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08-26-2011 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by PhFr
Aouuuu 9 games lost in row - how do ou handle that ?
Take a brek, and come back tomorrow ?

you have two options imo.

1) be a man and play higher stakes until you make back the money.

example: you lost 9 in a row at the 30s=$270. play a 300 and ship it. If you lose that then sit a $1k. If you lose that sit a $2k. If you lose that sit a $5k. There is no way you can possibly lose 12 in a row right!?!?

2) If your poker software has roulette (quite possibly the greatest game ever) then put the equivalent to 9 BIs on black (because red is run bad color) and ship it for glory. If the RNG challenges your sense of gamble by landing on red or green, simply put BI*2 +1 on black. Keep doing this until you get back to even.

Afterwards write a TR about how much ass you kick at martingaling
08-26-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I seem to remember a certain someone getting mad over a different certain someones giving certain insults in chat in certain games that these certain people certainly never played with one another

maybe you changed your mind? Certainly possible


thank you for taking the time to respong Liv, it does do a bit better for your image
the initial fight being started was my mistake ainec, your chat where you referred to my gf (not in a off hand way but in one where you take advantage of some knowledge you have of her) is obv out of hand.

Anyone getting their knickers in a twist about somebody being rude behind the comfort of their computer screen is a ******, there is no distinction between a thread or poker chat.

A lot of people in this thread look like dicks sometimes with one push of a button, everyone in this argument included (exc rypac), but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity to meet them irl and would assume them all to be courteous to me in person.
08-26-2011 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by livb112
This is an interesting lesson for me because it is just such a clear demonstration of how people work backwards from their preconceived conclusions to "misremember" so many critical details.

Takeher, what is the difference btn what I said to Primo and what was said to me? I didn't insult his wife. Is that clear enough? Did I make character judgements on the players I mentioned? No. I simply said I felt strongly about them. I didn't say a single word about who they are as people irl.

Tag, this might sound arrogant to you, but the "extremely knowledgeable" people who have "dedicated their lives" to poker are still not very good, that is just the case. Alex said it, and its true. Does that mean its right to point that out to them? No, and I've specifically said its not right. I do it to everyone? That's totally absurd. I do it extremely rarely now, just more recently because of Siervos.

Karliz, I told Siervos to shut up because he was constantly trying to provoke me in chat, something he just apologized to me about. He did not say he was done for the day, he said he was going to make our sessions shorter cause his edge was more in the beginning of sessions. I said he can't arbitrarily decide the length of our sessions. Then I was already late for an appt which I had forgotten about and simply had to leave; I wasn't asking him, I was telling him I had to leave right away.

I would like to address the role model issue though. I do take seriously the idea that I am a role model for younger players. If young players are looking for positive role models in poker and they look at me, great. But then actually try and figure out who I am and what I am about. Read my interviews, blogs and twitter. The idea that someone who is looking for a positive role model in poker will be so consumed with a few mean-spirited words in chat is absurd. If a young player should take anything away from the chat situation it should be this: that people are not perfect. They make mistakes and have negative qualities. Some people live in constant denial about themselves and their less than desirable traits. Others acknowledge and deal with them, and then try to fix them and thus improve as people. There is an obvious parallel here for improving as a poker player. Try to be in the 2nd category.
This is absurd. What comes out of your mouth in chat logs is from the heat of the moment and your purest emotions. That is the real you.
What you write in blogs or twitter is open to editing and a chance to change what you have written to better suit your intended image.

Just as we learned from our pal DogIsHead. Given the change to write a lengthy piece, everyone will sound great. But when speaking on the spot, a persons true self shines the brightest.
08-26-2011 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by livb112
I would like to address the role model issue though. I do take seriously the idea that I am a role model for younger players. If young players are looking for positive role models in poker and they look at me, great. But then actually try and figure out who I am and what I am about. Read my interviews, blogs and twitter.
You are a fantastic player and you speak eloquently and value education and are a role model in that regard. How you conduct yourself at the tables is a part of your behavior and young and impressionable players will emulate this as well because they think it is some tactic or its how the "best" should act.

I think it is also a poor argument to draw an arbitrary line in the tilt chat etiquette sand and not cross it. Being a douche in chat is being a douche in chat and not attacking people's families is a difference of degree and doesn't make you a moral champion.
08-26-2011 , 06:50 PM

08-26-2011 , 06:53 PM
hahahahaha, one of the first times I literally laughed out load from smth from the intermet. It's so easy, yet so funny.
08-26-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by chadders0
the initial fight being started was my mistake ainec, your chat where you referred to my gf (not in a off hand way but in one where you take advantage of some knowledge you have of her) is obv out of hand.

