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06-25-2009 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Motown_RC
cat hasn't abused me in the chat *yet*.. but I've seen him berating at least 3 other regs the last day or two. And Party -- it doesn't matter if you step up the aggro against him he just keeps betting out and reraising.
Well, I only had a one game sample size, so maybe he had an extremely bad run of cards, but he seemed to view me as a tight player and respected several of my 3bets and c/r on the flop later in the match when I played him.
06-25-2009 , 06:48 PM

He's being sleazy and angle-shooting you when he makes the ludicrous (and insulting) suggestion that you chop if you get back to even (lol?), otherwise he takes your money. That alone would make me want to look elsewhere for a 4-man partner. I guess you can swallow your pride and continue partnering with him if it's too inconvenient and -EV not to. Just remain watchful and protect yourself as much as possible when transacting with him.
06-25-2009 , 06:58 PM
the only douchey thing he has done is take ur chips, like i do it to everyone but if i know them or had a relationship like you have i would wait for them to come back.

i think his offer is fine he not being douchey you have nearly half a stack left i know you play these together but you say before the game starts tht you are chopping you made no commitent to chop before the game

fwiw i would stop doing this with him asap just from him blinding you down
06-25-2009 , 07:01 PM
we want names Tom!
06-25-2009 , 07:06 PM

You say

i think his offer is fine
How is it fine? Am I missing something, or is he basically free-rolling us, where the outcomes for him logically and totally exclude the possibility of losing a buy-in, whereas we must lose or chop, period. Compare that to playing the match out starting with a short stack, where winning can at least occur. Again, what have I missed?

Edit: Is there some subtle point having to do with situations when we chip up to like 1000, and then double up a few hands later? Actually, how would that impact the agreement? Do you still have to chop because you technically hit "even" while raking in his 1000 chips? Yeah, that aspect of it makes the whole thing flimsy in addition to shady.

Last edited by lagdonk; 06-25-2009 at 07:12 PM.
06-25-2009 , 07:15 PM
well op doesnt have to take the offer or could say see what happens or w/e
i cant see what else villian can say here apart from no chop

cause if villian says we can chop hero here is getting an awesome deal
06-25-2009 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by TomfooleryU
Curious to hear some reg's views on this situation:

For awhile, I would tag team 4mans with another reg. We'd exchanged AIMs but never talked there, only talked at the tables but were fairly friendly with each other. If I was regged for a 4man and at another table, he'd come to my other table and ask if I wanted to tag team, and I had always agreed. So we weren't exactly friends, but from the way I see it we had a decent mutually respectful business relationship.

Sometime last week we were both registered for a 4man, and my internet went out before it started, and when I got back we were facing each other in the first round. I was down to ~800 chips, and as soon as I arrived at the table I sat back in and said "****. Are we chopping this or playing?" His response was "Hmm..lets play it and chop if we get back to even chips." Now again to be clear we hadn't clearly established before the 4man started that we were going to tag team it. But is it wrong of me to be a little peeved that he would respond the way he did, not only not chopping but wanting the best of both worlds and expecting a chop if I got back to even?

I mean obviously it was his choice but would you expect a little courtesy from a reg you frequently played with (and who had easily gotten the better end of our arrangements in the past)? The situation kinda reminded me of when people said if it's a random sitting out against them they'll usually take the blinds, but if it's a reg they play against a lot they'll give them a chance to come back and play. I was pretty irked and since then when I have been in 4mans with this player I have told him I was going to play it out and not tag team it. I think I have an edge on him, although it's negligible enough that I had no problem chopping with him prior to this.

So tell me, am I being a bitch/unreasonable? Do you just completely let it go and go on as things were in the past or what's your play here?
edit: i would chop, but if this game was at 200 or higher i'd berate my partner for not paying for a backup connection

Last edited by HokieGreg; 06-25-2009 at 07:29 PM.
06-25-2009 , 07:36 PM
lol at cat5cane. dudes a lunatic. i sat him a couple of times a while ago and he went ape**** saying he was going to make my life hell and all sorts. Then the next day the guy finds me and tells me in chat hes really sorry like 10 times. Obviously has mega tilt issues and is probably a nice guy away from the table.
06-25-2009 , 07:37 PM
Okay, wait, wait, now I'm having second thoughts.

