Originally Posted by moteutsch
I raise flop to get value from worse Jx (although he sometimes has better) and draws. (Side note: if he 3b me, what's my move?
If he raises all his Jacks (which is rather unlikely), there are 6 better jacks in the deck on this flop (AJ, KJ, QJ, JJ, J7 & J6) and 6 worse jacks (J9, J8, J5, J4, J3, J2). Although there are some blockers for better jacks, the fact that he probably folds J2, J3, J4 makes your raise not for value about a random J imo. It is against most draws though.
I think leading this hand or check-calling the flop is preferrabel over a c/r (given you don't have any reads). Also: I don't want to see a shove if I c/r here and rather avoid getting into that spot vs unknown.
As played I think river = shove > check-call > check-fold. (Shove in the hope to get called by two pair or even just one - you'd be surprised sometimes. Check-call if you put him on a missed FD that might try to bluff the river.)
Originally Posted by Sandregor
the river is so bad that u can check call at most;
i will simply check/fold instantly
but it's your decision;
but i like flop and turn, maybe a little agresive but that is not a big mistake
If you give advice to OP I hope you beat these stakes yourself? No offence, but I see a lot of struggeling $2 players on this forum telling the $5 and $10 players what they should do...