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How many HU sng at once do you play? How many HU sng at once do you play?

09-21-2013 , 01:19 PM
Im an sng player but i play full ring sngs. I could play up to 16 table at the very max. I know there are players that can do 24 or 30 plus easily for the same sngs i play and still be profitable as sngs are mostly about playing a lot of tables and putting in volume.

I don't plan to play heads up sng but i'm curious how many tables is optimal? Heads up is thus more about reads and less about the cards. Is 4 tabling the absolute max one should play when its heads up? I can't even imagine any more tables than that b/c of you are playing that many, you are going to have a tough time with reads. But still 4 tabling seems a bit too much. I think the optimal for heads up sng is probably 1 or 2 tables and maybe 3?

Would you say the answer would be different if its heads up cash instead? Also, would it ever be profitable playing more than 4 tables heads up sng if you are playing low stakes? I imagine the heads up sng if playing lower stakes wouldn't be that big of a difference but i think doing that is probably a bad idea?

Are there any mid stake head up regulars that play more than 4 tables? What would be the range of tables most of these guys play? I can imagine for high stake heads up players, they almost never play more than 2 at a time. But what about for the lower stake guys? Are there ppl here who play 6 table of hu sngs for the 20s and below and do it profitably?
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-21-2013 , 01:23 PM
I can't play more than 1 table, my game goes from A to C if I even dare to fire another one. I really wish I could though, it would be great for volume.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-21-2013 , 02:10 PM
4 hurts my game a bit, 3 is fine for me, 2 is best tho, 1 is boring!
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-21-2013 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by emotionx
4 hurts my game a bit, 3 is fine for me, 2 is best tho, 1 is boring!
pmuch this, 4 is fine at the start of a session but after the first hour or so when your concentration isnt quite as fresh it has a decent impact, 3 is fine if you dont have 2 or more decent regs at the same time , 2 is optimal
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-21-2013 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by AggsyB
pmuch this, 4 is fine at the start of a session but after the first hour or so when your concentration isnt quite as fresh it has a decent impact, 3 is fine if you dont have 2 or more decent regs at the same time , 2 is optimal
also this
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-21-2013 , 02:48 PM
2 tables works best for me. If I play more I have no time to write down any notes, if I play just one it becomes boring and my volume suffers.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-21-2013 , 02:55 PM
Do you guys still manage to make moves when playing 3~4 tables or you just play ABC poker on autopilot?

Any tips for multitabling or it's just something that comes with the time and experience?
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-22-2013 , 08:07 PM
I play up to 6-8 when traffic is good. On average I play 3-5 tho

And yeah it mostly comes with the time and experience. It is crucial that most of your decisions should be "natural" to you and don't take much time.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-22-2013 , 10:52 PM
2-4. Anything above 4 I go on instant autopilot.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-22-2013 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by mela
I play up to 6-8 when traffic is good. On average I play 3-5 tho

And yeah it mostly comes with the time and experience. It is crucial that most of your decisions should be "natural" to you and don't take much time.
Wow how long can u play with 8 tables up? Can't fathom the thought of it. You play on stars?
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 12:25 AM
I used to keep playing forever without taking enough break, but these days I try to play no more than 40 games in a single session. That's anywhere between 1.5-2.5 hours. But like I said, it's not like I have 8 tables up all the time. I will do it whenever necessary, but mostly I play 3-5 tables.

I mostly play turbo/reg speeds, and no, not on Stars. Ironically enough, I think I can do this much more easily in turbos and reg-speeds than in hypers because of, duh, timebank.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by mela
I mostly play turbo/reg speeds
That should have been in your first comment...

Topic-wise: I used to play 4 tables, but that's total autopilot for me.
1 is boring. 2 is optimal, sometimes a little bit boring. 3 is semi-autopilot.

I have decided I will not play more than 2 tables at once until I establish myself at the 30s (which hasn't been going so good after 3 shots and maybe because I don't have Sharky).
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 02:07 AM
If you want to learn play 1 and for grinding money 2.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 08:50 AM
up to 6
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:01 AM
I still can't play anything better than my C game on 4+ tables. turbos btw.

Now I want to check my ROI by n# of tbs played at the same time. I tried getting that in pokertracker but couldn't find an option to do so. Is that possible?
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 02:31 PM
with hypers and the much shorter timebank its def easier to multitable turbos and reg speed, i personally have a problem with too many hypers since i just plain and simple click too slow and have a problem seeing what tables need attention really quickly, especially when it's on a site where table ninja doesn't work
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 02:53 PM
Yeah but you wanna pay more attention to reads and gameflow in turbos, it's not like you can autopilot every decision like in hyper preflop game. Actually I tried 6+ tabling for both hypers and turbos for quite a few games (>1.5k games) and concluded they are pretty much the same in terms of difficulty, don't see how the latter is "def easier" to multi table
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 02:54 PM
To be fair I know at least 3 regs who 8+ table hypers occasionally, with >3% overall ROI.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by mela
To be fair I know at least 3 regs who 8+ table hypers occasionally, with >3% overall ROI.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by mela
Yeah but you wanna pay more attention to reads and gameflow in turbos, it's not like you can autopilot every decision like in hyper preflop game. Actually I tried 6+ tabling for both hypers and turbos for quite a few games (>1.5k games) and concluded they are pretty much the same in terms of difficulty, don't see how the latter is "def easier" to multi table
that is true ofc, it's more for me personally than general
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by mela
To be fair I know at least 3 regs who 8+ table hypers occasionally, with >3% overall ROI.
Are they Asian by any chance?
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-23-2013 , 05:05 PM
One of them is, others are not.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
09-24-2013 , 02:22 AM
i start with 2, and whrn i get the feel of how the sng will develop, or when I big a win pot/have him with a 500 or so chips i open up another.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
11-03-2013 , 02:12 PM
using this thread for my question coz its related

So coming from background where ive been always stacking tables in 1 pile, anywhere from few up to 40+(brag)

Is there anyone in husngs who stack tables instead of tiling, and if so is there any preference or advantages ?

I think for me its stacking thats guna be easier since being so used to and less mouse movement/head turning
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
11-03-2013 , 09:42 PM
Based on my experience, stacking HUSNG tables is a good recipe for tilting. First off, most people don't 8+ table at which point stacking becomes necessary. Second, husng is a game where gameflow and dymanics are so important that you want to be observant at every second. This doesn't mean tiling will automatically make you an observant player, but stacking for sure can make you a less observant and auto-piloting player

Maybe it's just me, I don't know.
How many HU sng at once do you play? Quote
