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December LC Thread SFW December LC Thread SFW

12-29-2010 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
Yeah agreed. Don't sell yourself short!

Ok i always get bored super easy when playing SC2 as i find it hard to stick to one race and try and learn as much as possible. But i've changed again to protoss lol

The main reason i'm changing is because i can't frikin beat protoss fml

What's the best counter to infestors? I hate these ****** units that ttlly destroy my charging zealots I'm trying my best to focus fire them when in combat but it's so hard I think high temp are good vs them right? what else can i do?
Colossus have the same range as NP and destroy infestors. Infestors should not be a huge problem for a toss to handle, I think they are mostly used to controll phoenixes and to some extent blink stalkers.

Try to focus more on stalker / sentry / collosus play. Thats a strong toss ball of hurt!

Last edited by monkii; 12-29-2010 at 05:05 PM.
12-29-2010 , 05:00 PM
Crysis 2 is supposed to be released in march 2011. The new medal of honor got mediocre reviews, haven't played it tho. It's not on your list, but I bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 a few days ago and can definitely recommend it.
12-29-2010 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Newff
Is Crysis 2 out yet? God the first one was such a good game.
yeah 86 days until it comes out! but i'm happy to wait for it if i pick it obv. :P

but I bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 a few days ago and can definitely recommend it.
Yeah this is on my list. I'm just not sure, most people tell me black ops>>>BBC2 but i duno :P

I might just take safe option and wait for crysis since this is sick.

Colossus have the same range as NP and destroy infestors. Infestors should not be a huge problem for a toss to handle, I think they are mostly used to controll phoenixes and to some extent blink stalkers.

Try to focus more on stalker / sentry / collosus play. Thats a strong toss ball of hurt!
Ok thanks :P
12-29-2010 , 08:25 PM
haven't played black ops yet, but im pretty sure bfbc2 is better
12-29-2010 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
post this in marketplace as well, can prolly easily get more than 300 for it if its hardware + ~1k of software
Yea you're def right, ty - super tilted now dealing w eBay. Didn't know I had selling limits, now I'm waiting on hold listening to this horrid piano loop interupted every 10 seconds by some annoying ebay ads.. Grr..

And marketplace hasn't approved me - how long does this usually take? Will they get on me for selling my own registered software (not PT/HEM, just Adobe stuff, etc)?
12-29-2010 , 09:22 PM
we can still link to nice pics, right?
12-29-2010 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Obscured
we can still link to nice pics, right?
I bloody well hope so! There's a girl thread in nlhu cash! and it pisses all over this thread I mean take note mods!!!!

Can't we just have a dedicated picture thread that would be NSFW? And we can have this thread for everything else? NLHU have it so why not us? I ove the thread they have but i hate going into nlhu to read it :/ sigh
12-29-2010 , 09:54 PM
Its because mods dont like girls
12-30-2010 , 12:52 AM
I just decided to blog about my boring life and how i will thrive to make it slightly less boring in 2011. I won´t even bother posting a link because you guys don´t speak German anyway. But i thought you might be interested in the steps i will take to do this, because i´m probably not the only one who wants to improve himself.
I´ll just post the cliffnotes:
1. Biphasic sleep to handle my irregular sleep rhythm
2. be productive every day: achieve something,learn something or experience something new
3. get 30 minutes of fresh air and at least one serving of fruit
(yes i do suck at life enough for this to be a problem, if there´s no party or school i´ll just stay in my cave and let the day go by without getting a whiff of fresh air)
4. write down what you did on everyday so you can kick yourself if you realize you haven´t done sh*t again and be guilt-tripped to be good on the next day
12-30-2010 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by AnJo280
I just decided to blog about my boring life and how i will thrive to make it slightly less boring in 2011. I won´t even bother posting a link because you guys don´t speak German anyway.
I would be interested and I do speak german.
12-30-2010 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by khalifa
Would be interested and I speak german.
yeah the name is not very creative....
and there´s nothing pokerrelated yet although i mention tommy angelo once :P
12-30-2010 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by AnJo280
yeah the name is not very creative....
and there´s nothing pokerrelated yet although i mention tommy angelo once :P
Very fancy name indeed! But thanks for the linke gonna read it.
12-30-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Obscured
12-30-2010 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by All_or_Nothing
I bloody well hope so! There's a girl thread in nlhu cash! and it pisses all over this thread I mean take note mods!!!!

