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How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators

03-06-2020 , 12:51 PM
the heritage of Heads-Up legends like bakudranski and killuifuplay

Besides the rather offensive title I will keep this post to raw numbers and facts with as little of my personal opinion as possible.
I will try to show you how the both new ceo's by the nicknames cuat69usdsng and Knownusbro treat affilators/partners like me.

In a little more than 1.5 years as a partner of smart spin (I have a partner contract as affiliator) the following numbers came together:

-I affiliated 21 players who got taken on to Smart Spin
-Smart Spin profited $ 35,000 during that time.
-roughly 107,000 qualifying games were played (I dont have exact numbers as contracts changed and I only see the games that are left and have to make an assumption of how many games were played, I think the number is actually lower than 107k)
-679,471 games are still left to be played from contracted people
- In april 2019 active contract changes took place which removed roughly 350,000 games (contracted games) (estimated as contracted volume was dependen on
-followup contracts would also count, I am not guessing any number of games here

48 hours ago I got the following msg by cuat69usdsng via discord

after that msg the other ceo knownusbro aded me as friend to let me know the following (whatever the picture means I don't know, probably that I planted the seeds and they are going to farm then now, thats my interpration of the picture)

As I am not stupid, shortly before signing the contract I asked about the paragrah and the explanation you can see here

another fact:
-I didn't cheat (unlike others who got their playing privilages removed)

after that both of them ignored / unfriended me so I couldnt reply (i have screens as proof but dont want to post them to not bloat up the post, can post upon request)

aparently I also got banned form the discord a few days earlier, probably in preparation of this move (again personal opition/stand)

I instantly created a ticket on zendesk which is the usual way of communication which at this point still is unanswered.
I was going to show the ticket here but aparently I also got banned from the main channel of communication

I added ciaras (which was the name stated from cuat to at least get a final profit split)
I added gama (the person who handeled the contract with me)

both friend requests unanswered.

If you wonder why I am doing this:
I think considering the fact that they have the loophole 8.2 in their contract I don't have any chance on the legal way. As I still think its wrong (at least morally) what they are doing with people like me (and not only me) expressing myself to public is the only thing I can do.

Is this what legends like baku and killu would have wanned for their company back in the time?

Last edited by BadHabit1989; 03-06-2020 at 01:03 PM.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-06-2020 , 12:55 PM
including the links as pictures didnt work, sorry
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-06-2020 , 09:05 PM
Yes!! Smartspins do that
promise deal, players raise in stakes, $ number raise and they cancel deal
smartspins lost all trainers after scam ))
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-07-2020 , 02:41 PM
The agreement between two adults is used to establish the principles of cooperation that aims to exchange benefits. Both Smart and the other party to the agreement agree on the opportunities, threats, rights, and obligations.
In this case, the contract and the promotional program are very beneficial for both parties. The rules do not arise from philanthropy only from the business model. Both parties benefit from this risk and both parties accept the threat. As with most civil law contracts, Smart has the option to terminate the cooperation at any time, with a specified notice period, and the affiliate receives benefits and profit until then. The chances of high profits are often associated with high risk and as a company (and not a charity organization) we have to take this into account.

If there was no such record and rules that enabled us to experimentally start this program (having the security of termination in the absence of benefits), then no affiliate could (for these 2 to 5 years) reap regular profits because such a program would not exist at all.

Adults are responsible for their own decisions (which is why they can sign civil law contracts from a legal point of view), which means accepting all moral and legal consequences arising from these decisions. The manifestation of responsibility is even playing poker - you sit at the poker table, put money there and accept all the consequences (also negative - that you can lose this money). Writing the walls of the text about the fact that "PokerStars is rigged and we were cheated because we lost money" is a beautifully illustrative example of the unrealism and lack of responsibility for our actions expecting only extremely positive scenarios (lofty approach presented by people exaggerating this topic).

The main reason to run the affiliate program was to engage affiliates in the development of "their" players as every affiliate has been our member. The reason for Smart's termination of the affiliate program is the fact that over the past months we have observed that the initially favorable promotional model that was to motivate to care for players ceased to work because most of the affiliates no longer have an active contract and thus they aren't positively stimulating "their" players. The current state of the poker market has an additional impact, and thus the need to change the pricing policy of Smart (the money from the affiliate budget has been allocated to a significant improvement of the deal). The fact that the affiliate program is not profitable is an important reason to terminate the contract - see point 8.2.

