Originally Posted by Mooseknuckle
how much math aspect of the game do you guys practice....are people looking at pot odds for every decision?? examples?
What about implied odds?? examples?
anything else???
basically what is being calculated...
or is your play more geared toward reads, flow, gut etc......
Just curious....for those who use math what are some good articles online?
While I don't claim to be a math genious, math is important- no doubt. In no-limit though, the psychological aspect comes in heavy. In general, it's a combination of both. Knowing the math just helps make your decisions a lot easier. Yet, knowing or learning something new to use for poker doesn't mean you can just sit down and start using it to reap huge rewards. It's a developed thing- you have to learn when to put more weight in what in certain individual circumstances. While you should always be gauging the pot odds and implied odds, those are things that aren't always finite (because the opponents could have or do exactly the opposite to what you thought), and the use of math should just be another variable to help you make a decision. There's just too much to even get into detail about it. Math helps. Also, the top players exhibit or use the mathematics of poker in extremely different ways to their benefit.
I'm not sure of any online articles, but would recommend these books:
Any Dan Harrington books- he uses a heavy math foundation for his game
David Sklansky's No limit book and his Theory of Poker (his books on limit will give you a lot of good information in regards to the use of math as well)
The Mathematics of Poker by david chen and some other guy I believe. This is a far more advanced book in the dealings of math and how it relates to poker. I often got lost in the many equations presented,- yet the principles in this book are extremely in depth. I would wait and get a good foundation for the basic principles of math in poker before tackling this book.