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The Well The Well

07-29-2011 , 12:54 AM
how do u put a of volume into husng? my volume sucks...u got any tips
07-30-2011 , 02:42 PM
What do you think is the best live-game alternative for ex-HUSNGers?
07-30-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by ITRIED2WARNU
I hope one day we have an opportunity for a friendly, fun challenge! I asked for your opinion but certainly differ with it.
Keep in mind it sounds big but that's just a 51.3% true winrate (does that even beat rake?). It's pretty unlikely for the wager to be close. One of us is slightly better and it is going to come out in 1000 games. It certainly could be you.

I noticed I missed some questions, on a train now but will get up to date, keep Qs coming.

Last edited by mersenneary; 07-30-2011 at 04:59 PM.
07-30-2011 , 04:54 PM
How many 5 year olds do you think you could take in a fight? Like if you were in a crazy latin country and a gang of 5 year olds jumped you, how many do you think it would take to bring you down?
07-30-2011 , 05:24 PM
how the **** did you come up with that question lol, or even worse, why would you like to know that!? you have been in this spot before and want to compare results? haha
07-30-2011 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by emotionx
how the **** did you come up with that question lol, or even worse, why would you like to know that!? you have been in this spot before and want to compare results? haha
it's been around forever
07-30-2011 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by emotionx
how the **** did you come up with that question lol, or even worse, why would you like to know that!? you have been in this spot before and want to compare results? haha
is this your first time on the internet lol?
07-30-2011 , 06:04 PM
It's not even the first time it's been asked in this thread
07-30-2011 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by AnJo280
If you define a wet flop by having 1 possible Flushdraw and at least 2 possible Gutshot draws out there and dry flops by anything else what is the probability of each?

like 30%/70% ? i cant think of a way to figure that out and you´ll be probably more helpfull than the poker theory subforum.
I've been told flopzilla does this. For once, I prefer good ol' intuition for figuring these situations out. T98r doesn't seem like a dry flop though .

Originally Posted by mrbambocha
[LIST][*]How much harder was it to get to where you are, compared to how much effort you thought you had to put in to be one of the best?
It's a hard question to answer. I worked hard to get where I got but it didn't feel like "work", and definitely not work with the focus of eventually become one of the best (which I still wouldn't consider myself, by the way, unless you're defining that rather broadly).

It's somewhat similar in my new job. I'm working my ass off but it's because "**** you I want to solve this" (the **** you is not directed at anyone in particular), not because of a conscious "here I am putting in work so that it may pay off in the end". Similarly, when I played matches against very good players, that determination kicks in of wanting to focus and learn and play well, but I'm not thinking about working hard to get to be the best. It's something more primal/intrinsically motivated than that, an innate determination that seems independent from actually thinking about the long term ramifications of where I could get to if I do well.

[*]How many hours do you think you have put into poker, lifetime?
God, it's a lot. I think 6,000 is a pretty reasonable guess. That's about 3 per day for 5 years, which seems about right, given that there's a total of about 2 years in there where I played no poker. Trying to count 2+2/recreational games/other poker related activity.

[*]How did you balance - grinding, HH, forum, videos, any other method?
I tried to treat it like a job, especially the forum and my videos. When you coach other people you're responsible for not just yourself, and I took that to heart very early on. One of the biggest pieces of feedback I got when I gave students surveymonkeys to fill out was that my professionalism was very good/unusual, and I take pride in that.

For yourself, you just really have to focus on what's actually helping. There's a lot of masturbatory studying out there and things people learn to make themselves feel better about their poker knowledge, but don't matter at all (see: Chubokov tables).

[*]How big is it to get coaching? How often and how much coaching would you recommend, or when? Lets say that a player starts of the year with 1k. He plays the 30's with an ROI of 3% and he plays 100 hours a month. Every quarter of the year he gets 5-10 hours coaching. Where would you see the player at the end of the year compared to if he didn't get any coaching at all.
There's going to be a ton of variance here based on the coach and the student. I think coaching can be very valuable given the right circumstances, just like any investment (you have to pick one with good expectation in general, and one that's right for your personal situation).

