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Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk

12-12-2012 , 05:23 AM
Hi guys,

I had to chop this into 2 or 3 parts because I didn't feel like making a 1.5 hr vid.

I will upload the 1st part as soon as rendering is done. Will upload the rest of it most likely by tomorrow too.

As always, I would greatly appreciate any inputs or suggestions!
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-12-2012 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by mela
Hi guys,

I had to chop this into 2 or 3 parts because I didn't feel like making a 1.5 hr vid.
I played that badly huh
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-12-2012 , 09:04 AM
Thank you so much for doing this mela, I've already got heaps out of it.

If my video is too long just cut it short, I don't want to take anything away from the other guys waiting for a leakfinder because my video was longer.


63s: def agree with you about not betting the river. Most of villain's calling range will be better hands or split pots.

A3o: I think I'm jamming those types of hands over min 3bets now. I'd probably flat the weaker aces 20+ bb though. You did mentioned this.

KK: I generally limp QQ+ really short as they usually play ok and are way ahead of any hands that don't raise me (and also ahead of most that do). I also limp vs tight players deeper. I raise loose players short and raise vs most deep though.
I think I should check my database for those sorts of hands short. You do get a lot of shoves/raises at low stakes when you limp though (if it's your first limp)

A8s: Flopped trips. I was thinking as I was watching this 'oh yeah now I'll bet 45 into 120' but I actually bet 75 I think. I guess I must have been thinking villain is pretty stationy after that JT on K8x9 call-2-barrels hand. I guess I thought villain would call a lot of gutters/overs/bd fd + A-high type hands.

J3s: glad I got the sizing right on the river. I figure if I get called twice on that board he's calling a decent size on the river or folding anyway (i.e. missed draw).

63: I didn't want to get too creative first hand. Also I figure that flop hits a limping range pretty well and I would get called/raised a lot.

lol at double back-door gutter. Sounds like something you'd get in a porn movie

T2s: ott I think I was afraid of being bluffed once I had donked and then checked. I know it's a bad card to barrel in general. I also didn't want to check fold my turned sdv so it was a bit of a blocking bet I suppose.

77: I think I would check the turn now. I was probably scared of the 2 fd's and couldn't see myself calling a river lead. I think my plan was to check back almost any river (other than 7s or 7d probably)

I'm also aware of the blinds issue for the hand after the blinds change. I think it has something do do with how PT reads the HH files as it has to wait for a hand to be completed before it can read the HH file. It knows the stack sizes (from the results at the end of the previous hand) but it doesn't know the blinds have changed for the current hand because it can't read that HH file until the hand is over.
Sometimes I miss it though

If you're not alreay a coach you should definitely be doing it. I think you explain everything very clearly. I really liked your explanation about why I shouldn't barrel T2 on AJ52 as I'm only folding out 5x an 5x checks back anyway. I didn't even think of it like that.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-12-2012 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Benjamin the Donk
Thank you so much for doing this mela, I've already got heaps out of it.

If my video is too long just cut it short, I don't want to take anything away from the other guys waiting for a leakfinder because my video was longer.


63s: def agree with you about not betting the river. Most of villain's calling range will be better hands or split pots.

A3o: I think I'm jamming those types of hands over min 3bets now. I'd probably flat the weaker aces 20+ bb though. You did mentioned this.

KK: I generally limp QQ+ really short as they usually play ok and are way ahead of any hands that don't raise me (and also ahead of most that do). I also limp vs tight players deeper. I raise loose players short and raise vs most deep though.
I think I should check my database for those sorts of hands short. You do get a lot of shoves/raises at low stakes when you limp though (if it's your first limp)

A8s: Flopped trips. I was thinking as I was watching this 'oh yeah now I'll bet 45 into 120' but I actually bet 75 I think. I guess I must have been thinking villain is pretty stationy after that JT on K8x9 call-2-barrels hand. I guess I thought villain would call a lot of gutters/overs/bd fd + A-high type hands.

J3s: glad I got the sizing right on the river. I figure if I get called twice on that board he's calling a decent size on the river or folding anyway (i.e. missed draw).

63: I didn't want to get too creative first hand. Also I figure that flop hits a limping range pretty well and I would get called/raised a lot.

lol at double back-door gutter. Sounds like something you'd get in a porn movie

T2s: ott I think I was afraid of being bluffed once I had donked and then checked. I know it's a bad card to barrel in general. I also didn't want to check fold my turned sdv so it was a bit of a blocking bet I suppose.