Let's see, if we play it out, villain begins with ~73% of the chips, and so ships the match ~73% of the time, minus whatever edge we might have on him. [So we lose ~$73 on average of our $100 buy-in, excluding rake.] --> This is wrong, see Edit below.

If we take the deal, we make it back to even, uh, not sure how to quantify this, like ~50% of the time? So 50% of the time, we lose $0 of our buy-in, excluding rake, and the other 50% we lose all of it, for a net loss of $50.

I am evidently not good at thinking these situations out, so if someone could verify the above, would be great. If it's close to accurate, then I have learned something! By first making an ass out of myself! Yay!

(Really not sure about the percentages above, where are merse or nichlemm when you need them?)

Edit: OMG I suck so much. For the first situation, we obviously win $100 27% of the time, and lose $100 73% of the time, for a net loss of $50. Aghgh! Does that mean the deal doesn't change anything?? Jesus what a trainwreck this post has been.

Last edited by lagdonk; 06-25-2009 at 07:46 PM.
06-25-2009 , 07:50 PM
Hmm lagdonk's first analysis was kind of the way I saw it. Being realistic, I would've been fine with him chopping or playing it out, but wanting both rubbed me hugely in the wrong way. I'm not religious at all but I've always felt like I had a pretty solid moral compass and it just didn't feel right at all to me.

This guy had always been friendly to me at the tables and the fact that he wanted to push the potential edge as far as possible rather than settling for just playing it out with the conditional 'chop if we get even' made me think little of him. This was at the $100s fwiw.

He reacted very surprised when I told him we were going to play it out instead of playing together for the first time the other day, which makes me think maybe he just didn't see anything wrong with it. Which is fine, between this and a previous suspicion that he may have been playing less than his A game when we drew different opponents in the first round (essentially letting me do the dirty work and getting half the profit), makes me perfectly content to tagteam with other regs if I do at all. There are plenty others out there and not working with him doesn't really inconvenience me.

As for naming him..If there was an overwhelming consensus that he was entirely wrong I probably would but it's not really my style. If $100 regs want to know for their own knowledge to avoid him, I guess if you PM me I'll let you know who it is, but I'd rather you not make it public.

Last edited by TomfooleryU; 06-25-2009 at 07:55 PM.
06-25-2009 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by nathan
lol at cat5cane. dudes a lunatic. i sat him a couple of times a while ago and he went ape**** saying he was going to make my life hell and all sorts. Then the next day the guy finds me and tells me in chat hes really sorry like 10 times. Obviously has mega tilt issues and is probably a nice guy away from the table.
Yeah, this is the way I see him too. Can be a massive douche at the table, but after seeing this thread (despite it being needlessly overdramatic) I think he probably is a decent dude.
06-25-2009 , 07:57 PM
Any hu sng player have some really serious tilt issues? I have these days when I really put the volume in, break even/win a little the first 60 games and then loose a few straight in the end when I'm tired and it totally freaks me out and I just can't stop ****ing rematching and losing more playing bad - I've tilted away I think like 1k already this month this way which is so ******ed I wanna kill myself.
06-25-2009 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by TomfooleryU
Yeah, this is the way I see him too. Can be a massive douche at the table, but after seeing this thread (despite it being needlessly overdramatic) I think he probably is a decent dude.





no words
06-25-2009 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by lagdonk





no words
i'm going to read that convo every morning to jumpstart my day!
06-25-2009 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin
Any hu sng player have some really serious tilt issues? I have these days when I really put the volume in, break even/win a little the first 60 games and then loose a few straight in the end when I'm tired and it totally freaks me out and I just can't stop ****ing rematching and losing more playing bad - I've tilted away I think like 1k already this month this way which is so ******ed I wanna kill myself.

I think 60 games is very likely too much volume. You're probably playing your C game by the end of it.

