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HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair

11-06-2010 , 12:52 PM
Thanks a ton Spamz. That is an epic an indepth post.
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
11-06-2010 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by spamz

Depends a bit, but yeah, without reads it's pretty bad though I know a reg I would bet flop, c/f turn against for good reasons on this boardtexture with this hand.
So when we c/c turn I'm assuming we are expecting most villians to shut down on rivers? We should be willing to call 3 barrels vs villians that have a wide bluff range, but pretty much fold vs solid regs? I mean this would pretty much be my plan. IF I'm calling turn its to bluff catch, and unless he's a monkey/super agro its to fold riv.
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by TrololoNoob
yes actually i found that 150 get more calls and floats (i might be RO obv)

i think its funny that many ppl say that betting less than 180 is missing value and then say that c/c or c/f the turn depending on villains action.
When we are betting 180 on the flop we do not know if villain has a Q or KJ or whatever his hand is at the time. When the turn comes and we reevaulate depending on the turn card then we can go from there. Id proabably bet on blanks actually and then be cautious on like turn 9 and K and such. As for people call 150 more than 180 this is being way to results oriented from prior games. In the long run if someone is calling 150 they are calling 180 and I dont think there is more than a handful of people that would argue this
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:26 PM
Like my roommate says: most of the time if you want to pot-control out of position, you bet smaller, you don't check. That being said, I see some merit in betting 150 here IF you bet the flop at all, especially if you don't really know how to play turn/river exactly. His callrange won't be all that flexible though, which would be another good reason to bet smaller.
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by spamz
Like my roommate says: most of the time if you want to pot-control out of position, you bet smaller, you don't check. That being said, I see some merit in betting 150 here IF you bet the flop at all, especially if you don't really know how to play turn/river exactly. His callrange won't be all that flexible though, which would be another good reason to bet smaller.
Spamz he is referring to betting 150 on the flop. As for the turn I agree that we can for sure bet smaller for pot control
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:48 PM
^^ on the turn, i think that thats just pot control against weak players. it more like makes ur hand a lil faced up.

and i think spamz knows we are talkin bout flop play.
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
11-06-2010 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by TrololoNoob
^^ on the turn, i think that thats just pot control against weak players. it more like makes ur hand a lil faced up.

and i think spamz knows we are talkin bout flop play.
sometimes a smaller bet can be alot harder to play against than a bigger bet
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
08-14-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by spamz
This isn't true at all for a couple of reasons. Main one being blocker effect. Let's say in a vaccuum (without looking at our own hand), there are 3 queens and 3 tens left in the deck. If we have a Q, it puts the Tx vs Qx in a 3-2 favorite. If we have Tx, it puts the Qx vs Tx in a 3-2 favorite. Some pokerstoving to show what I mean:

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 37.118% 35.70% 01.42% 29826 1188.00 { ATo }
Hand 1: 62.882% 61.46% 01.42% 51354 1188.00 { AQs, ATs, KQs, KTs, Q2s+, JTs, T2s+, AQo, ATo, KQo, KTo, Q2o+, JTo, T2o+ }

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 51.522% 48.75% 02.77% 40734 2316.00 { Q4o }
Hand 1: 48.478% 45.71% 02.77% 38190 2316.00 { AQs, ATs, KQs, KTs, Q2s+, JTs, T2s+, AQo, ATo, KQo, KTo, Q2o+, JTo, T2o+ }

Ignoring this difference is quite big if you ask me. I just did vs ANY Tx and Qx though making a bit more realistic range will have same effect:

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 38.115% 35.36% 02.75% 15264 1188.00 { ATo }
Hand 1: 61.885% 59.13% 02.75% 25524 1188.00 { AQs, ATs, KQs, KTs, Q6s+, JTs, T7s+, AQo, ATo, KQo, KTo, Q8o+, JTo, T8o+ }

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 53.189% 52.01% 01.18% 23273 528.00 { Q4o }
Hand 1: 46.811% 45.63% 01.18% 20419 528.00 { AQs, ATs, KQs, KTs, Q6s+, JTs, T7s+, AQo, ATo, KQo, KTo, Q8o+, JTo, T8o+ }

Although there's basically only 1 hand between AT and Q4 in terms of absolute handstrength here (being JJ obviously though that gets 4bet preflop most of the time anyway), you can see how the difference in blocker effect is quite present.

