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Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Should I be hand reading at 3.50?

11-21-2011 , 11:37 PM
Well I went through a big downfall, the first part of the big drop to 16.5 was when I was tired and sick, I was reading "the mental game of poker" and it said to push yourself, but I misinterperted that it meant to push yourself in tilted situations, not when you're tired and sick :P.

The drop after 16.5 BI is when I started to read hand reading book, I think it may have caused me trouble, I think maybe I should go back to my old strat of just value betting vs most opponents? I did feel like I had a lot of bad beats like calling down with the best hand and getting rivered by gutshots and 2 pairs and me paying them off to a reraise on the river (I know I'm beat but yet the curiosity too see if my reads were correct make me pay them off)

I really need some advice here, I dropped to 1.50 at 15$ now I have 7.84... I'm really low on confidence.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:54 PM
I think at that level you should just bet the strength of your hand. Generally people there are going to call you really light, even 3rd pair sometimes. Level 1 thinking, but don't call reraises without a good reason, it's not worth it.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:57 PM
you should always try and figure out villains range. dont be concerned with the $ at this point in your poker career, be more concerned with getting better and learning the neccessary skills to move up.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-21-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by superjeff24
I think at that level you should just bet the strength of your hand. Generally people there are going to call you really light, even 3rd pair sometimes. Level 1 thinking, but don't call reraises without a good reason, it's not worth it.
Yeah, I think I should only practice my hand reading skills against only some opponents, and for the majority I think I will be value betting and bluff only in the best spots.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by raised by jews
you should always try and figure out villains range. dont be concerned with the $ at this point in your poker career, be more concerned with getting better and learning the neccessary skills to move up.
Yes so true this is what made me go broke, but I'd like to not go broke, so maybe I need a new strategy that allows me to practice but also breaking even. However I think I might have been beating some villians that gave me trouble before, as a trade off I was losing to the maniacs\loose\passive who were the source of my profit, trying to hand read them almost seemed useless.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by PokaPete
Yeah, I think I should only practice my hand reading skills against only some opponents, and for the majority I think I will be value betting and bluff only in the best spots.
I dont know what hand reading book your reading but being a good poker player is all about hand reading but that doesnt mean not to value bet when you think your ahead, its putting them on a certain range of hands and decideing what the best descision is against that range, using whatever info you have on your oponent.
i.e. TPTK vrs a passive calling station you value bet flop and turn he check raises, easy fold.
vrs a spewy aggro oponent its an easy call.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by TheSpiceOfLife
I dont know what hand reading book your reading but being a good poker player is all about hand reading but that doesnt mean not to value bet when you think your ahead, its putting them on a certain range of hands and decideing what the best descision is against that range, using whatever info you have on your oponent.
i.e. TPTK vrs a passive calling station you value bet flop and turn he check raises, easy fold.
vrs a spewy aggro oponent its an easy call.
Yes, I think my problem is calling re raises, my curiosity kills me, I think I just need to relearn folding again, because I get raised on river and I think "Gosh did he really just call me down with a gutshot or overcards?" I actually make the mistake of not putting those cards in their range, I guess I need more practice and more BR.

btw I'm reading "How to read hands at no limit holdem" by Ed Miller, and also watching an 8 part series called hand readers on DC
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-22-2011 , 02:11 AM
everybody goes busto. the strong deal with it. the weak make excuses.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-22-2011 , 02:49 AM
Everything what rbj said 100%

And be careful to do the hand reading right. I sometimes see new players narrow down opponents hands just to a few possibilitys, or even worse to one hand, like "I think he has AK here".

That is not hand reading. Think in ranges - use Pokerstove to get a feeling for it, and decide which part of that range you beat and which one beats you.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-22-2011 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by stone75
Everything what rbj said 100%

And be careful to do the hand reading right. I sometimes see new players narrow down opponents hands just to a few possibilitys, or even worse to one hand, like "I think he has AK here".

That is not hand reading. Think in ranges - use Pokerstove to get a feeling for it, and decide which part of that range you beat and which one beats you.
this +1 mirrion.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
11-23-2011 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by raised by jews
this +1 mirrion.
But don't let it be your bible.
Should I be hand reading at 3.50? Quote
