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How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier?

12-02-2012 , 04:01 PM
just check out the variance calculator to visualize what kind of swings are possible
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 05:22 PM
Like from what i understand i obv need to play tighter and value more in general vs fishes, but since playing regs is a total different strategy ,my question was does playing theses stakes will make me a better player in order to move up and how so?

Last edited by OxmoPuccino; 12-02-2012 at 05:43 PM.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 05:56 PM
Oxmo, I am really enjoy your takeover playlist on 22tracks:
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 06:07 PM
Maybe move up to 15s? or at least mix them and see how it goes... you seem to beat 15s for the sample you have, could just be running poorly at 7s. i doubt ull learn anything at 7s that will help you beat the 15s that you dont already know
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 07:25 PM
Does anyone looked up player pool at 7's recently? 5% of those guys do not know rules - they call support when they got crushed with their KQ against AA on a KQ22X board, 45% are guys that happily call any shove, or call to the river and after the river to just see how they got crushed, 40% are typical fishes that leave chips on a table in various situations and 10% are average players that sometimes have some basics and are able to think from time to time. How anyone want to get 50bi downswing? That would have to be a huuuuuge sample to see something like this for player that has some experience in hu and crushes this level.

Lol you are stupid or what?
Well... Pretty much not me who has tough time with beating low stakes and think it is easier to beat higher stakes. Ure crappy HU player - thats all. Stick to ur 6max.

Your stupidity overwhelms me. Something that has a non-zero probability of happening will happen eventually. How hard is that to grasp?
Oh... Really? I may bet your IQ is not even half of mine ****** Read carefully and think for a second on what was written. I really dont uderstand ppl that write not even knowing about what and try to offend ppl they dont know. Go back to primary school.

Go to, use variance calculator, use data for 7's and type winrate of around 55% - nothing even close to 50BI swong.

Last edited by pretorian_st; 12-02-2012 at 07:46 PM.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 08:01 PM
Hi pretorian_st, where does your confidence come from? I seriously wonder.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 08:03 PM
*Sigh* I give up. Dumb beyond belief.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 09:35 PM
*Sigh* I give up. Dumb beyond belief.
Very good. Not going to waste my time on some 'no-life' that tries to feel better by offending ppl. Go back to your video games and duscussing video games with your virtual friends

Hi pretorian_st, where does your confidence come from? I seriously wonder.
I really dont get your posts. Whats your problem? Keep wondering. I wonder how someone can lose 50BI to total fishes. Any reasonable thoughts besides 'it happens'? Vatiance calculator says it is not happening at all over sample of 10k games. So maybe lest try 100k games? But hey! Who the f*** cares about sth that might happen to a good player only in theory? You lost 50BI on a 7's? Well, thats ur problem - find your leaks. You think youre too good to play 7's? SO what the hell is the reason you play those? Star playing higher if youre so good and stop asking stupid questions. Still waiting for any reasonable thoughts. Would be nice to hear at least one from all thos idiots that start discussion with 'youre an idiot'. You cannot say anythig wiser that 'youre an idiot' so maybe do not say anything? You need to attack someone to feel better? Your welcome. I dont give a s*** about such a internet heroes. Have fun if it makes you feel better. Really feel sorry for all those guys that cannot write anything more than 'are u stupid or wut?' To OP- youre a fish that cannot beat micros. Deal with it.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by pretorian_st
Vatiance calculator says it is not happening at all over sample of 10k games. So maybe lest try 100k games?
You're an idiot. Learn what the variance calculator is actually telling you, and you'll see that with a reasonable 52% wr there are plenty of 50bi swings in samples of 10k games.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 11:15 PM
So all out of sudden, after 3800 games, i became unable to beat total fishes
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-02-2012 , 11:28 PM
pretorian you seem really smart.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by pretorian_st
Does anyone looked up player pool at 7's recently? 5% of those guys do not know rules - they call support when they got crushed with their KQ against AA on a KQ22X board, 45% are guys that happily call any shove, or call to the river and after the river to just see how they got crushed, 40% are typical fishes that leave chips on a table in various situations and 10% are average players that sometimes have some basics and are able to think from time to time. How anyone want to get 50bi downswing? That would have to be a huuuuuge sample to see something like this for player that has some experience in hu and crushes this level.

Well... Pretty much not me who has tough time with beating low stakes and think it is easier to beat higher stakes. Ure crappy HU player - thats all. Stick to ur 6max.

Oh... Really? I may bet your IQ is not even half of mine ****** Read carefully and think for a second on what was written. I really dont uderstand ppl that write not even knowing about what and try to offend ppl they dont know. Go back to primary school.

Go to, use variance calculator, use data for 7's and type winrate of around 55% - nothing even close to 50BI swong.
just proves how much full of bull**** you are. Why not go ahead and try a 95% winrate instead. Good points.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 05:08 AM
Of course u can have a 50BI downswing in 7s, end even more so because people shove any two, against guys who open shove 80% of the hands u gonna start calling much wider
obviously, and if u run bad 50BI's is nothing.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 06:46 AM
So 52 winrate is all you can get on 7s? Ok... You won guys. I could easily show you that 52WR is shht on 7s and any reasonable player can do the same but no reasonable player will be happy to play thousands of games at this stakes.
And one more - for all those ppl that didnt play 7s for years or never played at such stakes. Go down and try those games. If 52 winrate is the best you can do youre pathetic. You can get more than 52% by only shoving your best hands with your brain off.

52 WR isnt equal to around 2% ROI? Well... That might be good for 100's or something. But it is all you can do at 7 you should quit poker

Last edited by pretorian_st; 12-03-2012 at 06:57 AM.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 07:07 AM
post your ev graph at 7s plz
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 09:25 AM
Wow this whole thread is shocking. Somebody give the OP a decent answer...! Are we assuming this is a level thread and that's why we aren't giving proper responses?

