IP VPIP 100 LIMP 88 PRF 12
very passive
I decided to lead flop beacause he is passive and maybe I should have x/called turn? Do I bet OTR when I have played it this way and how much if yes ?
Him being passive is rather an argument for checking flop, and hope for a free card. Also, turn is orrible card to barrel on. Again, given he is passive you should check and get a free card. Against passive player you want to bet with your value and check with your draws.
And in general fold when he bets.
idk about playing this guy but your hand is strong enough to bet flop and turn. I would bet turn bigger and also bomb river.
Him being passive doesn't mean u shouldn't bluff and you really should bluff with this hand. But if he doesn't fold anything then obv you should check somewhere in this hand.