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To refund recreational player buyins when they disc. or not? (HT optimal decision thread) To refund recreational player buyins when they disc. or not? (HT optimal decision thread)

09-08-2013 , 05:51 PM
Hey guys,

So today I was playing a villain in a $200HT and he disconnected...
Then he sat me again in another $200 and pleaded me for a refund. So, at first I tell him: "Would you refund me?", "Email pokerstars" and he said "Well you're a reputable player, I think you should!"

Decision time...
[] Dont send
[] Send full amount
[] Send partial amount

Obviously there are certain implications to consider. What would your decision be and what considerations are at play for you?

My decision
I sent him back $190 (still make $6.xx) and he said "THANK YOU" and I'm currently up $1,440 on him after 21 games and he keeps rematching
09-08-2013 , 05:57 PM
i guess it paid back

I would send back if he was a fish that keeps coming back. There are a few at those stakes. I would decide based on the screenname. If I never played him before, I don't think I would send back.
09-09-2013 , 12:53 AM
There's been a few long threads about this topic. It never ends in a consensus and I think all the main points have been made and discussed in most ways.

Do a search for them in this forum to explore more, if you think you have something new/big to add, I can unlock this thread or you can bump one of those threads.
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