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Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now)

10-30-2011 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by raised by jews
theloner and 22riverrat22 are morons. hookie came to barcelona a week early and helped out my students nearly as much as FT and I did. he went out of his way to do this. he did not receive anything extra for doing this, he is a natural teacher and enjoys teaching.

talking about "profiting from spreading information" is beyond ******ed. look at the top 5 players in the world, do you see them doing videos? the answer is no, because getting $1k for doing a video and giving away secrets is not worth it in the long run; it has a negative expected return. the ppl that make videos and coach are doing it because they enjoy the challenge that poker gives them and they want to see the game continue to grow and a develop and they genuinely enjoy the rewards of teaching others.

anyways, haters gunna hate. stop being such an elitist and assuming that just because you were able to get to a certain stake without others help that other ppl cant do the same. There is a reason that fish at higher stakes are better than fish at low stakes, and that is because they play the best in the world every day. ppl learn, the game gets tougher, grow some balls and deal with it.

edit: oh and rypac does a ton of free deals all the time. I remember a few months ago he was giving away free subs to to ppl that contributed to these forums. this cost him money in terms of subs and making the games tougher. he had nothing to gain from this, and when I asked him about it he told me "since BF the forums have had decreased activity and trolling has increased. hopefully this will have the reverse effect". So to say that he does things solely based on profit is not fair and ignorant.


amazing how much we agree on and how bad your comprehension of my posts is

Last edited by 22riverrat22; 10-30-2011 at 11:39 AM.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 11:52 AM
Based on the success of past users and the fact that we're actually having a debate about whether this program is TOO helpful, I definitely think it's worth a look for people to decide if it's right for them. Let me know if you have any questions.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Based on the success of past users and the fact that we're actually having a debate about whether this program is TOO helpful, I definitely think it's worth a look for people to decide if it's right for them. Let me know if you have any questions.
fully agree with you that the program has to be insanely +ev

only disagree with any free dissemination of quality information to the people i make $ off of

hope thats clear

GL, respekt, etc
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 12:30 PM
It's been a bit over a week since a stepped through the Stargate and Col. Young just allowed me to use the communication stones for the first time.

Life here on Destiny is really great and an exciting adventure, but I also already miss my old friends from Earth.

I may not have much time to grind in November, but still decided to come back full and make this a learning month :-)

However, I need some help with this. You know, there's one thing that exist everywhere in this Universe: Stars ! But PayPal, that's a human thing that doesn't work very well in another galaxy.

Well, enough Stargate talk ...

I kinda max'ed both my credit card and my bank account because I had to buy a new computer, so all I have at the moment is a little money in my pocket and my bankroll at Stars.

Could someone please help me with this ? I'll ship you on Stars and you pay HokieGreg on PayPal.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 01:31 PM
Found someone who helped me
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 03:36 PM
I think the program should add AIM chat/ being able to talk about a few things online in real time too. (as long as it doesn't get out of control).

or like another option for that
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 03:58 PM
We've had ongoing skypechat groups in the past and I think people have gotten a ton out of that. That's really been a student-driven thing that we are happy to support/contribute to. Students have also done things like exchanging the HH reviews they've gotten from us, I strongly support that as well, great way to get a lot of coaching with no added work/$.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
10-30-2011 , 05:42 PM
Yeah, we should definitely continue this in future. I've always liked the chat groups very much.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-01-2011 , 04:30 AM
bump. taking students through November 3rd.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-04-2011 , 04:11 AM
will take full access for November (30 days access) through the evening of November 5th.

had 10 spots fill this month so far, but would like to get a few more.

i listed Mers' articles a few posts back. i've also written 3 new articles this month so far...topics are:

"3bet shoving a wide c/r range as a semi-bluff: what you need to consider, and math fun!"

"raising limps: stop beating your edge to death"

"calling an unknown's open-shove 12 deep: using populatin tendancies to estimate the optimal calling range"

Also starting a Full Access-only Skype chat tomorrow. I'll be regularly active in it.

Read-only always available as well.

email me at if interested

Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-04-2011 , 08:15 AM
K I'm in

E-Mail sent
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-26-2011 , 01:46 PM
will the fast track run in december? price? and is it worth to only get the read only option?
thank you
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-28-2011 , 04:08 PM
I am not going to be running FastTrack in December.

I'm not sure my exact plans for the FastTrack program in 2012, but I will definitely be running it in some format. I'm thinking of doing it every 2 or 3 months - very unlikely it will be run every month.

I'm really happy with the quality of the program over the last few months, but would like to spend some time focusing on grinding myself as well.

I will still be offering private coaching in December, and indefinitely, going forward btw.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-28-2011 , 04:47 PM
You not running it in December doesn't mean people who want access to the forum by paying the read-only can't have it, or am I wrong?

If you're not accepting read only members when there aren't full members you can ignore this, otherwise how much is it costing by now?

It's true though that once you're not running the program someone paying for it won't get to see any new answers for that month, which probably should mean that if you're going to accept read-only members when you're not running the program the cost of it should be less than if you were answering people during that period.