If you've been playing 60 for a while, I'd drop it to 30 or 40 and maybe break it into 2 sessions, and see how that goes.
06-25-2009 , 09:35 PM

Also try using a stop-loss type thing and apply it mechanically, it's worth testing for like a week to see how it feels. E.g.: Lose x in a row, stop playing for y hours; lose a net of x*n for a day, quit for the day.
06-25-2009 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin the end when I'm tired and it totally freaks me out and I just can't stop ****ing rematching and losing more playing bad - I've tilted away I think like 1k already this month this way which is so ******ed I wanna kill myself.
stop playing when you're tired...! set some rules (max number of games per session / hours + max losses / max losses in a row...) and when you reach the limit, beat it...

You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man
You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad
Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
06-25-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by badboyboogie0
stop playing when you're tired...! set some rules (max number of games per session / hours + max losses / max losses in a row...) and when you reach the limit, beat it...

You Better Run, You Better Do What You Can
Don't Wanna See No Blood, Don't Be A Macho Man
You Wanna Be Tough, Better Do What You Can
So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad
Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It
No One Wants To Be Defeated
Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight
It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
Just Beat It, Beat It
perfect timing bbb
06-25-2009 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by TGSM89
People's thoughts on Gifted08?

Seems like he puts in huge volume with average winrate.. I remember a yr ago I gave him 2 games and won them, but obv not rolled to play him now..
i hope he moves up to the 550s soon

edit: not to sound arrogant or anything but he basically tries to autopilot things, plays 4 tables most of the time and just autoplays and has no clue what's happening vs 4 different opponents obv
he makes good money, yes, mainly due to sick volume; i haven't played him recently but he's easy to play if he's 4tabling and you just have 1 table vs him (or 2 if you feel like that)
he sucks shallowed stacked as well
06-25-2009 , 09:51 PM
60 games does seem like a lot of volume to me. Do you single table or multi....Most likely playing 60 games a day you multi. If you do, try single tabling and taking at least a 5 minute break after a loss, EVERY TIME. This keeps me from tilting, taking breaks after losses.
06-25-2009 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by lagdonk
So c1at5can1e ended up sitting me. His aggression level slowly built up over the course of the match, till it hit fever pitch ~35 hands in. Meanwhile, I was all like 'omg ChicagoRy thinks no one but the very best can take this guy I'm so screwed.' So he did a bit of running me over, I did a bit of bluff-catching. Then he started trash talking me out of the blue. It was surreal, like he had read the posts in this thread and was playing up his persona as described therein.

He's probably going to sit me again. I have like a page of notes on him. This may sound lame, but when bored, I associate some of the regs I hear about or run into recurrently with various villains from the NES version of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out. Like I think of this one really weak $100 reg as Glass Joe, whereas c1at5can1e comes across as the second, harder version of Bald Bull.

These references really farking date me, don't they.
I have 3 goldfish named Don Flamenco, Great Tiger and Mr. Sandman. I had another named Mike Tyson, but it died.
06-25-2009 , 10:03 PM
I think I had the same conversation with Cat on at least one occasion, though he played the role of Michael. Less sentimental and pre packaged lines though.

Tomfoolery, I think this is a tough spot, particularly after the fact. If this was somebody I was playing 4s with regularly I wouldn't even think twice about it and would just expect a chop and would get one. Playing until even then chopping, it might not be an angleshoot or even shady, but it's stupid. If you guys are playing as a team, then you win and lose as a team. If you're just two guys who sometimes play the 4s together and sometimes chop games when you're up against each other, then he can do what he wants. If that were the case, I'd just say "we can either chop it up or play it out, I don't want to get to even just to chop or play 4 man games with a partner who wants to do that, no offense to you at all."

But doesn't sound like you have a legitimate gripe for any money or treatment unless this was a prearranged team thing, and even at that the solution is always going to be to stop playing with this guy.
06-25-2009 , 10:28 PM
trader0811: 5k after this
trader0811: k?
PureCash25: tytytytytyty
06-25-2009 , 10:33 PM
06-25-2009 , 10:50 PM
Did Colin Moshman ever make his SNs public?

I've always been curious how he plays. FWIW I haven't read his book or anything.

Come to think of it, isn't he a mod here? lol.