Just to contribute to the secondary debate happening here, I think it is unlikely that a player moving down to $7s from higher stakes will have a 50 BI swing. It is possible though. But we can't give OP the same skill set as somebody from higher stakes - he is clearly learning and probably making some mistakes which makes a 50 BI swing more likely. So this whole debate isn't really helpful at all to OP.

If you are noticing a big difference between lower stakes and higher stakes, do you ever notice your focus changing? Do you make more meh calls at 7's thinking you care less about the money? If yes, that's your reason right there.

If you play the same standard in both formats, it could of course just be variance but that doesn't really give you an answer so we can assume something else is happening.

As you play against worst players - you notice the extremes of different player types. The tight players are often extremely tight, the laggy really aggro and the passive calling stations will call more often and higher amounts than better players. What we can't do is categorise a $7 as any one of these player types. You have to work that out for yourself so make sure you are recognising the different player types as quickly as possible. Don't just assume all $7 players play in a certain way as that's not the case.

If you are struggling at the $7's, perhaps you are just playing too well for the people you are playing against. You could be check-raising on what you know is a good board to c/r on, but our opponent won't know that or care and will just call regardless. If you then barrel small because you turn a good card to represent, don't be surprised if he doesn't pick up the strength you've been representing and calls regardless. Then if you give up on the river, fish sees a chance to win a pot and bets and you've lost a decent chunk of your stack. There are a lot of scenarios where you can over-play or over-think but these are two common ones.

Some people do play better against slightly more thinking players since it is a lot easier to follow their thought processes. Random fish will very often just be clicking buttons which makes patterns tough to establish. To beat these guys, just be aware of the possible outcomes of the hand at the earliest opportunity available. If you know they are loose passive, you already know barrels won't get through so much so you can adjust before you lose a pot.

Adapt to your opponents and decline against the solid players. A few players at that level will be better than others. Just decline them - there is no need to play ok players when there are so many bad players at that level. Gl.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:14 AM
If you really think 7.6% ROI is sustainable at any level over any reasonable sample size you're day dreaming
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:29 AM
A piece of glitter in a mound of **** 147_star
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by 147_star
If you are struggling at the $7's, perhaps you are just playing too well for the people you are playing against.
Isn't playing well for a great deal being able to see what level opponent is on and adjust accordingly? This is why I am pretty bad at moving between different BI levels and need some time to adjust.

@OP, if you are rolled for 15s and winning there, why consider moving down? For me, the lower the stakes the easier it is, but I can get sloppy with low BIs, don't know if that is the case for you.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 12:56 PM
No money headsup, everyone's solid
best you can get here is two percent ROI...
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 01:49 PM
pretorian will feel super lame about this thread once he experiences a 40-50BI dswing
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 07:42 PM
1. I do not play on 7's
2. Even if I would play I would not experience 40-50BI downswing
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-03-2012 , 08:05 PM
Can't believe someone got into an argument with pretorian that guy is such an easy going fun guy to debate with.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-04-2012 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by 147_star
Wow this whole thread is shocking. Somebody give the OP a decent answer...! Are we assuming this is a level thread and that's why we aren't giving proper responses?

Just to contribute to the secondary debate happening here, I think it is unlikely that a player moving down to $7s from higher stakes will have a 50 BI swing. It is possible though. But we can't give OP the same skill set as somebody from higher stakes - he is clearly learning and probably making some mistakes which makes a 50 BI swing more likely. So this whole debate isn't really helpful at all to OP.

If you are noticing a big difference between lower stakes and higher stakes, do you ever notice your focus changing? Do you make more meh calls at 7's thinking you care less about the money? If yes, that's your reason right there.

If you play the same standard in both formats, it could of course just be variance but that doesn't really give you an answer so we can assume something else is happening.

As you play against worst players - you notice the extremes of different player types. The tight players are often extremely tight, the laggy really aggro and the passive calling stations will call more often and higher amounts than better players. What we can't do is categorise a $7 as any one of these player types. You have to work that out for yourself so make sure you are recognising the different player types as quickly as possible. Don't just assume all $7 players play in a certain way as that's not the case.

If you are struggling at the $7's, perhaps you are just playing too well for the people you are playing against. You could be check-raising on what you know is a good board to c/r on, but our opponent won't know that or care and will just call regardless. If you then barrel small because you turn a good card to represent, don't be surprised if he doesn't pick up the strength you've been representing and calls regardless. Then if you give up on the river, fish sees a chance to win a pot and bets and you've lost a decent chunk of your stack. There are a lot of scenarios where you can over-play or over-think but these are two common ones.

Some people do play better against slightly more thinking players since it is a lot easier to follow their thought processes. Random fish will very often just be clicking buttons which makes patterns tough to establish. To beat these guys, just be aware of the possible outcomes of the hand at the earliest opportunity available. If you know they are loose passive, you already know barrels won't get through so much so you can adjust before you lose a pot.

Adapt to your opponents and decline against the solid players. A few players at that level will be better than others. Just decline them - there is no need to play ok players when there are so many bad players at that level. Gl.
Thx thats the kind of reply i was waiting for.
Thx alot for your time.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
12-04-2012 , 04:10 PM
Great post and so true.
You get tillted way more in the micros because sometimes they just decide to call you down with bottom pair no kicker on the best possible board for our range after we show lots of strengh and then you just get frustrated way more then you ever could against a thinking player who just outplayed you.
How come i cant beat the lowest stakes and beat higher stakes? Are higher stakes easier? Quote
