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15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? 15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street?

06-07-2014 , 09:00 AM
Villain was a bit tight throughout the match. He did OS 10,7s when 10 bbs ES.
This is his first cbet throughout the match.
It's also was the first time we were in a post flop situation when he raised his button.
Is it best to just x/shove our weak Kx or just x/c .

If we go with x/c should we just fold turn since A smacks his tight range?

PokerStars - $14.69+$0.31|20/40 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 410 (VPIP: 54.55, PFR: 38.10, 3Bet Preflop: 14.29, Hands: 25)
Hero (BB): 590

SB posts SB 20, Hero posts BB 40

Pre Flop: (pot: 60) Hero has K 6

SB raises to 80, Hero calls 40

Flop: (160, 2 players) 2 4 K
Hero checks, SB bets 50, Hero calls 50

Turn: (260, 2 players) A
Hero checks, SB bets 75, Hero calls 75

River: (410, 2 players) 3
Hero checks, SB bets 205 and is all-in, fold,
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-09-2014 , 09:21 PM
Most people are more likely to minraise KT preflop then AT, so id be more afraid to see a better king. Flop descision is interesting. Seems like a decent board to just checkraise small with your whole continuing range if you dont defend superloose pre and villain has balanced mniraise range preflop. But against guy that has a lot of better kings i think your line is fine too. i like the fold on the river
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-10-2014 , 11:49 PM
3 bet shove pre. Kx at 10bb is pretty standard 3bs imo.

as played fold on riv is prob fine.
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by icoon
Most people are more likely to minraise KT preflop then AT, so id be more afraid to see a better king. Flop descision is interesting. Seems like a decent board to just checkraise small with your whole continuing range if you dont defend superloose pre and villain has balanced mniraise range preflop. But against guy that has a lot of better kings i think your line is fine too. i like the fold on the river
I am really interested in the reasoning behind the bold parts. Why KT is more likely to be mr than AT?
Also why should we check raise with our whole continuation range here? Looks quite the opposite to me.
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 10:21 AM
KT has a higher equity edge against the weakest hands that will fold to a openjam than AT does. Postflop we get more folds with KT on axx flops then with AT on Kxx flops. Eitherway i dont think you should have a minr range at all at this stacks but thats how most regs play. Random 15$ is probably much more likely to have ax yea

Postflop our range splits in three groups. we have some kx that has very strong equity against the majority of villains range except for the top percentile where we do poorly against. We have some 2x,4x that has decent equity against the majority of villains range but poor equity against the top, and finally the majority of our range are weak unpaired hands that have low but still sizable equity against villains range. The equity of this final portion more or less linearly decreases when our hands get weaker. I think all hand categorys make sense to raise, kx wants some value against villains weak pairs and air. 2x and 4x want to bet for protection and our air hands are quite weak to float as they cant improve on the turn to a hand stronger than kx so i think they make more sense as a raise aswell. I could be wrong of course, ehat is your argument for just playing a checkcall range?
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 12:21 PM
I'm flatting this pre, and c/c flop and calling down, not folding top pair 10bb.
Also after just 25 hands you are assuming too much, that he raises so few hands doesn't mean its top range
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by none888
I'm flatting this pre, and c/c flop and calling down, not folding top pair 10bb.
Also after just 25 hands you are assuming too much, that he raises so few hands doesn't mean its top range
out of interest, what do you think ev of shipping pre compared to ev of flatting. What is your shoving range here?
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 01:22 PM
I think its close and 3b jam def not bad, but I believe flat is bit better. Here Id 3bet jam basically only for value.
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by icoon
KT has a higher equity edge against the weakest hands that will fold to a openjam than AT does....
First of all, we are likely talking over different scenarios. Vs unknown at 15s, assumed recreational player, I'll be amazed if he can use the logic you describe for choosing to mr KT compared to AT.

Second - we are likely facing higher than average cbet on this board. Check raising Kx here gets value from very narrow range, especially weak Kx - mostly pocket pairs and Ax, since 2x and 4x will be somewhat rare. We fold out very low equity share when ahead and likely fold out most of the air getting no value, while if shoved over our equity is probably not amazing.

Also call me a nit but vs tight player I don't have many 2x and 4x in my flatting range at this depth. And not in a million years I will try to be balanced with air - min check raising it most of the time. It's arguable which is best with weak pair, I really doubt the expectation of raising 4x here is much better compared to calling, in fact I lean towards calling being better.

It's a different story if we are trying to be somewhat balanced vs decent player, but I assume we are talking about maximizing expectation vs recreational player here.

Also having min raise range at this depth is really awesome vs pretty much anyone, I don't see what's wrong with that as long as constructed properly depending on opponent.
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 02:18 PM
Thanks for the replies guys!

There's some interesting comments to digest.

I might have been too nitty to fold on river given effective stacks as none888 points out.

Originally Posted by AggroSquid
3 bet shove pre. Kx at 10bb is pretty standard 3bs imo.

as played fold on riv is prob fine.
Usually I would consider this a 3b shove pre but I didn't think this was the best move given the limited info I had on the opponent.

Originally Posted by none888
I'm flatting this pre, and c/c flop and calling down, not folding top pair 10bb.
Also after just 25 hands you are assuming too much, that he raises so few hands doesn't mean its top range
maybe I am assuming too much just out of curiousity, is it not more likely that we will face somewhat close to top of oppenents range against a 15s recreational player given the action of this hand?
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
06-11-2014 , 05:04 PM
idk stats, but if you say he is tighter than avg opponent, than prob likely he is, but still that doesn't mean he raises here very tight range
15s HT- flopped TP weak kicker. line check plus what is best play in hand on each street? Quote
