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10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... 10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x...

03-21-2011 , 01:50 PM
It was a few days ago so I donīt remember more details than Iīm gonna describe. He didnīt seem donkish at all. Didnīt see any donk plays.

It was the 30/60 level, I had 4000 chips against his 2000 thousand so around 33bb effective.

He was the fold/limp call type. Several times I raised his limp and he called. The hands on showdown were the QJs, J9s, mid-small pairs type.

He always limped but a few 3x distributed along the match. With the type of hands he limp called and his very low frequency of 3xs I felt (donīt have the numbers) his range for 3x IP was AT+ and 99+, maybe TT+, and maybe KQs also.

One more important read is that he did not seem to float air at all when I raised his limp and he called the flop. He always had a pair. I didnīt really cbet air on drawy boards that seemed to hit his limp-call range, so donīt know how he would play good draws.

Within the 30/60 level I had been raising his limp a lot and it seemed that he was getting a bit irritated. Then, he 3x, I have QQ, I think for many seconds and shove. I had a strong feeling that he would call with most/all hands in his 3x range because he was agitated and given he didnīt float the flop unless with a hand I donīt him to call a 3bet with AT miss the flop and fold to cbet, I wanted to force him to play for all the chips. Plus a 3 bet would look too strong given that I never had the chance to 3bet since he opens so little.

What do you think of the play?
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-21-2011 , 02:14 PM
I played a bit with the ranges in Pokerstove.

So if you hold the Queens and the information given by you about the ranges of villain are correct you have 61% against his range (AT+ TT+).
I think the shove is okay here, but often against those limp/call players it's just easier to play them down and not to force though decisions like that.

But I guess I would have called here also.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-21-2011 , 09:17 PM
You mean you would flat the Queens or you would call the shove if you were in his position?
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-21-2011 , 11:55 PM
never a nickname has matched so good a wall of text
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by NittyDonk
You mean you would flat the Queens or you would call the shove if you were in his position?
No, sorry. I meant the shove from you was reasonable and +EV, if this is his real range.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 11:52 AM
Its called a flip OP. Why didnt you 3bet? Im not reading all that sry.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by De_Evolution
Its called a flip OP. Why didnt you 3bet? Im not reading all that sry.
I think i tried to read it yesterday but it's such a jumble. And yeah, just 3bet and let him 4bet jam.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by NittyDonk
his range for 3x IP was AT+ and 99+, maybe TT+, and maybe KQs also....

Then, he 3x, I have QQ, I think for many seconds and shove. I had a strong feeling that he would call with most/all hands in his 3x range because he was agitated ...

I wanted to force him to play for all the chips instead of having a chance to find a fold..
It was a bit of wall of text but these sentences above summarize it..

Itīs short enough now. I was really certain about his range, it couldnīt be any wider.

What do you think of the play?
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:58 PM
Just 3bet to like 500 and snapcall a ship, qq is a bit too strong to just ship over a 3x 33bb deep
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by icoon
Just 3bet to like 500 and snapcall a ship, qq is a bit too strong to just ship over a 3x 33bb deep
What do you think of the argument of shipping instead of 3betting exactly because the 3bet looks way stronger? A ship looks like 66.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 05:22 PM
And if A or K hits board we check fold I guess? How often does that happen?
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:17 PM
my head is asploding every time i open this thread i think im being hardly leveled here
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by NittyDonk
What do you think of the argument of shipping instead of 3betting exactly because the 3bet looks way stronger? A ship looks like 66.
Its true that a normal 3bet looks stronger than a ship, but still people arent going to call k7 or a5 or j9 or t8s if you ship, but its likely they will call all these hands against a normal 3bet, so u are basically missing a lot of value by openshipping over his raise.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by icoon
Its true that a normal 3bet looks stronger than a ship, but still people arent going to call k7 or a5 or j9 or t8s if you ship, but its likely they will call all these hands against a normal 3bet, so u are basically missing a lot of value by openshipping over his raise.
But in this case his range really was as tight as I mentioned. No middle hands in his opening range.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-22-2011 , 11:16 PM
no offense here but when u are so sure about a hand ,there isnt any reason to post it if u plan to argue to any opinion given.

other than that,i think its a spew to jam there and despite the fact u might had been running him over with raises+cbets,if he is the nit u describe he will fold again.

Although wanna add something here,lets assume OP did 3bet and flop comes A83 and we act first,how does anyone go on after this point against the assuming nitty tight old villain? (raise=he calls only if he has us beat imo,check=waisting a ****load of value?)

correct me here plz,although i am a turbo fish and i dont care much but just curious
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-23-2011 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by MrGeros
no offense here but when u are so sure about a hand ,there isnt any reason to post it if u plan to argue to any opinion given.

other than that,i think its a spew to jam there and despite the fact u might had been running him over with raises+cbets,if he is the nit u describe he will fold again.

Although wanna add something here,lets assume OP did 3bet and flop comes A83 and we act first,how does anyone go on after this point against the assuming nitty tight old villain? (raise=he calls only if he has us beat imo,check=waisting a ****load of value?)

correct me here plz,although i am a turbo fish and i dont care much but just curious
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-23-2011 , 02:05 PM
Well, I guess there isnt too much discussion anymore left for this thread.

I really hate when people donīt post the results after the thread came to an end, so here it goes: He snap called with Aces. Sucks it didnt work out this time.

Thanks to everybody who responded.
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
03-24-2011 , 05:56 PM
hahaha yah we all been waiting for results specially in this topic, fold next time, he has Aces every time (well maybe KK 10%)
10s 4man final- I 3bet shove QQ to his 3x... Quote
