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HU sng membership premium HU sng membership premium

05-29-2013 , 04:17 PM
Hello. I am looking for a few people to buy husng premium membership(150$) and share the costs. If you are interested send me a message or/and post in this topic.
05-29-2013 , 04:29 PM
by my calculation if we can get around 150 people thats $1 a month... bloody bargain
05-29-2013 , 04:30 PM
ChicagoRy might be interested
05-29-2013 , 04:32 PM
05-29-2013 , 04:41 PM
i have a account but i think its not fair what you are doing, i payed it and i really think it is worth to buy
these guys put so many time in these vids, and you try to share (illegally) a account? if you dont have the roll for it dont buy..
I dont like threads like these sorry just my opinion..
I think you dont want it too, if you make a vid, that 20people share 1acc, you want have the whole money for 20 people too... -.-
05-29-2013 , 04:51 PM
yeah. Well let me reply with a question. How many of you use or used the "illegal" version of windows or downloaded some films or music on the Internet. It's weird that i do not see similar argumements in connection with microsoft.
05-29-2013 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by hupkr
yeah. Well let me reply with a question. How many of you use or used the "illegal" version of windows or downloaded some films or music on the Internet. It's weird that i do not see similar argumements in connection with microsoft.
There's a distinct difference between one of the largest software corporations in the world, which had a borderline monopoly in the operating system market, and a professional poker player trying to supplement his income.

Apples and oranges.
05-29-2013 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by hupkr
yeah. Well let me reply with a question. How many of you use or used the "illegal" version of windows or downloaded some films or music on the Internet. It's weird that i do not see similar argumements in connection with microsoft.
you ask the wrong person^^ all music i have is original, i bought windows with my computer together. I dont have time to watch random low quality cinema movis online (if i want see a film i go with my wife to a cinema )
but i know what you mean i dont pay for everything 100% thats right, but its a scam, and i hope everyone get sat 4 life who shares accounts

ask chadders0, mers or other guys if they like it... they lose value for you guys because they teach you and now you want scam them?
i pay for the education the price wich the guys want have.. thats all
05-29-2013 , 05:04 PM
And why is that? Just because microsoft has more money why would it be fine to use their softwarre "illegally" and not apply this to other companies/people? Why would you treat them differently and discriminate them?

I do not know whether everything you have is original or not and i do not really care about cuz i can't verify it anyway:P The point I'm trying to make is that i do not like hypocrisy. If sharing an account on husng is immoral or whatever then ok, but so is using illegal microsoft software or downloading music from the internet,etc. And so if anybody wants to criticize me for my actions then answer the question in my previous post above first.

And there are two sides two every coin. If I can't afford husng membership then i'm not gonna buy it, and so neither chadders,mers are gonna benefit from it(they are not gonna get any money after all) If i hovever collect, say, 5people - i get the knowledge -they get the cash. So it's better than nothing


Last edited by hupkr; 05-29-2013 at 05:24 PM.
05-29-2013 , 05:07 PM
never understood why people say "apples and oranges", they should say "apples and elephants" and not use two fruits. or even go one step further and compare something that exists to something that doesn't, an abstract concept. "apples and alliterations"
05-29-2013 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by yay
never understood why people say "apples and oranges", they should say "apples and elephants" and not use two fruits.
05-29-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by yay
never understood why people say "apples and oranges", they should say "apples and elephants" and not use two fruits. or even go one step further and compare something that exists to something that doesn't, an abstract concept. "apples and alliterations"
Lol wut? They say apples and oranges because while they are still part of the same category they are distinctly different. Apples and elephants have no relation to each other.
05-29-2013 , 05:37 PM
05-29-2013 , 05:40 PM
05-29-2013 , 06:04 PM
Well, if you can't afford the membership, then you should not buy it.

We actually offer 200+ free videos, plenty very good videos, that were created to benefit people like yourself that couldn't afford a video pack.

We also paid Mersenneary to build a free heads up sng ebook, which is 60+ pages and very high quality.