All our affiliates were/will be treated fairly as they were informed in private messages, and their accumulated funds have been / will be paid out in accordance with their contracts. As in the case of terminating other contracts - e.g. an employment contract - this is not a pleasant moment for either party. It remains only - as befits an adult - to accept reality and take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions - especially if they do not go their way. Smart has fulfilled the contract at each of the points. We expect that just as the payments of profits from the benefits of the contract were unquestionably accepted, the decision resulting from a different point of the contract will be adopted with calmness and maturity.

Why is it advisable to comply with the point on the affiliate payment agreement and it is unfounded to comply with the point about the possibility of our termination at any time?

I encourage you to be responsible ... and to be skeptical about fake news produced by people who build their value on scandals and defamation of others.

Business and action will always be threatened by the dissatisfaction and frustration of people who, contrary to their often unreal expectations, do not achieve what they imagined (just like in poker).
We recently had 5 years of activity. During this time, we have signed over 2,000 contracts, offering services for people in need. Will there be people among those who feel unfair? Of course, as in any large group of people. A distinction should be made between people who have been treated unfairly and those who feel subjectively treated unfairly. How does this apply to the vast majority of people who have used our services with satisfaction?

Unfortunately, positive feedback is often only whispered and negative is exclaimed. As a result, sometimes negative comments will appear as our services increase. Nevertheless, I encourage you (especially current members) to think about it objectively, taking into account independent observations and personal experiences with Smart, and not just the extremely colored subjective "tragedy" of the individual.

In addition, I do not recommend any cooperation with BadHabit, as he is an extremely irresponsible person. Moreover, as many of you could find out while he was an active Smart member that he was extremely toxic even more so than my ex - and this is a real feat
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-07-2020 , 05:23 PM
thank you for taking the time and letting someone with proper english prewrite your offical statement cuat69usd. also thank you for getting personal and trying to make it look like I am the guy who is doing something wrong here. As you, a company ceo, are trying to get personal I will write this stament a little more personal aswell.

I would like to adress all the matters. As I have no other channel but this "public" way to get into contact with you or any other smart spin staff members, yet I feel its nessasary to adress some things I have to use some screenshots from discord again.

here are some wrong informations you are giving. I didnt contact/add 20 people from the office team. I tried to answer to you, as you told me that affiliation program was over, I tried to reply to knowusbro whom added me before, which I couldnt do aswell, as he instantly deleted me after posting that agressive picture towards me.

I only added ciaras because you named him, that he is responsible for making final settlement.
And I added gama as I signed the contract with her and she gave me the "soft promise".
I didn't add anyone else from the staff only zendesk as from what I know it was the official way to get into contact with the team. I waited close to 48 hours before writing this post as it kinda really shocked me how terrible you treat people who helped to get people into your school.
I was toxic towards 3-4 people only, no member, only staff who acted inappropriate or insulted me first, I got treated horrible, even threatened multiple times by staff members and acted accordingly to my virtues but thats another topic.

Oh and talking of soft promises

this is what you posted today as people were questioning what a mans word is worth within smartspin (obviously nothing)

is this a soft promise for you @cuat? an official smart spin staff member by the name of magda (gama) telling me things like that wouldnt happen?

So will my contract continue while other contracts are stopped because I got the soft promise from gama?

adressing the "official statement"

Originally Posted by Smart Spin Official

The main reason to run the affiliate program was to engage affiliates in the development of "their" players as every affiliate has been our member. The reason for Smart's termination of the affiliate program is the fact that over the past months we have observed that the initially favorable promotional model that was to motivate to care for players ceased to work because most of the affiliates no longer have an active contract and thus they aren't positively stimulating "their" players.
I’ve never heard such bullshit before. The single sole reason to run the affiliate program was to get more clients into smartspin and benefiting (profitting) from them. Ist not the affiliators job to make good players out oft hem. That would be the job of Smart Spin. Now all those players from all different affiliators are stuck tot he program anyways, so you will keep profitting from them and the affiliators efforts while you return NOTHIGN anymore tot he affiliators. You sohuld value every isngle one oft hem for doing the hard work and believing in the school.
Just for the record, as I wasnt to happy about the path of smartspin fort he last couple of months already (basicly from when cuat took over headcoach) I didnt affiliate as hard as before. When people came to me I told them my honest opinion which still remains the same. Smart spin is great from getting low stakes player to midstakes and make them stay there forever unless they study hardcore on their own. Enough tot hat topic though.

Another part of the bullshit is, that you have to be a smart spin member to get affilator. I signed my affiliator contract even before joining smart spin as I wasn't sure if I wanned to join in the beginning. I have made also screenshots from this and upon request I can hand them to you.

