Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 8
Wondering if someone can confirm my results so far in twisters on coral.
Games 1091 (1 euro games 7% rake)
Chips won 43773
Chips (EV adj) 60844
Net winnings -44 euros/buyins
ROI -4.03%
Taken from HEM2 (if that makes a difference).
So from what I understand.... To be a long term winner before rake you have to be winning 36.9 chips per game. Currently winning 40 but EV adjusted 55. So am I just running bad? Also silly question shouldnt the chips won be a nice round number, not what it is? I mean I either lose 500 per game or win 1000...
Is my actual roi% adjusted 3% using the sum
Basically just want to check I dont suck as much as I feel like I do. I understand the swings in this format can be huge but little reassurance goes a long way. Luckily through rakeback, bonuses and twister race on coral Im up.