I have heard many good things from this and kinda feel that I didn't have a decent enough bankroll to afford it.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-28-2011 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
I am not going to be running FastTrack in December.

I'm not sure my exact plans for the FastTrack program in 2012, but I will definitely be running it in some format. I'm thinking of doing it every 2 or 3 months - very unlikely it will be run every month.

I'm really happy with the quality of the program over the last few months, but would like to spend some time focusing on grinding myself as well.

I will still be offering private coaching in December, and indefinitely, going forward btw.
ok, I wasted my last month on fasttrack, I mean, I not posted much, I think only once... obv my fault. I will be def in in the next one, whenever you organize it

Ah, what about the current forum? It will go public? (I hope it won't)
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-28-2011 , 05:25 PM
wait on Mers for details about forum going public. that's not my call at all.

there will be no read-only access in December.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-30-2011 , 04:55 AM
Hi mers and hokie,
Can you please give some more details about fasttrack for december and the articles-forum that are going to be public.
Hokie said no read only access for december, but at the same time he is not running the program so fasttrack is off for december?
I was seriously considering to join the program for december and now i'm preatty sad
Thanks a lot guys!
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-30-2011 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
wait on Mers for details about forum going public. that's not my call at all.

there will be no read-only access in December.
dont do it
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-30-2011 , 03:53 PM
from another thread about another format where someone was bringing some bad regs up to speed.... (just dont do it!)

Originally Posted by keegoing
Easy with the free advises betgo, you make "regs" unhappy.
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
the biggest mistake by regulars in MTTSNGs is that they
post stuff like this on public forums
Originally Posted by 22riverrat22
ya, its nice when my opponents have obvious leaks its easy to exploit, even nicer when they consider themselves "good regs" and i see them all the time and exploit them all the time

envision getting twice as many matches vs good villains you dont make money off and waht that does to your overall roi and hourly, imagine 4 times as many.....

ok now that you did that stop with any free mass dissemination of good info as you already know why this is a really -ev idea for you and your peers
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-30-2011 , 05:39 PM
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
11-30-2011 , 06:55 PM
Forum isn't, nor was ever planned to go public.

Also, riverrat is leveling I think (hope?).
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
12-01-2011 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Forum isn't, nor was ever planned to go public.
glad to hear it, if i hear the same about the potential "free e-book" ill be done with my motive for derailing your thread with my occasional rants

Also, riverrat is leveling I think (hope?).
couldn't be more serious. 100% no level

the games will inevitably get tougher as the level of the average villain gets more experienced and less incompetent (or simply more aggressive), this is just the nature of playing a game for money. however anything done pro bono to accelerate that education aside from encouraging alot of trial and error i strongly oppose.

given that hypers in particular arent that far off of being a solved game from the get go it would be absurd to even think of posting a free E-book or forum full of quality discussion that is already the top hit on google for HUSNG where any half curious player could browse free of charge for 30 minutes, insta-plug some of their ridiculous leaks and habits, and shave a few points from their negative roi and deduct a few from my expectation against them in the process. (repeat this scenario among 10% of the players that reg your buy in/game in any 24 hour period and how it impacts you and will not stop impacting you and idk how you can not think im serious, this is irreversible harm if it were to happen.)

those who want to learn the format will, through your site or on their own, whichever they choose they dont deserve to enter into a tougher climate than it should have been due to free readily available prepackaged information that was misguidedly served up on a platter to the populace under whatever pretense.

again, not much problem with your fast track coaching program (tho you guys arent charging enough for what youre selling or the buy ins it might directly cost you in the future but i wouldnt be in this thread to discuss that)

i am unsure how this sounds like a level tho
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
12-01-2011 , 02:09 PM
i mean the only way i can see me coming off like a level is since im posting on 2+2 a free public poker forum... in which case i get where you're coming from, but there's a big difference between an aspiring player or casual degen having access to millions of posts where maybe 10% are worth reading and 5% are well written but all of them are jumbled together versus someone assembling a condensed edited organized 20 page book of the most vital information for anyone who is interested in whatever variant should never be without, and then putting it at the very top of google
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
12-01-2011 , 02:17 PM
what is trying to be achieved by releasing the e-book? (Not flaming, just curious).

If it's been explained elsewhere i'd appreciate being pointed in the right direction, thanks
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
12-01-2011 , 05:52 PM
You're muddling some of this together.

- Ebook is 27 articles written by Mersenneary (he released some early versions and some advanced versions to FT people too over the months). These are articles similar to his flawed reasonings articles he wrote for the 2p2 magazine.

- Ebook is NOT hyper turbos, Ebook is heads up sng play in general, perhaps an even wider scope depending on how you interpret the information.

- This is not something you can find for free, read for 10 minutes and plug leaks to turn you from a bad player to a winner. Like literally everything else out there about heads up sng play, you need to work hard to make any use of it at all.