Anyone getting their knickers in a twist about somebody being rude behind the comfort of their computer screen is a ******, there is no distinction between a thread or poker chat.

A lot of people in this thread look like dicks sometimes with one push of a button, everyone in this argument included (exc rypac), but that doesn't mean I wouldn't take advantage of an opportunity to meet them irl and would assume them all to be courteous to me in person.
**** me
I always forget about what I said re your gf
u should ship me her addy, so I can buy her flowers

Originally Posted by 2WordSuckIt
This is absurd. What comes out of your mouth in chat logs is from the heat of the moment and your purest emotions.
That is the real you.

So true

What you write in blogs or twitter is open to editing and a chance to change what you have written to better suit your intended image.

I think LivB even made that point a few posts back bhahaha

Just as we learned from our pal DogIsHead. Given the change to write a lengthy piece, everyone will sound great. But when speaking on the spot, a persons true self shines the brightest.
08-26-2011 , 06:59 PM
'that is my child' was so much funnier than this 'nice dogs' comment.
08-26-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by livb112
This is an interesting lesson for me because it is just such a clear demonstration of how people work backwards from their preconceived conclusions to "misremember" so many critical details.

Takeher, what is the difference btn what I said to Primo and what was said to me? I didn't insult his wife. Is that clear enough? Did I make character judgements on the players I mentioned? No. I simply said I felt strongly about them. I didn't say a single word about who they are as people irl.
What i can remember, was you insulting Primo's marriage as a "joke". He's a young man who was newly married and someone you had met in real life. You would've probably called him a friend at some point? Are you trying to tell me that calling his marriage a joke is different in some way to someone insulting your wife? You really think there's a difference?

Like how clearly do you need to define the line here? You just blur it at your convenience.

I don't want this to become a witch hunt because i'm simply accusing you of having double standards and being a hypocrite in this instance .
08-26-2011 , 07:09 PM
someone needs to get those chat logs!
08-26-2011 , 07:12 PM
surely everyone takes wife jokes teh same way as sister or mother jokes??? hint being that its a joke

its the internet ffs if your not angrily ranting about something then your doing it wrong
08-26-2011 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
surely everyone takes wife jokes teh same way as sister or mother jokes??? hint being that its a joke

its the internet ffs if your not angrily ranting about something then your doing it wrong
08-26-2011 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by raised by jews
you have two options imo.

1) be a man and play higher stakes until you make back the money.

example: you lost 9 in a row at the 30s=$270. play a 300 and ship it. If you lose that then sit a $1k. If you lose that sit a $2k. If you lose that sit a $5k. There is no way you can possibly lose 12 in a row right!?!?

2) If your poker software has roulette (quite possibly the greatest game ever) then put the equivalent to 9 BIs on black (because red is run bad color) and ship it for glory. If the RNG challenges your sense of gamble by landing on red or green, simply put BI*2 +1 on black. Keep doing this until you get back to even.

Afterwards write a TR about how much ass you kick at martingaling
I was this close to doing just that to get my roll back to even (sitting for my whole roll) but I just wasn't able to pull the trigger. Instead, I called it quits, self-banned myself for a week to teach myself that tilting is bad, and thats that.
I'm guessing my poker gut failed me.
08-26-2011 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Borg7

inform me on this sharkscope hud or whatever that is please
08-26-2011 , 10:42 PM
wow, I am at the point where I just fold my PPs (KK and AA included) pre and just call with a FD on flop and turn cause since 600 games I lose in around 90% of the time with my PPs AIPF (losing to almost every 3 outer) and I can't complete my FDs on the flop but fortunately it's vice versa for my villains. I know that sounds like whining, but it's just stating facts and I would like to know if anyone else experienced something like that over such a big sample on pokerstars. I start to lose my mind (yeah whining sorry).....
08-26-2011 , 11:28 PM
Looking for a late night read. Is there any husng-related blogs around?
08-26-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by khalifa
wow, I am at the point where I just fold my PPs (KK and AA included) pre and just call with a FD on flop and turn cause since 600 games I lose in around 90% of the time with my PPs AIPF (losing to almost every 3 outer) and I can't complete my FDs on the flop but fortunately it's vice versa for my villains. I know that sounds like whining, but it's just stating facts and I would like to know if anyone else experienced something like that over such a big sample on pokerstars. I start to lose my mind (yeah whining sorry).....
Try 3000 games and 65 buyins below expectation. I'm not complaining either - just telling you to man up and realize variance is gonna happen.
08-26-2011 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by khalifa
wow, I am at the point where I just fold my PPs (KK and AA included) pre and just call with a FD on flop and turn cause since 600 games I lose in around 90% of the time with my PPs AIPF (losing to almost every 3 outer) and I can't complete my FDs on the flop but fortunately it's vice versa for my villains. I know that sounds like whining, but it's just stating facts and I would like to know if anyone else experienced something like that over such a big sample on pokerstars. I start to lose my mind (yeah whining sorry).....
You're not actually folding KK and AA right? lol
08-27-2011 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by Impu1se
Looking for a late night read. Is there any husng-related blogs around? is good, no longer updated it seems but it was really good when it was (heybude and his brother's blog).