You have to be careful in thinking about this because just getting the coaching tends to indicate that one player is more focused on learning and moving up.

If you want a general expectation, the one who gets coaching will have modest gains against the one who doesn't, more than making it worth it given the right coach and right fit.

[*]What are the 3 main factors/abilities that separates a winner from a breakeven player?
Just too broad, sorry. Talent, discipline, and life balance, but that's a pretty generic answer. The real answer is just being good at poker or not good at poker and that's hard to break down into 3 main strategy leaks or anything like that.

I generally like to respond to troll questions in kind, but surprise's Qs were too boring to work with.
07-30-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by palinca
It's not even the first time it's been asked in this thread
awwww really? Will have to actually think of one then
07-30-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
villain is an unknown donk calling wide oop and only has 525 behind on the turn.. is there an formula to calculate the implied outs?
So, you're not actually that concerned with "implied outs" here. In this situation, most of your equity comes from simply having the best hand. It's also almost always best to either jam or fold the turn in the hand you provided.

Originally Posted by ITRIED2WARNU
I hope one day we have an opportunity for a friendly, fun challenge! I asked for your opinion but certainly differ with it.
The challenge would be close to equivalent to "Would mersenneary beat the rake in the long run playing against ITRIED?". It's definitely crazy how different framings can make the question seem so different ("Would ITRIED be a 4-1 underdog against mersenneary in a HU4rollz?). Those are essentially the same question given your parameters but they seem pretty different.

fwiw, I think you've crushed me in the matches we've legitimately played

Originally Posted by tmle09
how do u put a of volume into husng? my volume sucks...u got any tips
What makes you put in low volume? There are a lot of psychological reasons for it and skill reasons (being bad at multi-tabling, etc). But there's something that's keeping you from "I want to put in more volume" from actually doing it.

Originally Posted by sejje
What do you think is the best live-game alternative for ex-HUSNGers?
No idea. Pai Gow, maybe.

Originally Posted by raised by jews
How many 5 year olds do you think you could take in a fight? Like if you were in a crazy latin country and a gang of 5 year olds jumped you, how many do you think it would take to bring you down?
Probably only a dozen. I'm too tall, it's a disadvantage unless I trained first.
07-30-2011 , 06:59 PM
Say a player who is new to the game decided to apply for the read-only fasttrack programme, would the content be too advanced for him to apply it to his/her game?

Also, what % of students are playing ST's vs Turbos/Reg Speeds.

Last edited by superleeds90; 07-30-2011 at 07:05 PM.
07-30-2011 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by superleeds90
Say a player who is new to the game decided to apply for the read-only fasttrack programme, would the content be too advanced for him to apply it to his/her game?

Also, what % of students are playing ST's vs Turbos/Reg Speeds.
No. Many of the articles will actually be transformed into a series that will be made public that is designed to be comprehensible to beginner/intermediate players but also have good advanced material. That project is a bit down the road from being completed, but you get pieces as it does (and all the current pieces).

It's about half and half STs and other these days.
07-30-2011 , 07:10 PM
What will be My ROI at the 200s?

Last edited by Mr Wray; 07-30-2011 at 07:14 PM. Reason: Oopa11
07-30-2011 , 07:14 PM
It'll be return on investment, just like at any other stake.
07-30-2011 , 07:26 PM
give me a number sir
07-30-2011 , 07:27 PM
Oh and a normal question to keep the thread going...... do u miss playing poker since you stopped? (assuming you have completely)..
07-30-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Wray
What will be My ROI at the 200s?
3-4%? Depends if you learn to move up and play well, which you have a long long history of struggling with. I clicked the regs thread the other day and released that I was only in the middle of the thread, not the end. Joe Pulaski was laughing at you for only playing at the $20s.
07-30-2011 , 07:30 PM
I miss online poker in some ways for sure, but plenty occupied not to think about not being able to play.
07-30-2011 , 07:41 PM
Congratulations on that (no sarcasm) I can't imagine my life without it/this, not the monetary stuff just the challenge and fulfilment I couldn't, haven't had from anything else. As for the 20s you do realise I was making more cash back then, then most 100 regs?Anyway I'm at the 200s now thanks to jared tendler

