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Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG

11-15-2016 , 01:19 PM
Beginning of the game, unknown villain.


Villain (SB) 30bb
Hero (BB) 30bb+ deep 97

blinds 0.5/1bb



Villain raises to 2bb, Hero calls 1bb


Flop: 852 (4bb)

Hero checks, Villain bets 2bb, Hero calls 2bb


Turn: 852Q (8bb)

Hero checks, Villain bets 4.5bb, Hero?


Is 9 high flushdraw with a gutshot too weak to call a second barrel here?
----------------If it that's the case, is this good hand to turn into a bluff here and x/r turn?
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-15-2016 , 02:00 PM
IMO x/r>x/c in this spot. Im not sure but imo we don't have enough equity for x/c.
Can we donk this turn for a bluf?
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-15-2016 , 02:06 PM
this is very good hand to check raise if you need to do it for balance, but I dont think its a good idea vs fish, fish doesn't barrel that much and they will also call wider so check raise will be much worse than c/c vs fish imo, so c/c.
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-15-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by none888
this is very good hand to check raise if you need to do it for balance, but I dont think its a good idea vs fish, fish doesn't barrel that much and they will also call wider so check raise will be much worse than c/c vs fish imo, so c/c.
So are you saying we dont need bluffin range here at all vs fish? I agree with this because he doesn't exploit us by adjsuting and folding more I guess.

I x/folded this hand because I was not sure if 9high flush draw was good enough to call the second street. If we didn't have also a gutshot, then it is a fold right?
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-15-2016 , 04:02 PM
You dont need to bluff any hand unless its best from all other options also its close i think, probably close call, so folding is not that bad
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-15-2016 , 04:49 PM
If we dont bluff any hands then we dont get so much value when we actually have a hand
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-16-2016 , 12:37 AM
I think it's a better call vs the population since they will have bad ranges and play bad on rivers. So in theory i would guess check/raise > check/call ~= check/fold but vs the population I think check/call > check/raise ~= check/fold
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-16-2016 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Alladin
If we dont bluff any hands then we dont get so much value when we actually have a hand
Why do you think this is true readless vs. a fish?
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
11-16-2016 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by Duncelanas
Why do you think this is true readless vs. a fish?
It is not but this is played readless and villain is likely not a fish. Then I try to play near GTO game (but in many spots I have no idea how gto plays there)
Marginal draw vs. 2 barrel 30bb HUSNG Quote
