On the "meat will give you cancer" topic, did they ever split meat into white and red meat?
I´m told most of the trouble comes from red meat.
On my own lifestyle:
I read a lot about willpower (its a resource and you can only replenish it with sleep/eating and once you obtained something as a habit, it wont drain your will power supply)
so right now i´m trying to improve myself by adding one habit per month and trying to get it up to unconscious competence(greetings to jared tendler
), because once that is done i can concentrate fully on the next change.
I also realized,that its easier to replace habits than creating new ones. I´m used to watch tv at 8 p.m. so i started working out instead and download whatever i would´ve watched,for later watching.
Sadly i´m too impatient and tried in february to learn speed reading,improve at in game thought process,adding a evening routine and work on my running technique(any1 doing pose running ?) which is stretching me too thinly again. But instead of breaking i cut speed reading out of it and try to split the running technique into smaller steps of changes to make it less strenuos and feel better again.
Cutting out red meat is something i do on the side, because it doesnt really impact my willpower resources as long as i dont have any red meat cravings
Completely cutting out meat might be something worthwhile pursuing in the future but i have a lot of changes incoming that seem a lot more important to me.I want to
-cut out multitasking,
-start doing yoga,
-go back to body weight exercises,
-get my blog running,
-learn to speed read again,
-improve my morning routine,
-improve my sleep habits,
-more balanced meals,
-keeping my apartment tidy,
-stop relying on a schedule(really important to not do it unless every scheduled thing is deeply imprinted in my habits)
-...(a thousand other things i cant think of right now, like learning to read in my mother language...)
Thats a ton already and considering i should do only one of these per month, its gonna be a loooong way untill i can consider adding a vegan diet to my lifestyle.