And to add to the appreciation soceity, yes you have been a help to my game, probably to my opponents moreso I don't get the mathematical approach but don't disagree with many of your conclusions nonetheless. Gl in life I don't know who the fcuk u are but u probs deserve it
07-30-2011 , 09:31 PM
you should prob be beating 1ks at this point given your thought processes and how long youve been playing/crushing. its not real money, just a number on a screen. one big video game til you cashout.
07-30-2011 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Wray
Congratulations on that (no sarcasm) I can't imagine my life without it/this, not the monetary stuff just the challenge and fulfilment I couldn't, haven't had from anything else. As for the 20s you do realise I was making more cash back then, then most 100 regs?Anyway I'm at the 200s now thanks to jared tendler

And to add to the appreciation soceity, yes you have been a help to my game, probably to my opponents moreso I don't get the mathematical approach but don't disagree with many of your conclusions nonetheless. Gl in life I don't know who the fcuk u are but u probs deserve it
As always, though you were making a lot of money at the 20s, your potential for earnings was drastically higher when you moved up, as you learned at the 100s.

And thanks
07-30-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
I miss online poker in some ways for sure, but plenty occupied not to think about not being able to play.

grinding my ass off. almost 200 buy ins below ev. played almost 3k sngs this month, single tabling. i was busto and grinding $3s ran it up to 18k, then busto'd it back down to $400.

it's horrific and fantastic.
07-31-2011 , 04:40 AM
havent gotten much time to go trough the thread so forgive me if its been asked already


next to boring stuff ; like investing

what are you gonna spend all your pokermaneys on?

what kind of poker player do you have more respect for?
(just purely naming some people to give a more appropriate idea of what 'type' i mean, i dont really mean out of these people)

someone like;
- R-Q; whose just a legit sicko imo, and will do pretty much everything to put u in hard spots where u hate life ingame
- Hokiegreg; a good solid player who makes solid profits and is well grounded/down to earth/good life balance, also might have a certain ability to word his toughts well
-Serkules; Doesnt coach people, Disregards ego battles, and focuses 200% on making the highest hourly and shows extremely good money-making skills.


-When are we gonna do our coaching session?

-Will u remain to pop up on skype in lets say 10 years, just for a casual chat with former students hah, im constantly so curious in this ever changing climate where anyone who i talk to regularly will be in 2/5/10/50 years

-How did you get so good at internets?

-Image a student (pokerstudent) who knew where the right material to study was, who knew who the right people to coach him where, and did all of that, went trought it all, yet still failed to actually comprehend the material/theory properly enough to implement it in his game, and feel good about it.
What would your advice be to this kind of person?

Last edited by fastcolt; 07-31-2011 at 05:09 AM.
07-31-2011 , 01:09 PM
what are you gonna spend all your pokermaneys on?
It'll probably end up going to a house someday.

what kind of poker player do you have more respect for?
(just purely naming some people to give a more appropriate idea of what 'type' i mean, i dont really mean out of these people)

someone like;
- R-Q; whose just a legit sicko imo, and will do pretty much everything to put u in hard spots where u hate life ingame
- Hokiegreg; a good solid player who makes solid profits and is well grounded/down to earth/good life balance, also might have a certain ability to word his toughts well
-Serkules; Doesnt coach people, Disregards ego battles, and focuses 200% on making the highest hourly and shows extremely good money-making skills.
It's different kinds of respect, I don't think I'd really say "more".

-When are we gonna do our coaching session?
Sometime this month I hope.

-Will u remain to pop up on skype in lets say 10 years, just for a casual chat with former students hah[/QUOTE]


-How did you get so good at internets?
I got posting coaching from sejje.

-Image a student (pokerstudent) who knew where the right material to study was, who knew who the right people to coach him where, and did all of that, went trought it all, yet still failed to actually comprehend the material/theory properly enough to implement it in his game, and feel good about it.
What would your advice be to this kind of person?
If this were actually true, then scale down your goals in poker, be realistic, have fun.
