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How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC)

05-19-2010 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
yes here are two links, tho its only in swedish


( 1st link i think u gotta have account to read thread. But Flashback works fine for all)
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-19-2010 , 12:54 PM
Ok, so basically this is confirmed legit 100% he's in jail for 2+ years?

That's a pretty crazy semi-end to the thread.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-19-2010 , 01:16 PM
sentenced to 8 years, might be out after ~6
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-19-2010 , 06:13 PM
I usually just read on this forum, but for this I will make a exception. I just read the verdict from the swedish court. The story of the great Roberts downfall:

Robert was supposed to go to London whit some guys to party, play poker and buy Mefedron to sell back in Sweden.
Mefedron is a pretty new drug, White or yellow powder which effects reminds of something between amphetamine and MDMA(ecstasy)
In Sweden its since last year considered highly illegal, Everything over 10g gives a minimum of 2 years up to 10 years.(The same limit for heroin is 20g)
The guys who where supposed to follow on the trip bailed out for different reasons, one of them instead send his 21 year old sister to go whit Robert.

In London its pretty unclear what happends, but Robert buys about of 500g Mefedron and start to use it together whit the girl. The girl get uncomfortable whit Roberts acting on drugs and lies that she need to go back to Sweden for a important meeting whit the welfare authorities.
They take a plane to Malmö in Sweden, Robert is probably smuggling the package in a bag of sugar in his travlingbag.
In Malmö they meet up whit some guy Robert know from playing Counterstrike and take a train up to Stockholm, on the train the girl snorts on the toilet while Robert is taking it public in his seat.

In Stockholm they meet Robin, who later will help distribute the drug. The girl leaves to her homecity and the guys check in on “Hotel Hellsten”. Robert pour out a fair amount of Mefedron on the night table and they start inviting people to come party. At some point there are over 20 people in the room, They are constant high, partying, selling drugs for three days until panic breaks out! A phone call says that police is on the way to the hotelroom. Parents to an earlier guest has told the police there is a large amount of drugs at the location.
Our hero Robert is unfortunately sleeping where deeply after a period of massive druguse and no sleep and cant be wakened up.
His friend Robin then packs up all of the drugs and leaves whit the last of the people to another location, where they continue the drugorgie. The police comes the hotel room whit a searchwarrant and find Robert and somehow finds out the location where the others went and bust them down

The investigation starts and everyone rats on Robert. Robert himself denies everything but personal use of the drug, and remember no drug where find on him. He was convicted due to all his “friends” ratting him out. He was sentenced to 8 years, which he will serve 2/3 of. His friend Robin got 2,5 years. I guess you cant trust anyone these days?!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-19-2010 , 06:38 PM
best story ive ever heard , tyvm for posting =]
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-19-2010 , 07:11 PM
Ahahahaha, karma's a bitch!!

How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-19-2010 , 07:21 PM
Bad things happen to bad people.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:31 AM
As some1else stated in this thread - im really ashamed of being swedish after reading this.

If you havnt you should really contact the swedish police, this douchebag will most likely appeal (he was convicted in the first instances (out of 3), tingsrätten) and maybe they could add this fraude to the charges.

If you want to read the verdict here's a url, it's in swedish but i guess you could use google translator:

There's also a newly started topic about this on swedens biggest forum:
According to the topic starter several of his friends have been scammed, one on as much as 90k swedish kronor

How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:41 AM
I did file with Swedish police when it happened, they sent me one paper in US and them never contacted me again
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:44 AM
You must be happy that the thread wasn’t closed.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
I did file with Swedish police when it happened, they sent me one paper in US and them never contacted me again
contact them again
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:53 AM
Any easy info on how to do so, hard to find correct people to contact in English while in USA. Thx in advance for any help
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by spitt
contact them again
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
Any easy info on how to do so, hard to find correct people to contact in English while in USA. Thx in advance for any help

To report internet-related crime

This maybe?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Radeh

To report internet-related crime

This maybe?
Ye, that's the most relevant one. Here's one more tho; Swedish Economic Crime Authority in stockholm:

How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 02:19 AM
You can add that you have hundreds of people on online community which can vouch for you and this case was discussed and visited more than 65,000 time’s and we are eager to hear what closure will be given from the trustworthy Swedish police.

The reputation of Swedish people across the globe is that they are trustworthy and honest people (really). And a person like Robert Andersson does nothing but hurt their good image.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
Any easy info on how to do so, hard to find correct people to contact in English while in USA. Thx in advance for any help
was directed here from a swedish forum on this dude
in there it says hes been cinvicted of 3 drug related crimes and gets 8 years in prison
1. Grov narkotikasmuggling
2. Grovt narkotikabrott
3. Narkotikabrott
cant confirm it since i dont have case numbre etc.

as i think i read u wrote he made threats with Hells Angels, witch can be some what costlly u can try and get some advice by some good people via
a Debt Collection Agency ill link it there not in buissnes atm since they been accused of dealing with unapropriate methods of getting clients money, but they give free advie if u seek and perhaps someone who can you can get in touch with, there motto is "you dont need to speak russian to understand"
they sent a pigs head in a box to some chick here in sweden, juridisk rådgivning = leagal counsling try and use the kontakta oss and mail em and dont forgett to mention if he made threats via Hells angels might add to the fun in prison.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 08:24 PM
3 hours, 35 pages... Worth reading, imho.
I'm glad that he got what he deserved. That deeply sleep is such a big irony I can't really believe it.

I'm generally nice person too, so I probably won't do anything to him too, like Primo didn't... But man... I would be tempted to beat his ass up :P

I'm glad that this story has a semi-happy ending. Getting some money back would be just to cheesy imo :P
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-20-2010 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by CoreySteel
Getting some money back would be just to cheesy imo :P
Well, I dunno. ALL the people worldwide that he owes lots of moneyz to knows that he - for the first time in a while - will stay put in one place for a long time. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets new subpoenas - for other crimes hes been up to - raining over him now that they know he is located and incarcerated.

Wouldn't be at all surprised either if something were to "happen" to him in there.

Apparently he got convicted back in -06 at age 16! for embezzlement. He is clearly a tragic existence tbh.

Last edited by MrLix; 05-20-2010 at 08:56 PM.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 07:44 AM
Rofl 8 years of prison.
Picture of him.

Last edited by McBeard; 05-21-2010 at 07:50 AM.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 01:16 PM
As a new member, I cant PM TS. I might be able to help him. If he wanna have a chance of legal redress, he will need to go throw the right channels, otherwise his paper will be ignored or put on file in the country of bureaucracy. You should get in touch whit one of the attorneys prosecuting Robert on the drugcharges so they can implement it to the next court if/when Robert appeals. I could help you whit it..

On another note;
If Robert is smart he will appeal his verdict and in a higher distance confess and do damage control. Giving the court a story about a bad psychical well being at the time, a drugaddiction, big depts and constant fear of the people who is after him. Im sure the very manipulative Robert could feed them whit what they wanna hear and get a lighter sentence. He clearly have some behavior disorder. Maybe its even possible for him to get psychiatric care instead of prison. Lets all hope he dont get it though.

It could be good whit additional charges displaying for the court how evil Robert is, both ****ing his victims financially and raping there trust for the mankind.

There is also the question; Do you have any solid proof? Could pokerstar help whit the logs?
A good thing is the judge want have much faith in Robert story of the whole thing atleast.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 01:24 PM
This guy is barely 20?

What the hell did his parents do to him?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 02:47 PM
Depressing story, vindictive ending.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 03:15 PM
Cliffs on this would be great..
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