77: I think I would check the turn now. I was probably scared of the 2 fd's and couldn't see myself calling a river lead. I think my plan was to check back almost any river (other than 7s or 7d probably)

I'm also aware of the blinds issue for the hand after the blinds change. I think it has something do do with how PT reads the HH files as it has to wait for a hand to be completed before it can read the HH file. It knows the stack sizes (from the results at the end of the previous hand) but it doesn't know the blinds have changed for the current hand because it can't read that HH file until the hand is over.
Sometimes I miss it though

If you're not alreay a coach you should definitely be doing it. I think you explain everything very clearly. I really liked your explanation about why I shouldn't barrel T2 on AJ52 as I'm only folding out 5x an 5x checks back anyway. I didn't even think of it like that.
Well, I was a bit tired last night and didn't feel like recording a long video, that's it. I don't think you are taking anything away from the others, so no worries.

Just a few things to add:

KK - I didn't expect that your first limp will get attacked a ton at this stack depth, but that makes sense. However, "limping against tight players deeper" doesn't seem like the best option. Most of the time they will check back preflop and get to see a cheap flop, which is sometimes okay if you want him to catch up on flop (like AA vs J8o and him catching a pair), but deeper stacked I still prefer to raise my stronger hands. It also gives him a chance to 3bet/call certain hands vs you, while they might attack your limp and fold to your shove with those hands. That aside, your argument makes a lot of sense too.

LOL @ the porn movie, hahaha

77 - Yeah I agree that the board is a bit too draw heavy, but betting here seems a bit too thin. Whether we can profitably bluff catch on the river is kind of hard to answer.

T2s - I think I forgot to mention that, against 5x we don't lose much by checking on the turn not only because he won't bet it himself very often, but also because we can still get him to fold 5x on a lot of river cards, whether we improve or not. So by checking on turn, we are doing okay vs. 5x which will check back quite often (and fold on a lot of river if you choose to bet), and better vs some other hands like Jx that will check back and bluff catch river because we give ourselves a few outs.

I am at work now so my reply might be very clear; feel free to bug me if so And thanks for your kind remarks! I am glad that you liked it.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-14-2012 , 05:50 AM
Will upload the rest of this today (Friday). Sorry for the wait.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-14-2012 , 08:11 AM
No probs. I won't be looking at it tonight (i.e. now) my time anyway as it's
Originally Posted by mela
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 02:17 AM
Uploading now.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 05:33 AM
Sorry about the quality, I didn't want to re-compress and ul it as I was going to bed

87o: At the time I'd only see villain 3b to 140 once so figured a raise was ok here pre.

87s: you mention meta game as villain just lost a big pot the previous hand. You limp here as standard at 8bb?

I know Nikolaos45 from skype. He said hi and I didn't remember who he was

A8o: I usually 3b jam these hands over mr but was experimenting with nai.

J5o: Yeah I think that was a bad jam on the river after watching it again.

J7s: It's a borderline Nash call at 8bb, but I know villain on skype and he's on 2p2 so I think he'd be shoving Nash here. I'm not sure if he would mr/limp some hands at 8bb though as pretty readless still. I'm also not sure how removing mr/limping hands from villain's shove range affects my calling range. I guess if he mr/limps strong to trap then it becomes a better call as his shove range is weakened?

AJs: You said 60 is ok to raise a limp here. I usually raise to 70 with offsuit hands and hands like AK that don't flop as well. Is this ok readless (obv exploitable vs a reg but I'm not worried about that right now)

JJ: on the K8xcc flop I know I should have bet, I think I was thinking 'I have some sdv so I'll check and delay cbet turn' or something. I get that I should have bet though.
Regarding turning sdv into a bluff on the river is there any chance you can post a hh where you have done this? What are we looking for when we do this? I assume we want to put villain on a marginal range/hand on a scary board generally, right?

T9o: on the AKx9 board I thought I won't fold better and won't get called by worse so I checked with the intention of calling.

QQ: I actually cbet 50 into 80 on JTx - not sure if you noticed it. Is this ok for value on wetter boards or is 1/2 pot fine?

Thanks again for doing this, I have a whole page of notes
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 12:03 PM
Thanks mela, really enjoyed your commentary.

Interesting thought to limp/fold 78s 8bb deep when villain likely has a very wide calling range. But if he indeed is tilted he will also shove a lot over limp, right? I am curious what his calling range must be (in %) in order for limp/fold to have slightly better expectation than openjam, also i think villain might be shoving over limp wider than he would be calling a shove with.

^BTW, last hand i could see in the vid was T3s...

Last edited by Malah; 12-15-2012 at 12:22 PM.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 12:08 PM
quality of the vid is way to low, i can barely make out anything
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Benjamin the Donk
Sorry about the quality, I didn't want to re-compress and ul it as I was going to bed

87o: At the time I'd only see villain 3b to 140 once so figured a raise was ok here pre.