Ok, now that I've clarified a few things above, I'll address your concerns:

the games will inevitably get tougher as the level of the average villain gets more experienced and less incompetent (or simply more aggressive), this is just the nature of playing a game for money.
This is simply not true in a realistic sense. Yes, players get better over time, but it doesn't mean you make less money. From 2007-2011 and maybe even post black friday if you have something to curve the field due to black friday, heads up sngs have become more profitable each and every year, not less profitable. This is despite more regs getting into the game, despite training sites providing more material for heads up sngs, despite some excellent high level coaches coaching 100s of players, despite Spam HHs being public on this forum, Spamz end game being public on this forum (among the 100s of other excellent posts in this forum, some of which are in the FAQ). Despite is probably a bad word, since many, many players get into heads up sngs because of things like Spamz end game article, or a free video from mjw006, or one of the dozens of interviews by livb, or a graph of serkules, prop bet from primo and so on. Anonymous, unknowns about a game doesn't attract casual players, visible professionals, visible people, unique stories and accessible starting information gets people playing games. Fish aren't drooling and hitting their chests with their hands, and many players aren't hopping into a meaningful buyin heads up sng without thinking they have a chance of winning. Great players know this and are happy to accommodate anybody from the worst degenerate fish to the winner that is playing a buyin or two above his head.

* Side note: This is why Bodog may be quite soft, but not very populated. They try to have it both ways (by having team pros and a soft site) but the reality is that so many players play on sites like PokerStars because of SNE possibilities, because every pro that means anything has played there, because players win the most on the site that is the most populated and other similar reasons. Bodog misses this because they want a soft room where players trade rake and/or lose money in the sportsbook/casino, so they fight anything that might make life easier for winning regs. And guess what happens? Not nearly as many winnings regs play there as would on an established network that has been around for many years.

Skateboarding got a lot tougher from the days of grinding parking blocks in the 80s or the early Blind videos with Jason Lee (yes the guy from My Name Is Earl). So the bar was raised as to where you had to perform, but the boards got better, it was easier to learn how to become good faster and most importantly for the sake of this analogy, there was a LOT more money in skateboarding as the years went on.

It's nice to believe otherwise, but there is just too much focus, discipline and complexity in this game for somebody to sit there playing 20 hours a month and hoping to win a lot of money. Yet people consistently play too low of hours to be good long term (I'm obviously not counting some $500 level winner that only plays part time nowadays, I'm talking about players that haven't learned to win at a high level already), people consistently lose focus, take shots they shouldn't and make plays that they know are wrong (let alone decisions they don't know are incorrect).

If you ask Hokie and Mers, I think they would tell you that the people posting the most and playing the most were the biggest winners in FastTrack. Not everybody improved from the program, but I'm pretty sure almost all, if not all that read all the threads, posted a lot and most importantly played a lot, improved. And that can be achieved simply by working with 2 or 3 other motivated players privately, or by simply utilizing a free forum such as this one in a focused and efficient way, between real grind sessions.


again, not much problem with your fast track coaching program (tho you guys arent charging enough for what youre selling or the buy ins it might directly cost you in the future but i wouldnt be in this thread to discuss that)
That's Hokie's call, I don't make a penny on FastTrack, nor have I ever. Hokie plans to be making money playing the games regularly (he cancelled December FT and is thinking about every other month in 2012 for that specific reason), so it wouldn't make sense for him to voluntarily hurt his games for a few months of salary every year.

those who want to learn the format will, through your site or on their own, whichever they choose they dont deserve to enter into a tougher climate
I don't think anybody deserves anything, but what is the argument here: That people deserve to enter into the climate of 2009 instead of 2012, when there was less training available and games were softer? But what about 2009 versus 2007, games were both softer in 2009 and good information was much more readily available in our game. This is taking one time frame and selectively making a statement. It's unfair to do so in a truly objective argument.

I'll touch on one important thing I've taken away from some of the most successful players in this game over the years: Think about where you truly have made your money from. If you haven't made money, you should be playing and not posting, but if you've made money in heads up sngs for awhile, there are some key places where a lot of players make money that are untouched by things like training sites. We can't tell a player to open 75% of his buttons, 3bet 30%, 4bet 10%, call one street with 2nd pair, two streets with TP, 3 streets with 2 pair+ and expect them to win. You just can't break heads up play down so simply to where impatient people can beat this game regularly. There will almost always be fish, as long as the current structures are the types of structures the poker rooms are willing to spread, and considering FTP wiped out so much money, combined with Black Friday scaring away a more fishy ratio than reg heavy ratio, our game is quite healthy in almost every single way.

Forgive me if some of my words are a little overly harsh, but this stuff gets me worked up a bit, because I've thought about it endlessly, discussed it endlessly with some of the most experienced players in this game and reputable people in this industry and my conclusions just don't line up with what you're saying. In the end, you notice I run, not, if heads up sngs die, I can't just make 6 max videos and be "all good." I wouldn't want these games to die and there is zero evidence that they are in any danger, nor have been since the site started. In fact, there's ample evidence that the games have grown in profitability since the site started.

You also posted the two most extreme anti coaching quotes in that thread you linked earlier. I know you probably believe in that stance, but what objective good does quoting the two most extreme statements on one side from a 50 post thread if you want to make a serious argument about something?

Last edited by ChicagoRy; 12-01-2011 at 06:03 PM.
Introducing the HokieGreg/Mersenneary FastTrack Coaching Program (Apply Now) Quote
