Pre flop 3 betting in the micro's
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 202
Specifically playing in the $3.5
I find my pre flop 3 bets are called a lot, often with trash hands.
So for example at 10/20 blinds, villain will min raise, and i'll 3 bet to 100 or 120, and invariably i'll be called by J5s or similar. Then, out of position, I find it's next to impossible to get the villain to give up if they've hit any part of the flop.
Is it best to just fold/shove in these types of situations at this level?
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 77
If your opponent is calling too wide and elastic your 3bets, then you should 3bet mostly with only premium hands (in order to exploit their leak), also if they call no matter how much you make it then try making it bigger untill you see he is folding to the 3bet size (maybe he calls untill you make it 5x and biggetr than that he folds most of his hands), doing both the changes in your range and 3bet sizing will be solutions to your problem, however this will be player and game flow dependant and there is where you have to pay attention in order to make this changes as profitable as you can.
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 202