Can't we just have a dedicated picture thread that would be NSFW? And we can have this thread for everything else? NLHU have it so why not us? I ove the thread they have but i hate going into nlhu to read it :/ sigh
+1.. ah hem. i think its only fair. and maybe we just wont let chiry in our clubhouse.
12-30-2010 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by AnJo280
yeah the name is not very creative....
and there´s nothing pokerrelated yet although i mention tommy angelo once :P
Really liked it and it inspired me to try to implement a healthier sleep behaviour myself. I might it even gonna give this polyphasic sleep a shot.

Keep it up!

Edit: Didn't have that long to read it, just had to play some games....
12-30-2010 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by khalifa
Really liked it and it inspired me to try to implement a healthier sleep behaviour myself. I might it even gonna give this polyphasic sleep a shot.

Keep it up!

Edit: Didn't have that long to read it, just had to play some games....
I hope you have more luck than I did. I failed miserably after two days :P

I'm determined to give it another shot though. If I somehow manage to get away from doing 1 year of military service next year, I'll probably give it a more serious shot.
12-30-2010 , 04:50 AM
Before anyone tries polyphasic sleep, I advise to read this page:

Cliffs: there's no scientific proof to humans being able to adapt to any sleep schedule. There's anecdotal evidence from numerous people who have tried it and they seem to show the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Brain studies show that we are biphasic, so the Spanish people seem to have nailed it a long time ago (siesta).
12-30-2010 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by UniquEst
Before anyone tries polyphasic sleep, I advise to read this page:

Cliffs: there's no scientific proof to humans being able to adapt to any sleep schedule. There's anecdotal evidence from numerous people who have tried it and they seem to show the symptoms of sleep deprivation. Brain studies show that we are biphasic, so the Spanish people seem to have nailed it a long time ago (siesta).
12-30-2010 , 07:37 AM
yeah tbh i dont think real polyphasic sleep is sustainable for more than like a year or 2.
Just because most people dont have the time to sleep every 4 hours.
Biphasic sleep sounds pretty nice though.Its basically just taking a nap in the afternoon.
12-30-2010 , 08:00 AM
(yes i do suck at life enough for this to be a problem, if there´s no party or school i´ll just stay in my cave and let the day go by without getting a whiff of fresh air)
Like any other poker playing student?
12-30-2010 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by AnJo280
yeah tbh i dont think real polyphasic sleep is sustainable for more than like a year or 2.
Just because most people dont have the time to sleep every 4 hours.
Biphasic sleep sounds pretty nice though.Its basically just taking a nap in the afternoon.
It's how I got through school tbh ^^ Usually sleep an hour or so after school is finished.
12-30-2010 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by bbq
I hope you have more luck than I did. I failed miserably after two days :P

I'm determined to give it another shot though. If I somehow manage to get away from doing 1 year of military service next year, I'll probably give it a more serious shot.
serve our country you scum
12-30-2010 , 11:59 AM
LOL eBay supportaments

Rheychelyn D.
Hi, welcome to eBay Live Help! My name is Rheychelyn. How may I help you?
i waited 40 minutes yesterday to talk to customer support and they told me i shouldnt have selling limits
then i gave up last night, tried again this morning, and i have selling limits
and no way to increase them w/o talking to you guys?
Rheychelyn D.
May I ask how long have you been said to have selling limits?
i have no idea i just logged in last night to try to sell my old computer
i havent sold before
Rheychelyn D.
Sorry for delayed response because of some system failures..
so basically, i cant sell, because i havent sold before
if thats the case then i guess i just go to craigslist
Rheychelyn D.
What do you mean craigslist?
an alternative selling site
can you please just tell me if i can increase my selling limits enough to sell >500$?
Rheychelyn D.
May I ask if you add credit card to your selling account?
paypal linked to credit card i went thru ALL the verification processes
it gives me 2 options to increase limits: call u guys, or verify that i have another account that ive sold on before, which i havent
Rheychelyn D.
And what did it says?
what does what says? i just told you. it gives me 2 options
neither which work apparently
Rheychelyn D.
Sorry for the incovenience, your replies coming late...
no problem
Rheychelyn D.
Anyway, you are saying that you haven't sold anything before?
Rheychelyn D.
Have you verified your other account?
i dont have another account..
still there?
12-30-2010 , 03:02 PM
Weird - pretty sure the first thing I sold on ebay was over $500.

12-30-2010 , 03:27 PM
Same here.. I sold my turntables for 800ish.. That was a few years ago, I think they changed their policy but obv I have no idea after talking to customer support like that ^ (phone was no better)
