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Cartel in s Spins? Cartel in s Spins?

04-01-2015 , 06:54 PM
There's been talk of a $60s cartel forming. How does the community feel about that?
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 07:07 PM
people are literally braindead to cartel up now, in HU SNG it started to make sense because the sheer volume of regs outnumbered the acceptable level of fish, but atm in spins you can get almost a constant 6 tables of all fish games pretty much around the clock so wtf is there a need for a cartel, people can't even take advantage of the extra fish that would be in the pool after that happened because they can't play that many tables (facepalm)
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 07:25 PM
Won't be effective atm. Too greedy..
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 07:38 PM
If its true i am forming an anticartel
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 07:41 PM
about as necessary as a 3,50$ cartel at hu hypers
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 08:19 PM
I am sure that if it kills the number of recs that want to play the game the regs will do it sooner rather than later.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 09:20 PM
Those Spin games are basically Stars new Cashcow. Now i highly doubt that Stars will be this lenient again and letting you guys manipulate those games in a way to maximize your individual profit by doing something that is seen by the majority of recs and regs as something rather shady and thus tarnishing the reputation of these games.

Stars already allows Spinwiz although this opens up quite a few possibilites to do bad things, which couldnt be done without it - recent example, Primos case. Other examples, teaming up, colluding of which we will see popping up in the future.

Right now we have a good thing going - yes some of you might have to wait for a lobby from time to time, but frankly i think you need to get a reality check. Which game out there offers almost instant action around the clock? Basically none. So you demanding for this is a very unreasonable thing.

So the consequences - by which we all might be hit badly (and Stars couldnt care less in that case) is Stars either bans Spinwiz or they just randomize the reg. process in a way that they scramble up registrations - this would be something no software could ever again deal with. And in the end this would hurt us all very badly. You already have the option to sit others and thus reduce your waittime significantly. So why dont you take this opportunity?
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by ilikehungarygirls
I have no idea why stars allow spinwiz , the whole purpose of spins should be that you cannot table select?
Stars has stated this is not the purpose of Spin & Go's.
Spin & Go's are just appealing to new players, because ease of access and big prizes aka "click here to win 100k".
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 11:14 PM
Cartels helped kill husngs. Recreational players do not want to feel targeted, it makes them look for other formats. Terrible idea.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 11:37 PM
Cartel? I thought you called them divisions to remove the negative association? When will you guys realise that if you're going to implement something like this you don't make it public?
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-01-2015 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by MOV EAX
Stars has stated this is not the purpose of Spin & Go's.
Spin & Go's are just appealing to new players, because ease of access and big prizes aka "click here to win 100k".
While stars has allowed to "table select" im sure stars didnt give a freepass to the other shenanigans you guys planning with the help of Spinwiz, cuz obv. the development of this software is going strongly in this direction. It would be very interesting to hear stars POV on this matter at least this way we would know where we stand. Maybe someone wanna email them and ask them outright if they allow Divisons and Grouphunting in Spins once again. Because if not their wont be anything to discuss.

And maybe they can just comment in here themselves..
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by callme
While stars has allowed to "table select" im sure stars didnt give a freepass to the other shenanigans you guys planning with the help of Spinwiz, cuz obv. the development of this software is going strongly in this direction. It would be very interesting to hear stars POV on this matter at least this way we would know where we stand. Maybe someone wanna email them and ask them outright if they allow Divisons and Grouphunting in Spins once again. Because if not their wont be anything to discuss.

And maybe they can just comment in here themselves..
I'm pretty sure SpinWiz has always been against cartels and if they start to form there will be major changes in the program.
Also, there is really no need for cartels. The only players waiting a long time for tables are the ones that don't have anyone marked and will never be accepted into any cartel anyway.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Bluffyou
Cartel? I thought you called them divisions to remove the negative association?
They were cartels were rocmar first made them, then they turned into divisions when the EV system got implemented, then he got kicked out for not meeting the requirements lol
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by callme
Now i highly doubt that Stars will be this lenient again and letting you guys manipulate those games in a way to maximize your individual profit by doing something that is seen by the majority of recs and regs as something rather shady and thus tarnishing the reputation of these games.
This is a stretch. You are generalizing a ton here. Many people in the divisions have asked for more fair entry requirements at all levels and worked on that to the point where it is definitely doable for anyone to battle in to the groups. Is it perfect? Definitely not! Could it have been worked on more fairly? Of course.

