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**** Beginner's and Low Content Questions Thread**** **** Beginner's and Low Content Questions Thread****

05-13-2015 , 09:41 AM
I wouldn't mind hearing a brief explanation of why the Mersennary chart is bad in today's game. Is it too unbalanced? Too loose? Too tight?

I don't follow it exactly but I'm somewhere in that ballpark as a default strategy when V or myself are shortstacked ~ 10BB.
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05-13-2015 , 11:16 AM
why is it bad? Simply because there are much better way to play many hands. ;D
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05-14-2015 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by none888
why is it bad? Simply because there are much better way to play many hands. ;D
Which hands? Which "ways" are better? Are we shoving less hands and raising them instead? Are we folding more hands? Limping more? I know I said brief but I was looking for a bit more explanation than just "because something else it better".
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05-14-2015 , 07:19 AM
You should limp way more than that chart suggest.
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05-14-2015 , 08:43 AM
Yep you can forget this chart i think, but are playing Hu or spin ? for hu you will found a lot of interesting video pack, for spin less actually.
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05-14-2015 , 11:45 AM
I play spin for one month now, i needed to rebuild my roll after a little downswing in MTT. I don't know if i'll take a video pack, i already pay a subscription for RIO elite but if i change my mind, which one would you recommend ?
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05-14-2015 , 01:54 PM
unfortunately in spin there is not a lot of choice actually, but fortunately there is the cofee spin and go pack, probably a nuts like usual but 300$ .. so depending of you bkr and limit could be a nice investment..
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05-14-2015 , 04:43 PM
Ok thx maybe if anyone want to share a pack.. PM
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05-18-2015 , 06:28 PM
Turbo / reg speed players, how do you improve your game nowadays when there are no new training vids etc. coming out?
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05-20-2015 , 01:52 AM
My topic got moved to another forum but i think many of the interested people wont stumble upon it there.
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05-20-2015 , 08:12 AM
it got moved for a reason, just saying

good luck
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05-20-2015 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
it got moved for a reason, just saying

good luck
When people want HUSNG content and get better, they come to this subforum, not twitch part. Im streaming on twitch and even i had no idea there is a special twitch forum here.
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05-20-2015 , 01:51 PM
There's a sidebar on the right that shows up in every single forum that has the live twitch streamers. So everyone will see you there too!
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05-21-2015 , 06:43 AM
What is a good roi goal to shoot for when playing $15 HU hypers? And roughly how many games per hour would you expect to play 2 tabling.
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05-25-2015 , 02:49 PM

I have HM1 1.14.02 and i am wondering when i click $EV adjusted and appears EV ROI and is it math correct for HU Hyper at Stars?

I ask hm suport bu he cant be sure so i ask here.

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05-25-2015 , 04:56 PM
What is the best way to put in homework $5 husng bovada ?
Is it just go over hands I loss or write out hads so I don't loss big
Is it look at all the hands played oop or in position ?
Please help out thanks
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06-02-2015 , 04:03 PM
I tried to search but I didn't find.
How many EV chips per game (HU hyper turbo SNG) we must achieve to be lucrative?
And, is "EV Chips" = "Cips (EV Adjusted)"?
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06-02-2015 , 08:23 PM
hello to all husng regs/players - anybody know how to prevent the 'tournament reg'n box' from appearing when I register to a new game please? (on STARS this is btw)
(this is the pop-up 'box' that says "Reg'd, if you disconnect or leave........")

I've tried asking support, checked/unchecked options, and even sent log-files/changed themes/reinstalled etc. but still can't get shot of it and it's bugging the **** out of me - any help gratefully received -
thanks for reading!
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06-06-2015 , 06:36 PM
1_Hi, i want to learn hu poker with a focus on game theory. Which of the two main softwares is currently better if price is not a big obstacle? (gtorange builder seem to be much more intuitive and "pretty" but piosolver does flop calculations)

2_I know that it is common for people to build charts for hu hypers. Is it reasonable and a good idea to do it for 75bb poker too or is it better to just understand big picture things when it comes to preflop play?

3_Also, what is standard preflop raise size at 50-75bb? Is it still minbet?
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06-07-2015 , 05:02 AM
1. GTO RB does not show the solutions in a better way, just a different way than competitors (PioSolver and Simple Postflop). There is no single correct answer to that question. If you would like to have a ca 20 well thought out solution for deep stack (and many for shortstacked) ready then GTO RB flop library is a good option. PioSolver requires a powerful computer and sims take 20-60min for good accuracy, but allows for unlimited sims. Simple Postflop cloud solutions allows you to quickly solve many flops (many at the same time), but are limited to 100/month and have to pay monthly to make new ones.

2. Most good players have a preflop strategy for 50-75bb that they have figured out away from the tables, that they slightly tweak depending on the opponent. A good start is probably to make a chart for your opening range , flatting (vs 2x, 2.5x & 3x), 3betting and 4betting. I think it is helpful to define your standard/read less ranges even if you are not using charts in game.

3. I think 2x-2.7x is fine, but perhaps 2.2-2.5x is more standard? From a theoretical perspective a min raise is a too small, but in practice it does not matter much. If your opponent flats you wide and 3bets around 20% for a BB VPIP of 80%+ and plays well postflop, then a larger raise is probably strictly better. For low stakes HU cash there is more merit to opening larger because you only pay rake when the hands see a flop, but for SNGs this is not an issue.
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06-15-2015 , 07:26 PM
what hud should i get for hypers? i heard coffehud is pretty good, is it worth it? any other sugestions?
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06-16-2015 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by Pgnmoovez
what hud should i get for hypers? i heard coffehud is pretty good, is it worth it? any other sugestions?
Coffeehud lite (the free one from HUSNG) is great start if you have PT4. I don't believe a HUD is very valuable for hypers before 7$ or higher, but that is only my opinion. I think a simple hud like coffeehud lite is useful for 1.5$-7$ reg/turbo speed SNGs
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06-16-2015 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by Kalupso
Coffeehud lite (the free one from HUSNG) is great start if you have PT4. I don't believe a HUD is very valuable for hypers before 7$ or higher, but that is only my opinion. I think a simple hud like coffeehud lite is useful for 1.5$-7$ reg/turbo speed SNGs
Great advice on the free version, didnt know there was one! i play the 7's and 15's, just never used a hud in my life since i come from HUcash and people didnt seem to care about huds back then (before black friday), same goes for a lot of software going around..I gotta get up to speed.
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06-22-2015 , 06:14 PM
how is the math done for stack to pot ????
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07-06-2015 , 10:27 PM
im totally foriegn to heads up sitngos looking to get into a new form of poker (switching from 10nl/25nl 6max) and wondering what sort of win rates/hourly are achievable at the 5$/10$/20$ turbo husngs? going to start at the 5s with 25BI and just learn from their and looking at every now and then. im looking to play on bovada
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