The last two free things I mentioned that we have, no other sites even have the same quality HUSNG material available for a price.

So given that we work very hard to bring free material to users, don't you think it's a bit ridiculous that you still require the $150 video pack but won't pay for it?

And we also offer 400 videos for $50 with our standard pack (comes free with PT4 too).

And the premium pack that costs $150, you could get for raking as little as a few hundred in rake if you signed up to one of our poker rooms. Other training sites that sell $30 memberships require $500 in rake.

We work hard to keep our prices incredibly affordable and to make sure there is good material for every level player. Really the only thing I ever ask is that people don't share the videos. Something like 80% of the purchase price of the typical video pack goes to the author and back into the site, which is why we've been able to do things like the Mers ebook.
05-29-2013 , 06:50 PM
Thanks for summing up what you have in stock. I was quite aware of it before but i guess it's fine to remind it

As for the videos, i am aware that there are 200 free videos out there, but those are from all the kinds of heads-up tournaments, which currently i'm not planning to play, so i'm probably not gonna make use of all of them.

As for the 150$ pack, it's not that i didn't want to pay for it- that's the main reason my first post states: "share the costs", so people who also cannot afford the pack could get it for somewhat smaller price.
In either way the author gets the 150$. The only difference is that in the first case one person will learn sth new, and in the other, more will.
05-29-2013 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by hupkr
Thanks for summing up what you have in stock. I was quite aware of it before but i guess it's fine to remind it

As for the videos, i am aware that there are 200 free videos out there, but those are from all the kinds of heads-up tournaments, which currently i'm not planning to play, so i'm probably not gonna make use of all of them.

As for the 150$ pack, it's not that i didn't want to pay for it- that's the main reason my first post states: "share the costs", so people who also cannot afford the pack could get it for somewhat smaller price.
In either way the author gets the 150$. The only difference is that in the first case one person will learn sth new, and in the other, more will.
bull **** the diffrent is HUsngs get scamed for 150$-xxxx$ thats all!!
05-29-2013 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by hupkr
Thanks for summing up what you have in stock. I was quite aware of it before but i guess it's fine to remind it

As for the videos, i am aware that there are 200 free videos out there, but those are from all the kinds of heads-up tournaments, which currently i'm not planning to play, so i'm probably not gonna make use of all of them.

As for the 150$ pack, it's not that i didn't want to pay for it- that's the main reason my first post states: "share the costs", so people who also cannot afford the pack could get it for somewhat smaller price.
In either way the author gets the 150$. The only difference is that in the first case one person will learn sth new, and in the other, more will.
Can you answer why you simply just don't buy the $50 pack?

When you offer to share with someone else, you could very well easily be costing the site $150 that the other person would have paid if they were not offered to share with you.

So that is not the only difference. It's also not fair to those that paid the regular price, or to the site that is requesting people pay $150 per person for access to that level content (and offers other content that is more than enough to help anyone that cannot afford $150. Mers ebook could've been sold for over $150. Our free videos cover every game type too, so I do not understand your remark there, it doesn't make any sense).

Perhaps a question for you: Why do you not respect the wishes or conditions of the site? The content that we offer and the conditions we offer are not acceptable nor reasonable to you?
05-29-2013 , 07:33 PM
More importantly- how stupid are you to post this on a forum sponsored by lol.

You remind me of a friend. Story goes we went to buy alcohol at the supermarket, and one of us forgot to bring ID. So this guy in our group shouts out loud- it's OK I have ID, everyone go out of the supermarket and wait for me, then I can pay for everything and you guys pay me back. Needless to say he was unable to purchase alcohol.
05-29-2013 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Can you answer why you simply just don't buy the $50 pack?
For the same reasons i prefer to buy a computer with better processors, graphics,etc.

Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
When you offer to share with someone else, you could very well easily be costing the site $150 that the other person would have paid if they were not offered to share with you.
Just like the other person can very easily not be willing to pay the whole price for it-simply because, guess what, he can't afford it

Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Mers ebook could've been sold for over $150. Our free videos cover every game type too, so I do not understand your remark there, it doesn't make any sense).
I have't really read mers ebook yet so can't possibly speak about it's value or the book itself but there are not enough hyper turbo free videos for me to choose from and apart from that there is only so much knowledge you can take from the free ones.

Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
Perhaps a question for you: Why do you not respect the wishes or conditions of the site? The content that we offer and the conditions we offer are not acceptable nor reasonable to you?
And back to square one when im gonna ask you how many music pieces or other things you have downloaded in the last six months. I realize there is only one "correct" answer to this question but not necessarily true.

But referring to your question i think the answer is obvious given that i've been going on and on about this- i don't have enough money for that. Did i have a good bankroll it wouldn't be a problem to purchase it and not waste valueable grind time to look for other investors.

@watergun7 - i don't know if you are trying to provoke a flame or sth. I posted a simple offer and expected a reply from those who are interested. Instead i get replies from a living angel. Btw. cool story. You should become a fabulist in the future, even though I do not really see a punch line here in relation to my situation.
05-29-2013 , 10:22 PM
- So you don't simply buy the best processor that you can afford? How do you pay for the one you cannot afford?

- Can is a funny word, it doesn't mean yes. You didn't say "if you can't afford PM me." You have to acknowledge that if someone that can afford to pay $150 sees they can get it for less, they are at least reasonably likely to try to get it for less. This costs the site money. Surely you can see this?

- You haven't even read some of the best HUSNG content available (and free, at that), with Mers ebook, and you're trying to get something against the rules for less than it is sold for? Stop trying to take a shortcut and just follow the rules.

- How do you know there are not enough hyper videos to choose from in the free area and that there is only so much you can learn? You haven't even read Mers ebook, which is premium quality. There are dozens of free hyper videos from plenty of coaches, coaches that weren't even aware that the video would be free when they made it (often coaches sell a video to the site, they don't particularly know if it's going to be a premium level video, a standard level video or a free video). You're making a lot of assumptions and/or justifications, but it seems like you don't really know the actual answers to these questions.

- Way to avoid my question, but the answer to your question is none. Does this mean you cede this point? No, of course not, you'll come up with other ridiculous way to justify you taking a shortcut and getting something for less than it is sold for.

Watergun isn't trying to provoke you, he's just a fairly reasonable person. It's one thing to ask someone, it's another to ask on this forum and it's an even further step of ridiculousness to try to justify that your position is not absurd.

But again, why can't you respect the conditions of the site, given we offer material at every level, free, to $50, to $100 to $150, that is more than capable of helping any player improve with valuable instruction, particularly any player that cannot afford to spend $150. We also offer plenty of ways to sign up on any major poker network or poker room, rake below industry rates, and get those video packs free.

I mean the microsoft (billion dollar profitable corporation) vs HUSNG remarks are silly too, but the answer is you shouldn't take windows from microsoft or videos from HUSNG. You're saying because some random person might take windows from microsoft that it's OK for you to set your own prices on videos for HUSNG?

It's almost a moot point, the rational you're using in this thread, if not changed, will never allow you success in poker or many other things. But c'mon, be honest with yourself about this stuff... what you are saying is mostly hogwash.

Last edited by ChicagoRy; 05-30-2013 at 01:54 AM. Reason: locking this now, if you have further questions please email
05-30-2013 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by hupkr
yeah. Well let me reply with a question. How many of you use or used the "illegal" version of windows or downloaded some films or music on the Internet. It's weird that i do not see similar argumements in connection with microsoft.
Probably because we don't allow threads about that either.

I'm not sure what made you think starting a thread to effectively steal from a company, within a forum they sponsor was a good idea. On top of that, you're doing so on a book publisher's forum - will it surprise you to learn that 2+2 takes intellectual property rights very seriously?

We don't allow threads about torrents, illegal versions of software or books, or anything else of that nature either. ChicagoRy is much nicer than me - I might have just deleted the thread and banned you if I had seen it first.
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