Originally Posted by Smart Spin Official

The current state of the poker market has an additional impact, and thus the need to change the pricing policy of Smart (the money from the affiliate budget has been allocated to a significant improvement of the deal). The fact that the affiliate program is not profitable is an important reason to terminate the contract - see point 8.2.
To keep up to date with the current poker market you should cut back your own (smart spins) profits and not profits that don‘t actually belong to you. You profited way more from affiliates anyways. Now you just take away their few % to invest in something else.
I assume you weighted in the shitstorm you would get vs the higher profit you can make, good job sir.

Originally Posted by Smart Spin Official

In addition, I do not recommend any cooperation with BadHabit, as he is an extremely irresponsible person. Moreover, as many of you could find out while he was an active Smart member that he was extremely toxic even more so than my ex - and this is a real feat
Just my personal opinion: I don’t think that someone should ever say about a client. A client that even brought in 21 other clients. I know you have a good reptutation as it apears not many people know your real face. Aparently I had tob e one oft he few who you revealed your real face to. As you really attacked me and my reputation here I feel like I have to write a few words. Yes, I have been toxic towards some of the staff member(incapable ones like you, koczwi and knownusbro), but I always had a reason and usually staff started to be unmannerd/toxic towards me. You yourself even lied to my face just because you would benefit from it when we were discussing about freezing the contract.
Yet there were also staff members I never had any problems with as they know how to behave on a professional lvl especiall towards clients. ciaras, gama (only that she aparently gave me wrong information about the affiliation contract) and valencia are the ones that come into my mind instantly.
I have stated a lot of constructive critism when I was still caring about the course of smartspin which got ether ignored or reffered back in some unmannerd style where I also felt like I have to defend my point because I thought I was in the right (same as I feel here) which I assume is why you think I am a pain in the ass.

In my short poker career I have always stated my honest opinion about everything, if that is bad for my reputation so may it be. When I think I am in the right I will fight for it even if it may cause more damage in the end. I will deal with the consequenzes.

I am also very sorry for your ex as this is not something you should say publicly about a person you once loved, but nothing surprises me with you and your attitude anymore.

Last edited by BadHabit1989; 03-07-2020 at 05:35 PM.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-08-2020 , 12:42 AM
Wow, sounds like you got screwed big time BadHabit.

The statement about how you are suppose to take care of the affiliates as if they are "your" players is very telling imo. Sounds like the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard in my life. It isn't an affiliates job to keep the people they've brought in to keep coming, that's the companies job. Since you aren't bringing in more clients they figure it is more profitable to cut you out entirely so they can keep more money for themselves. If the company is running out of money, I suppose that is one thing, but at least be honest about it instead of making up some bullshit excuse to cut people out because of made up reasons.

If I knew somebody I didn't like who helped get my company running, I would at least have the decency to pay them their fair share. Even If I hated them, I wouldn't look for a loophole to cut them out. It is simply the decent, honorable thing to do.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-08-2020 , 03:49 AM
Seems like a joke situation and another joke move from smartspin.

Having a catch-all clause in a contract doesn't mean SS is allowed to sign contracts in bad faith, especially considering the promise provided by SS staff when specifically asked about the clause.

SS should clearly work out some form of payout to their affiliates and do the right thing before closing their affiliate program.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-09-2020 , 06:05 AM
wow, what a paternalistic, douchey statement from smartspin.
OP is clearly not arguing from a legal standpoint, but from an ethical one. the response from the smartspin operative, telling OP that they would never cancel his contract without a very good reason, like him cheating, is a strong point.
instead of reacting to that, smartspin gives some bullshit response.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-09-2020 , 02:14 PM
As a former SmartSpin player I can tell, that SmartSpin taught me a very good life lesson that I should not only read the contract, but analyze ever point. Their contracts are made in a way that they will have all the power and can change/terminate almost everything whenever they want and you can't change anything.
Also there are points that you can not share details or post anything bad online that would hurt their reputation otherwise you pay atleast 10k$ or larger (if they choose to go for larger amount). Basically you can't write a honest review of their service because anything that's not good will trigger them and the threats from their lawyer will start. I know a lot of their people who really wanted to write about them, but they are afraid because SmartSpin always threatens with legal action, including me. I was so close about putting a big post together after I finished my contract, but CEO changed and I saw some positive changes finally so decided to let it go. And my anger got away with time and I forgot about them. But this post triggered me because I can really relate to this guy.

