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100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called 100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called

01-09-2012 , 04:31 PM
Villain is loosing on sharkscope, he limp 100% hands and limp shove Sb before and 3b jam 1st hand so he is def. agro player he also raise our donk 100% (2/2)

I am for check/jam
and partner for bet fold but agree bet shoud be bigger
but we need more opinions

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 100 Tournament, 10/20 Blinds (2 handed) - PokerStars Hand Converter from

Hero (BB) (t370)
SB (t630)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 7, 10
SB calls t10, Hero bets t60, SB calls t40

Flop: (t120) 9, 3, 6 (2 players)
Hero bets t40, SB raises to t570 (All-In), Hero folds

Total pot: t200
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 04:40 PM
check/jam reps exactly what you have - a ****ty draw?
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 04:42 PM
dont raise pre with T7s against such a player in the first place.

postflop, i am not sure, i bet/fold as a std, but maybe c/shoving is better if he's that aggro
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by qetou
check/jam reps exactly what you have - a ****ty draw?
yes but I expect him stab with no showdown value air and value hand with 9x in it and we will by last agresor so he should fold even if he know our range
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by zorzak
dont raise pre with T7s against such a player in the first place.
I don't think we have enough sample of reads to conclude this. T7s is a great value hand to raise, and just because he was a bit aggro before doesn't mean he didn't just have hands. Like when he limp jam he could have been trapping with a tight range and happened to have the AA or KK or whatever, and when he raised our donk it's just because he hit the flop.

I think sizing needs to be bigger, but that b/f is best option--when he jams over i don't think we have enough reads to conclude he's bluffing a lot there, and when he flats we're going to be happy with a lot of turns--it shouldn't be too hard to decide to barrel or just give up.

I guess it depends a bit on what people's idea of population tendency is with regard to betting IP in raised limp pots when OOP fails to cbet. If it's really wide, then yeah maybe just c/jam is going to best because we get to fold out a lot of his range to help us realize our equity. But i'm not convinced yet that this is an actual population tendency.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 06:09 PM
i dont know how to calculate the probability that he was just getting hands (you do it with that bayesian thingy right?), but isnt T7s a borderline value raise to start with (even without a decent possibility of him being very aggro)?
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 06:26 PM
I wouldn't raise his limp with T7s against this player.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 06:55 PM
raise limp is fine but this is more post flop question
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by bbq
I wouldn't raise his limp with T7s against this player.
+1. as played, bet fold. sizing is fine as you lost the minimum.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-09-2012 , 07:52 PM
i like c/jam flop here
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:14 AM
I'd say c/jam is good if there isnt fd on flop, coz id think hes bet/calling a lot with them as well as 9x 6x, so i think you actually played it the way i would, i dont think bigger bet would make a difference, you get same result anyway. but if theres no fd on flop c/jaming all day.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-10-2012 , 01:14 PM
A bit more info. would be good (like what he had when he raised your 2 prev. donks). Also, I would make a smaller pre raise, has the same effect, like 45-50. As played, I think it's close between b/f and x/j, but on this board texture I would lean towards x/j, as that folds out a lot of his range (SCs, Kx, Qx, Jx type stuff - assuming he'd l/j Ax/PP's pre).
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-10-2012 , 07:34 PM
c jam can never be bad with our equity but you can just fold when he jams and hope he has t8 instead of 87 haha. id probably bet like 50 too. induces less id have to think
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-10-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
c jam can never be bad with our equity but you can just fold when he jams and hope he has t8 instead of 87 haha. id probably bet like 50 too. induces less id have to think
yeah these are pretty much exactly my thoughts. I think 40 is definitely inducing too much.

As for c/jam, i dunno, they seem really close so whatever.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-17-2012 , 09:15 AM
b/f but its close imo.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-17-2012 , 01:10 PM
not raising pre
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-17-2012 , 06:14 PM
wow was going to say raise pre is fine then i realized you´re 18bb deep.
so shallow i dont like raising limps with that type of hand.(deeper its fine, we get a ton of folds on A-high and K-high board and get awesome implied odds)
as played bet/fold 60 or 70 is fine.
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-18-2012 , 11:42 AM
don't raise pre, bet/fold seems better than x/jam
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
01-19-2012 , 10:58 AM
Check back pre, b/f as played
100s hyper January HH swap hand, T7s raise limp and get called Quote