87s: you mention meta game as villain just lost a big pot the previous hand. You limp here as standard at 8bb?

I know Nikolaos45 from skype. He said hi and I didn't remember who he was

A8o: I usually 3b jam these hands over mr but was experimenting with nai.

J5o: Yeah I think that was a bad jam on the river after watching it again.

J7s: It's a borderline Nash call at 8bb, but I know villain on skype and he's on 2p2 so I think he'd be shoving Nash here. I'm not sure if he would mr/limp some hands at 8bb though as pretty readless still. I'm also not sure how removing mr/limping hands from villain's shove range affects my calling range. I guess if he mr/limps strong to trap then it becomes a better call as his shove range is weakened?

AJs: You said 60 is ok to raise a limp here. I usually raise to 70 with offsuit hands and hands like AK that don't flop as well. Is this ok readless (obv exploitable vs a reg but I'm not worried about that right now)

JJ: on the K8xcc flop I know I should have bet, I think I was thinking 'I have some sdv so I'll check and delay cbet turn' or something. I get that I should have bet though.
Regarding turning sdv into a bluff on the river is there any chance you can post a hh where you have done this? What are we looking for when we do this? I assume we want to put villain on a marginal range/hand on a scary board generally, right?

T9o: on the AKx9 board I thought I won't fold better and won't get called by worse so I checked with the intention of calling.

QQ: I actually cbet 50 into 80 on JTx - not sure if you noticed it. Is this ok for value on wetter boards or is 1/2 pot fine?

Thanks again for doing this, I have a whole page of notes
87o: Maybe I wasn't very clear about this one. I meant to say that we might start limping this hand because he 3bet us twice already, but we didn't know that before raising this hand. Min raising is obv fine.

87s: My standard play at 8bb is to jam all day, but in this particular spot I thought he might be calling off wider, which devalues our openjam quite a bit. However, malah (not mela!) makes a good point here: if he calls our jam wide, he's also gonna jam over our limp wide, if not wider. That said I'm not quite sure which option would be better, but they are probably close, and that was my point. On the other hand, there are certain hands that you can jam more easily (like Qx, Jx) when you expect to get called light.

J5o: I gave it some more thoughts, and river decision (pre-turn play was fine obv, maybe you coulda bet a bit more on turn) is really meh. Like I said, I don't expect him to have air very often once he got to river this way, so question is how often he's gonna have worse hands (mostly 8x and some 2x maybe) and what he's gonna do with those hands. I don't expect a $3.5 reg to turn those hands into a bluff very often when you check to him, although it's not impossible. So it's more about how often he's gonna call your jam with those - for example, if he has worse hand 50% of the time and calling your jam 100% with them, jamming becomes 0EV. I suspect this is quite an optimistic scenario though, in a sense that a) he might have better hand more often than worse and b) he might not always call off with them. That said, I still think c/f is the best option here. Both c/c and jam seem like -EV play, not sure which one is worse.

J7s: I don't really stick to Nash calling range myself, so it's hard to comment on that. But it's quite a big assumption imho to think he shoves Nash range, and I still think this is a close fold. I agree with you that his shoving range is gonna be weakened when he traps with strong hands, but I don't think he traps much at this stack depth.. and even if he does, it's mostly gonna be high pair and *some* Ax occasionally, so combo wise that doesn't affect our decision much.

AJs: Yeah, raising to 70 sounds fine too.

JJ: I couldn't come up with a good hh for now, but a common scenario is to turn TPWK into a bluff. More on this later. And yes, we'd like to do this when the board is scary, etc.

QQ: Yes, obv fine.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Malah
Thanks mela, really enjoyed your commentary.

Interesting thought to limp/fold 78s 8bb deep when villain likely has a very wide calling range. But if he indeed is tilted he will also shove a lot over limp, right? I am curious what his calling range must be (in %) in order for limp/fold to have slightly better expectation than openjam, also i think villain might be shoving over limp wider than he would be calling a shove with.

^BTW, last hand i could see in the vid was T3s...
About the 87s hand, please see my comment above. And you probably forgot to download the vid last time? The streaming (or preview, w/e) only shows the first 15 min or so iirc.

@yay: Did you mean the rendering quality or my commentary?
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
12-15-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by yay
quality of the vid is way to low, i can barely make out anything
Originally Posted by Benjamin the Donk
Sorry about the quality, I didn't want to re-compress and ul it as I was going to bed
I'm a camstudio fish and my pc is pretty old. It took ages to render and I couldn't be assed doing it again.
I still have the original screen capture and can redo it now if anyone is that interested.
Free Leakfinder #3 - Benjamin the Donk Quote
