Originally Posted by pretorian_st
So you shove every pair oop 40bb deep? And how it is 4bb for you?
Meh I must answer, I am not shoving every PP bc some are too good for that.
I am shoving low pocket pairs which are hard to play postflop oop, and for your information when villain is opening 3x that means "his" 3blinds and 1blind "ours" which makes 4blinds pot. I am def not shoving when villain is minraising. But when sbdy is constantly 3xing less than 40bb deep I am shoving everyday, all day low PP and even wider. It's not about wining flips. It's about realising that wining or loosing flips doesn't matter, it's that's fold equity that matters. And if villain is total tard and calling wide we are still fliping, if he is tard in other way that is 3xing and folding too much we are printing money everytime he folds.
Originally Posted by pretorian_st
Are you a winning HU player? According to what youre writing here I suppose youre some 1% ROI micro HU player at best
LOL yes I am slightly wining 0,5% roi, one tabling microstakes grinder, how did you know?
Omg why you started talking that way? now I am forced to do it the same way
So I have to say: I was owning your "pretorianst" @ ipoker a_ss at 20$ games but you dissapeared one day...