2:47 - you said that he calls u with QJ, J9, A-hi. He can also have better Kx, Tx for sure. So I don't see any point in betting there. I'd check the turn and try to get to SD as cheap as possible
3:30 - I like c/r here, but I prefer c/jam, cause when u c/r non all in and he calls you, you'll get into ton of awkward spots ott. Imagine that pot is t260 and you have just t190 behind. With two overs to 2nd pair + GS and also 1 over to TP, I think you can gii easily right otf.
@Axif, the hand at 2:47 I think that the Q OTT hits his range a lot of the time and I dont think I should bet that turn on that moment, I just thought I could fold some 79,69, some flush draws and did barrel the turn but wasnt really sure if it was best to check or bet
For the 3'30'' I like c/ jamming!