difficult(ugh diapers..) i´ll just get some1 who´s actually responsible for them.
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 08:22 AM
my sis just had a kid, the 1st months at least are hella crazy
yh its fun when he smiles and plays with u, but thats like 1/20 of the time, most time he is crying/asking for attention, plus having to do everything to take care of him like changing diapers etc etc
****** sis put me as baby sitter cause i dont work (i play poker), and my downswing just keep getting bigger when i play around him
on the plus side we already agreed that im gonna retire and he's gonna be obliged to play poker on a staking deal of 50/50 until he's 30 (the other 50% is for my sis)

just saying its a hell lot of responsibility, but i dont doubt there are a lot of young couples who can do it so gl
my initial plan was to have a kid when im around 50, this **** just bumped up my plan to 60-65
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
is that a joke regarding the womenz age?
This is what professors at medical uni says. It can maximise the chance for kid to be healthy. It's about **** sapiens species, note that the average life time few k years ago was about 30. now it makes sense?
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by kps
This is what professors at medical uni says. It can maximise the chance for kid to be healthy. It's about **** sapiens species, note that the average life time few k years ago was about 30. now it makes sense?
Super true!
most women are obsessed about having a baby before they turn 30.
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 12:03 PM
primo, i hear you have a love for foosball. have you ever suffered foosball-related tilt?
bearing in mind your current life and success, do you ever stop and think "wtf am i doing, how did i get to this?" when playing 'throw the tennis ball in the bucket' at 6.30am for $50 or something, for example
did you/mel notice any damage/change/find anything you wouldnt want to in the house after the austin camp?
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-26-2011 , 04:54 PM
No Morgan, I have NEVER EVER EVER suffered foosball related tilt!!! (jk I have tons of time, when dumping infinite to you 2!$@!$ing clowns!! :-p). I have questions "wtf am I doing, how did i get to this" tons of times in foosball, but never during throw the tennis ball in the bucket at 6:30 am, or flip a coin for $1k in the street, or even throw the shoe in the parking lot. never those... they all felt so right.

Didn't find any damage / change, <3. You are welcome to come back, maybe i'll run a (shorter), 2 week camp this summer, open to only to those who came for the last one, and at a reduced price so you guys can come and hang out and take me for all i'm worth =/
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-27-2011 , 09:02 PM
how big of a waste of time is travian?
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-27-2011 , 09:39 PM
^^^ sooooo bad ;-p... I still <3 it though, but this is def. the only server i'll ever play
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 07:55 AM
Lock Pro, nice job, anyone else from HUSNGs except JHUB, Hokie and you is pro there?

i kinda like it esp. cuz the cargenerator likes me, but one needs to get used to the software and 25-30bb

DId you participate in that Vienna high stakes cash Camp?
If so what did you learn
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by Valuelol
Lock Pro, nice job, anyone else from HUSNGs except JHUB, Hokie and you is pro there?

i kinda like it esp. cuz the cargenerator likes me, but one needs to get used to the software and 25-30bb

DId you participate in that Vienna high stakes cash Camp?
If so what did you learn
Best question in thread +1
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Valuelol
Lock Pro, nice job, anyone else from HUSNGs except JHUB, Hokie and you is pro there?

i kinda like it esp. cuz the cargenerator likes me, but one needs to get used to the software and 25-30bb

DId you participate in that Vienna high stakes cash Camp?
If so what did you learn
Originally Posted by fastcolt
Best question in thread +1
thanks alot, and I learned a ton, I can't really talk about much (rules of the camp), but i'd say the biggest thing was paying attention to the correlation between frequencies on multiple streets to make hand ranges much more precise, I think it made me a much much better hand reader.
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 06:09 PM
How confident are you that Lock would pay out to US customers if the DOJ goes after them like they did with FTP and pokerstars?

Do you ever play really low stakes just to clear your mind/ de-tilt or do you prefer to just cut sessions short or take a day off?

Ever play live in NH i know they have a couple of card rooms that feature $250 tourneys that can get over 200 ppl? Just for a change of pace?

If you had a chance to play a megga donk (someone you think you would beat like 80-90%) but it had to be for like 20% of your life roll would you? (no selling action or anything allowed)
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by nelly06
How confident are you that Lock would pay out to US customers if the DOJ goes after them like they did with FTP and pokerstars?

I mean, probably as confident as the FTP guys were... nobody can say anything for certain ever, but Lock has been nothing but awesome in my experience, and all of the issues anyone has had that have come to me with them have been resolved very quickly, payouts included.

Do you ever play really low stakes just to clear your mind/ de-tilt or do you prefer to just cut sessions short or take a day off?

prefer to just cut sessions short or take the day off

Ever play live in NH i know they have a couple of card rooms that feature $250 tourneys that can get over 200 ppl? Just for a change of pace?

I live in Austin now, so I don't really play in NH ever, also I wouldn't really, cause I travel 4-5 times a year to some of the major tourney series, so I kinda get my live fix there

If you had a chance to play a megga donk (someone you think you would beat like 80-90%) but it had to be for like 20% of your life roll would you? (no selling action or anything allowed)
I would def. take it, 80% i'd feel nervous, 90% i'd snap take and never think twice about it. 20% of your life roll is such a small thing to make up long term really, and when your EV is that high your ******ed not to take it. 100% of my life roll would be a lot tougher decision
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
I would def. take it, 80% i'd feel nervous, 90% i'd snap take and never think twice about it. 20% of your life roll is such a small thing to make up long term really, and when your EV is that high your ******ed not to take it. 100% of my life roll would be a lot tougher decision
what about 90% win rate 50% life roll? I would always degen it up for a big edge (hell I've busted rolls against better players) but I'm surprised by your answer considering you have a family/much more responsibilities.

Also thanks for the well, I thought I had "solid" BR management with a 20 BI roll but always seemed to hit that tilting downswing and had trouble moving down. I think I'll (hopefully) keep your 50 BI rule through the 20's and not move to 30's unless I get it to $1500
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-28-2011 , 10:27 PM
Hey Primo,

No new questions spring to my mind, just to say enjoying reading this thread and you´re a stand-up guy, See u again in the near future hopefully
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-29-2011 , 03:46 AM
How do you feel about the topic of "superturbos are fairly easily solvable"

like for example h2olga and RQ stated on diff occassions iirc.
Do you find this to be true?
How would you go about this?
How far till solving em are you? :P

IF girl NAME is

for baby im curious ^^
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-29-2011 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by fastcolt
How do you feel about the topic of "superturbos are fairly easily solvable"

like for example h2olga and RQ stated on diff occassions iirc.
Do you find this to be true?
How would you go about this?
How far till solving em are you? :P

IF girl NAME is

for baby im curious ^^

Not sure that they are close to GTO solveable yet, but there are def. solutions people can create that will allow them to mass table w/a solid winrate i'd imagine, esp. at lower stakes. Although this isn't an 'optimal' solution. Anyways R-Q and H2olga are beasts, , but I don't think either have come close to solving STs, and nor am I. Also tbh not 100% sure how to go about it, have to talk to a game theory expert for that .

for baby names noooo idea yet, wife liked a lot of french names before, but now I think she's leaning away from that
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
11-29-2011 , 06:31 AM
not benoit please

watch archer ull see why in season 2
The Well:  PrimordialAA   -- Pooh-Bah Post -- Quote