Now how about vs straightdraws? Let's assume AK also gets 4bet preflop for sake of easiness:

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 80.287% 80.29% 00.00% 29250 0.00 { ATo }
Hand 1: 19.713% 19.71% 00.00% 7182 0.00 { AJs, KJs, K9s, J9s-J8s, 98s, AJo, KJo, K9o, J9o-J8o, 98o }

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 83.460% 83.46% 00.00% 31728 0.00 { Q4o }
Hand 1: 16.540% 16.54% 00.00% 6288 0.00 { AJs, KJs, K9s, J9s-J8s, 98s, AJo, KJo, K9o, J9o-J8o, 98o }

Difference here is not that huge though still applies. With AT we got some sort of redraw (vs KJ if an A turns we still got 4 outs, or a K/J we still got a gutter to go with our trip outs now) but the main thing is that vs KJ/J9/J8 the J is not live with Q4.

Combining the 2 now:

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 56.297% 54.83% 01.46% 44514 1188.00 { ATo }
Hand 1: 43.703% 42.24% 01.46% 34290 1188.00 { TT, 33, AQs-ATs, K9s+, Q6s+, J8s+, T7s+, 98s, AQo-ATo, K9o+, Q8o+, J8o+, T8o+, 98o }

Board: Qd Ts 3c 2s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 65.221% 64.60% 00.62% 55001 528.00 { Q4o }
Hand 1: 34.779% 34.16% 00.62% 29083 528.00 { TT, 33, AQs-ATs, K9s+, Q6s+, J8s+, T7s+, 98s, AQo-ATo, K9o+, Q8o+, J8o+, T8o+, 98o }

(I've put in TT/33 here now as well just for sake of putting up a decent range.)

Valuebet? 99-44 is heavily discounted for imo. If they flat them preflop it's to either fold them on a floptexture like this and if they don't they fold turn anyway. I think there's a lot more value in checking vs those hands and try and valuebet on river then because our hand will look like AK/AJ/KJ a lot more if we don't fire turn. Tx, kind of the same, although they are more likely to call turn I admit. Problem with blockers etc like I said before. Straightdraws? Meh, KJ/AJ/J9 may call another one but can also jam on you (agree, that won't happen that often however). Other straightdraws will just fold and vs that handrange I think it's easier to c/c and hope for bluffing. So basically I see almost no reason to bet turn here again.

Why would you ever raise flop with Qx here if you were villain? Or a set? I mean, if we get called on the flop I don't think discounting Qx from his range a large number of the time is a great idea really. Most people will just flat flop with hands like QJ here if you ask me, not raise them.

Depends a bit, but yeah, without reads it's pretty bad though I know a reg I would bet flop, c/f turn against for good reasons on this boardtexture with this hand.

Oh, I don't think you should be 3betting ATo all too much really. If you want to 3bet because his openrange is wide, why not flat and keep it as wide as it is? Flop an ace and get stacks in even by checkraising and bet/jamming turn/river. AT plays pretty easily in single raised pots if you ask me. If you 3bet I think there's merit in checking flop as well. Thing is people rarely continu without any good equityhands anyway (the range I put up a bit ago pretty much) and the value is kind of thin in general (we had 57% if you look back, even making it wider will just have us 60% or so vs a wide range). There's still 2 other streets to get value from and doesn't have to flop/turn or flop/river really. Let all the hands that don't have anything at all try and catch up (any Ax, or cards 9-4 basically). The rest isn't folding anyway and he has position and - as you can see in OP - we won't have an easy time playing our hand.
Spamz the 2+2 genius.
I love to read your stuff
HUSNG 33s A10 3bet pot, hit middle pair Quote