If you felt the risk/reward wasn't enough to battle in that's fine, but the system on the lower stakes especially was at the very least somewhat reasonable if you look at the math behind it. Whatever your reasoning for not battling in doesn't mean they were bad for the game. Anyone who was good enough was able to battle in even on higher divisions like the 200s/500s was able too(IE. Rams, valuelol, provsk, Torg0th, 307th, noqqx, bluenowhere, pies, random_chu, etc..), only group that was very unfair throughout the whole process was the 300s.

I agree completely they could/should have been dealt more fairly and always thought they should be managed by a third party that doesn't benefit at all from certain players getting in and based on results solely but they were/are necessary given the lines at the time/present for HUSNGs.

Originally Posted by callme
Stars already allows Spinwiz although this opens up quite a few possibilites to do bad things, which couldnt be done without it - recent example, Primos case. Other examples, teaming up, colluding of which we will see popping up in the future.
Primo was playing without delay on Twitch. It's just as easy to blame Twitch for this. Anyone watching the stream and manually regging the same time as him could have also done the same thing. It's unfortunate that he got scammed by a scummy person but at the same time playing without a delay is pretty silly. Even players using Twitch to stream video games use a delay, so to not use this while playing poker for real money is a pretty big mistake no matter how you cut it.

Why would SpinWiz play judge and start banning people all the time like other registration softwares did in the past? This player was given a warning on this already and will make changes to the EULA. Using a software as a gavel in the poker community courtroom is the exactly how we wanted to separate ourselves from other registration programs.

Originally Posted by callme
Right now we have a good thing going - yes some of you might have to wait for a lobby from time to time, but frankly i think you need to get a reality check. Which game out there offers almost instant action around the clock? Basically none. So you demanding for this is a very unreasonable thing.

So the consequences - by which we all might be hit badly (and Stars couldnt care less in that case) is Stars either bans Spinwiz or they just randomize the reg. process in a way that they scramble up registrations - this would be something no software could ever again deal with. And in the end this would hurt us all very badly. You already have the option to sit others and thus reduce your waittime significantly. So why dont you take this opportunity?
Completely agree with you here. Not a fan of any sort of division on Spins, I think it's a very bad idea and would welcome any changes to the software the community could agree upon before implementing a division for 60s Spins. There are so many better ways to do things than this.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 05:31 AM
So basically there will be situations where 2 regs sit another supposedly weak reg. To be honest I can see stars being very very happy with that. Wonder what could go wrong with that though in a game where rake is huge and the usual prize pool these 3 regs will share is 2x.

And I am sure you've got it all fair in terms of getting in as usual.

Sounds like a plan to me.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by kobmish
So basically there will be situations where 2 regs sit another supposedly weak reg.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 05:49 AM
its called the gangbang
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by kgbking
its called the gangbang
to much asian dude
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 03:29 PM
Creating divisions in Spins is not a good idea imo.
I like the solution we have now. SpinWiz software has the option to sit others and reduce your waiting time. Most important fact - even when you target some other reg - you still have one recreational player in the game.
Compared to HU SNG, 3-handed game provides unique opportunity to fight other regs while playing against recreational players at the same time.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 04:38 PM
Maybe if you cartel idiots would stop bitchin and mark more regs to skip the WHOLE waitlist, it wouldn't be necessary to ruin one more game.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 11:24 PM
Im not sure how it would work. I mean if im sitting with another reg and a rec, i don´t think im losing money, they can´t 2 reg vs 1, so how do they exactly plan to kick out other specific regs? I dont get it. More like, bring it on!
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-02-2015 , 11:51 PM
^^ A better question would be how would someone battle their way into the cartel once it was in place?? Seems like it would be waaaayy more complicated figuring that out than it was in hu hypers.
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-03-2015 , 02:42 PM
I somehow understood cartels in HU hypers couse there was no other way to be profitable(very small edge/ reg to fish ratio to high and so on... )...but in Spins, where everybody says it's fish infested, I really don't understand. It looks just greedy...
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-03-2015 , 03:50 PM
it's not just greedy, it's just less profitable to even attempt that at this moment
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
04-03-2015 , 03:54 PM
seems quite stupid, you can't even track if someone decides to unmark people and bumhunt
Cartel in s Spins? Quote
