This is actually a really cool hand, made me think a ton and i'm still not sure what's best here.
Preflop flatting is going to be best almost always, so that's fine.
Flop is kinda close to a fold, but with our backdoor equity and given standard minraise ranges at this depth and cbetting ranges flatting should be a touch better. Some room to explore x/raising (both non allin and allin) but readless I don't think it would be good, still it can have some merit.
Turn is also close, personally I like your shove. We should be able to fold out a decent amount of equity share, and the alternative is x/f which is rather gross if your opponent ever bluff shoves there which is definitely possible. Still, discussing it I think there is a good argument for x/f turn and being open to bluff shoving rivers in some spots anyways to fold out A hi.
Overall a cool hand, thanks for posting it
I'd play it the same I think, but well worth exploring our options.