mjw has been blogging a lot lately on husng.
08-27-2011 , 12:50 AM
do you guys also have friends who try to hustle you while drunk? **** you bbq. hud
you and me are black & white ohohoh imo
08-27-2011 , 01:02 AM

what do ppl make of this? kinda thinking of taking some more time off. and i was just getting a roll together on merge too :/
08-27-2011 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by yaqh

what do ppl make of this? kinda thinking of taking some more time off. and i was just getting a roll together on merge too :/
Makes sense to me, they will pick and choose the biggest sites first but the crackdown probably will continue.

On a related note, question is Pokerstars all good now? And by that I mean, they are 100% out of the US market with no plans +little hope of returning, but the good news being they are settled with the DoJ and no longer owing money to the US govt and players, free to focus on being the number one site for rest of world?
08-27-2011 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by yaqh

what do ppl make of this? kinda thinking of taking some more time off. and i was just getting a roll together on merge too :/
and that is why I spend alot of time in the Poker Goals/Challenges thread; it mostly brick and mortar stuff, which is the only way I feel safe playing poker these days.
08-27-2011 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by qihu00
On a related note, question is Pokerstars all good now? And by that I mean, they are 100% out of the US market with no plans +little hope of returning, but the good news being they are settled with the DoJ and no longer owing money to the US govt and players, free to focus on being the number one site for rest of world?
I'm not at all sure Pokerstars has settled with the DoJ, I'd imagine news would be all over 2+2, link? AFAIK they're still facing fines of (pinky to mouth) one billion dollars or similar nonsense.

I trust them with my (small) money though, probably more than I do my high street bank lol. Paying out US players in a timely fashion under such circumstances was A+ in my book.

Last edited by _dave_; 08-27-2011 at 02:03 AM. Reason: FFFFUUUU FTP imo
08-27-2011 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by livb112
Ok look, I try not to get involved in these discussions but a very clear line was crossed here and apparently nobody has the basic dignity to defend that line. Well I will.

First and foremost, whatever type of community you want this to be, the comment that was made about my wife should simply not be tolerated. For this to be any semblance of a real community, you should immediately disassociate yourselves with someone who will cross that line. It is insanely offensive and disrespectful.

With regards to my chat, I have said numerous times that this is the single biggest regret I have in my life. Online poker has acted as a trigger for me that brings out some deeply repressed anger and its something I've worked on a lot. I am 1000x better now than I was 3-4 years ago though I still lapse from time to time. The point, though, is that this is something I acknowledge, regret and try to fix. On top of that, I have lost a ton of money as a result of the tilting dynamic that inevitably accompanies my chat.

Anyone mentioning my interactions with Primo simply doesn't understand the specific nature of that interaction. I will admit that I was inappropriate in that public interaction but I maintain that he was extremely wrong in how he handled it.

For people who try connect my chat with the "type of person" that I am, you are free to do that but I think it's pretty laughable to take such a specific interaction type and extrapolate it to someone's overall character.
You've really been just typing double standards throughout. You say that someone shouldn't talk about your wife and that it shouldn't be tolerated, however you have made prior comments about Primo's marriage. That IS talking about his wife. DUCY?

It's cool to own up to your mistakes and chat tilt, but how many times do you really think you can do that, then continue to do it over and over and over and over and it be acceptable? THAT is what's laughable. Truly wish you the best of luck with it though, hope you are able to work out your problems.

Originally Posted by u cnat spel
I'm sure some of you bet on the Adonis/Siervos match. It was confirmed by livb today that the bet is over, citing poor planning of the bet and lack of time due to EPT Barecelona.

Now, the question is: if no clause was specified for a buyout, what's the standard?

a) The bet is a wash. No specific clause was agreed upon for a buyout.

b) Siervos wins the bet. It was reported Siervos was winning 35-33 at the time of the buyout.

c) livb apparently bought out for $1,500, which is 15% of the original wager. This extrapolates and whoever bet on livb owes the other party 15% of their original wager.

Based on your failure of common sense and logic, I already suspect you told LivB to pay your debt for your losses after picking him. Don't deny it either, I know that makes perfect sense to you.