I see that SmartSpin posted statistics with how satisfied people are with their service. So there is a suggestion from me:
- Change all the contracts in the way that it would allow us to give honest feedback, no matter if it's good or bad.

This way we can use our real nicknames and give our real feedback. You showed already that people rate your service very well so it will just be free marketing for you.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-09-2020 , 06:02 PM
Can someone give me a good reason why this half Trump, half Giuliani, half SS guy is in green with word "official" in his name?
While acting like 2+2 is a place where people are not able to understand what they read?

How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-09-2020 , 06:06 PM
And can someone give me a good reason why shouldn't I take their contract, roll a joint in it and smoke it? (while breaking a deal with them, in case I want to as a player)

Besides the fact that it tastes like **** and that smoking marijuana might be illegal in some countries.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-09-2020 , 06:28 PM
What is this red chart at the end doing there?
I mean - I can read it. But what does it say?

I can see only two explanations:
1) Either Smart Spin Official can't read charts or
2) Smart Spin Official thinks average 2+2 reader can't read charts
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-10-2020 , 03:15 PM
Regarding the issue about Smart Spin and affiliates

We have been providing training services in the field of poker for five years. Currently, Smart Spin is undergoing profound personal and procedural changes that are aimed at improving the offer to players.

The situation that appeared before the weekend was to be one of the steps that was associated with the introduction of a new offer giving much better conditions to the players. Thanks to this offer, players cooperating with us will get greater satisfaction from the game and much higher cash and development benefits.

Unfortunately, the decision to terminate the affiliate program has not been subjected to multifaceted analysis, and its consequences proved to be divergent with our assumptions. We sincerely apologize for the confusion that arose after the decision and all those who felt affected by the situation.

In our opinion, the steps we have taken have been in line with the concluded agreements, but listening to the voices of our partners and the poker community, we understand that our partners may have perceived this situation differently.

That is why we decided to reverse the previous decision. The affiliate program will not be closed on March 31. All issues related to its further functioning will be determined individually with interested persons.
We strongly believe that the changes we are currently introducing, such as the new deal and the changes we plan to introduce shortly, will meet the needs of players.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-10-2020 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Weetam
Can someone give me a good reason why this half Trump, half Giuliani, half SS guy is in green with word "official" in his name?
While acting like 2+2 is a place where people are not able to understand what they read?

Verified companies (meaning 2p2 knows it's a rep from the company) get those accounts. Poker Rooms have the same. Here's an example for Global Poker -

I believe the intent is so that users know they are talking to someone from the actual company, rather than 2p2 being littered with random users that may or may not represent the company, claiming to. Avoids confusion/reduces potential scams.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-10-2020 , 04:00 PM
I didn't think about this when asking about green color. Thank you for explanation. I got it now.

That is why we decided to reverse the previous decision. The affiliate program will not be closed on March 31
Thumbs up from me for this.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-10-2020 , 05:32 PM
It‘s easy to make A mistake, but it takes courage to admit to one.

Now let’s find out what „all issues related to it’s further functioning will be determined individually“ will bring to the daylight
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-11-2020 , 01:25 PM
Wow, this looks bad. The reputation of Smartspins was already going down the drain before this blatantly immoral action. As a poker player, I would never consider doing a deal with Smartspins.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-12-2020 , 10:53 AM
My advice to everyone is to stay away from SS . After 110k games their offer was 58% ( my deal was 60 % before this ) Greedy bastards ....
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-15-2020 , 11:35 AM
Smart Spin is just another pure scam company. That move would never be legal in Finland or any other constitutional state - even if there is a contract term like that.

It's sad that these fraudulent companies operate in developing countries (like in Poland in this case) and can do whatever scams they want because they are not under any real law.

IjustGamble from Smart spin is one of the nicest guys I have ever seen. I'm sure he isn't involved with this scam? Maybe we should contact him and make things right.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-16-2020 , 11:50 AM
SmartSpin operates in Malta, not in Poland.
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
03-16-2020 , 12:03 PM
Very stable decision making by the new management, if a little bad publicity can shift their decision in 2 days...

Smart spin always looked like some sort of a Cult from the outside, the Founding Fathers and Pastors preaching how great and amazing everything is, and in the inside some miserable players with 50-60k contracts, that can't even complain, probably because of the clauses.. Though SS decreased their media presence after so many people at the top got their asses banned on Pokerstars, i have not heard anything about the Founding Fathers since forever... Hopefully, for their players' sake things go better under Cuat69USDSnG
How Smart Spin scams their partners/affiliators Quote
