Originally Posted by JSpazz
the amount he plays TP this way is irrelevant coz we chop w practically all Ax. A more important factor is the ratio between Kx and Qx, which I think is similar coz Kx can fold flop, but Qx can also lead river, which I'm sure Kx very rarely does
It seems to me like your approximations here of villains range are almost identical to mine. I would say ratio of Q/FH/Nut type hands is higher than king, but even on my last calculations where I set them to basically identical.
Originally Posted by I_LI_Jl
Bet 240 on River=.35(+200)+.23(-240)+.22(.55(+640)+.45(+400))+.20(.90(+400)+.10(-240))=+199.04
Check River=.35(+200)+.23(+0)+.22(+400) + .20(+400)= +238
.35 is percentage of aces he has here (always call, always split)
.23 is percentage of Q/FH/Nut type hands here (call or raise doesn't matter, since we b/f or lose to call)
.22 is percentage of K/Random 3 or pp(calls river 55%, folds 45%)
.20 is percentage of FD (bluff-raise 10% as you said)
Note: Even if you set the K/Random 3/pp type hands to 100% call of 240 on the river it is still only +222.8 and worse than checking
Last edited by I_LI_Jl; 04-21-2011 at 02:45 PM.