Originally Posted by dhcg86
terrible advice in the 1st paragraph
i am definitely not respected for the money i made with poker, yet people tend to like my posts because i put alot of effort in explaining my reasoning, like i did in the post you are referring to. what you basically said is that i am stupid and cannot think, while telling me what part of my reasoning was wrong would not only help me, but the posters reading your comments. what you are actually producing is worthless, unless one thinks you are that great of a poker mind so that what you say needs no second guessing. i am not convinced yet.
@ punchdancer:
if i were convinced that his range was {AA,KK}, i would be able to profitably setmine. i obviously agree to the statement that from some 3bet frequency on, you are better of 4betshoving than flatting. so there exists one opponent-specific 3betting frequency, at which shoving becomes better than flatting, but also a region of tight 3betting ranges where flatting is superior.
i stated in my first post that for believing that flatting is better than shoving we need pretty strong arguments for his range being tight and value oriented, that's why i asked how many hands in the game this very first 3bet occured. being the first 3bet in the 5th (?) level is indication enough for me that his 3betting range is very tight, assuming hero opens a healthy range.
furthermore, i might have exaggerated with saying that a 2x 3bet is almost always a big pp, but for the playertype who only 3bets once in a bluemoon, it is not impossible to have a 3bet range of {AA-QQ}. and the tighter his experienced 3betting range and the bigger the confidence in our read, the higher is the likelyhood of villain being such a player.
one final advantage i see in flatting: the exact same playertype who 3bets too small plays horribly postflop. instead of cbetting their whole, superstrong range, they check alot to either trap or give up whiffed overcards. depending on our perception of his range we can take advantage of that by either stab/folding small to fold out his equity share, or check it back and get a freecard which he should have prevented us from getting.